mansion oor Latyn


/ˈmænʃən/ naamwoord
A large house or building, usually built for the wealthy.

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Christian Heurich Mansion
Domus Heurich


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Nero meanwhile availed himself of his country's desolation, and erected a mansion in which the jewels and gold, long familiar objects, quite vulgarised by our extravagance, were not so marvellous as the fields and lakes, with woods on one side to resemble a wilderness, and, on the other, open spaces and extensive views. The directors and contrivers of the work were Severus and Celer, who had the genius and the audacity to attempt by art even what nature had refused, and to fool away an emperor's resources.
Ii igitur qui cooperando Romano Pontifici ecclesialem communitatem promoventi universalem Eius missionem quovis titulo vel modo adiuvant, etiam ad consiliorum propositorumque consuetudinem atque vitæ normarum constabiliendam communionem vocantur, cui communitatis appellatio melius quam ceteris omnibus consortionibus competit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It would not be easy to enter into a computation of the private mansions, the blocks of tenements, and of the temples, which were lost. Those with the oldest ceremonial, as that dedicated by Servius Tullius to Luna, the great altar and shrine raised by the Arcadian Evander to the visibly appearing Hercules, the temple of Jupiter the Stayer, which was vowed by Romulus, Numa's royal palace, and the sanctuary of Vesta, with the tutelary deities of the Roman people, were burnt.
Germanicus superiorem ad exercitum profectus secundam et tertiam decumam et sextam decumam legiones nihil cunctatas sacramento adigit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A number of the older mansions have been restored, and more have been stabilized.
Interea Mithridates nullo in armis subsidio consultat cuius misericordiam experiretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like many other mansions, the family rented space on the ground floor to merchants and rooms inside as living quarters.
Vt Sinopen venere, munera preces mandata regis sui Scydrothemidi adlegant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of Rome meanwhile, so much as was left unoccupied by his mansion, was not built up, as it had been after its burning by the Gauls, without any regularity or in any fashion, but with rows of streets according to measurement, with broad thoroughfares, with a restriction on the height of houses, with open spaces, and the further addition of colonnades, as a protection to the frontage of the blocks of tenements.
In eo proelio non amplius CC milites desideravit, sed centuriones, fortes viros, circiter XXX amisit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They find an empty mansion and stay there for five days in blissful happiness, until their presence is discovered one day by the cleaning woman.
et quidam prensa manu eius per speciem exosculandi inseruerunt digitos ut vacua dentibus ora contingeret; alii curvata senio membra ostendebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1997 the mansion was entered in the list of monuments of architecture of local value.
Ipse arcano cum paucis familiaribus suis colloquitur consiliumque fugae capere constituit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This Italianate mansion, the only survivor of the many mansions that once ringed the circle, was built in 1901 by New York architect Stanford White for Robert Patterson, editor of the Chicago Tribune, and his wife Nellie, heiress to the Chicago Tribune fortune.
nam a legibus delicta puniri: quanto fore mitius in ipsos, melius in socios, provideri ne peccaretur? adversum quae disseruit Caesar: non quidem sibi ignare quae de Silano vulgabantur, sed non ex rumore statuendum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meanwhile a mingled murmur through the street / rolls onward – wails of anguish, shrieks of fear –, / and though my father's mansion stood secrete, / embowered in foliage, nearer and more near / peals the dire clang of arms, and loud and clear, / borne on fierce echoes that in tumult blend, / war-shout and wail come thickening on the ear.
Fine anni excessere insignes viri Asinius Agrippa, claris maioribus quam vetustis vitaque non degener, et Q. Haterius, familia senatoria, eloquentiae quoad vixit celebratae: monimenta ingeni eius haud perinde retinentur.tatoeba tatoeba
On arriving at Gavin's mansion, a tense rivalry becomes apparent between Doug and Gavin.
Eo cum venisset, maiores iam undique in eum locum copiae Britannorum convenerant summa imperi bellique administrandi communi consilio permissa Cassivellauno, cuius fines a maritimis civitatibus fiumen dividit, quod appellatur Tamesis, a mari circiter milia passuum LXXX.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was fitting that the spouse, whom the Father had taken to himself, should live in the divine mansions.
Centuriones, quorum nonnulli ex inferioribus ordinibus reliquarum legionum virtutis causa in superiores erant ordines huius legionis traducti, ne ante partam rei militaris laudem amitterent, fortissime pugnantes
Even then men were still at liberty to court and be courted by the city populace, by our allies and by foreign princes, and every one who from his wealth, his mansion and his establishment was conspicuously grand, gained too proportionate lustre by his name and his numerous clientele.
Responsum est a contione mandata Clementi centurioni quae perferret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The burglar must have entered the mansion from the roof.
inde Patavium et Ateste partibus adiunxere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Better, he said, ""in the capital, in that hateful mansion which was piled up with the plunder of the citizens, or in public, to accomplish what on the State's behalf they had undertaken."" So he said openly, with however a secret apprehension that Lucius Silanus might, on the strength of his distinguished rank and the teachings of Caius Cassius, under whom he had been trained, aspire to any greatness and seize an empire, which would be promptly offered him by all who had no part in the conspiracy, and who would pity Nero as the victim of a crime."
Bituriges eorum discessu statim cum Arvernis iunguntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Christian Heurich Mansion
Huc frumentum comportare, castra munire, materiam conferre coepit statimque in Siciliam misit, uti duae legiones reliquusque equitatus ad se mitteretur.langbot langbot
Meanwhile a mingled murmur through the street / rolls onward – wails of anguish, shrieks of fear –, / and though my father's mansion stood secrete, / embowered in foliage, nearer and more near / peals the dire clang of arms, and loud and clear, / borne on fierce echoes that in tumult blend, / war-shout and wail come thickening on the ear.
et habet sectatores vel potius satellites, qui nondum contumaciam sententiarum, sed habitum vultumque eius sectantur, rigidi et tristes, quo tibi lasciviam exprobrent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Then all the multitude of the children of Israel setting forward from the desert of Sin, by their mansions, according to the word of the Lord, encamped in Raphidim, where there was no water for the people to drink.
de Furnio et Toranio quique alios in eodem valetudinario haec ossa et hanc maciem probant: ipse mihi Calvus, cum unum et viginti, utpar puto, libros reliquerit, vix in una et altera oratiuncula satis facit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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