mark off oor Latyn

mark off

(transitive) To separate by or as with a boundary line.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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Soortgelyke frases

one who marks off
mark off w|boundary
marking off with stakes|palings
bound|mark off with stakes|palings
mark off by boundaries
ground marked off for combat
marking off boundary
place marked off by the augur's staff


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The two spheres ought also to be clearly marked off.
pro consule Vitellium Siliani in Africa habuerant; mox a Nerone, ut in Aegyptum praemitterentur, exciti et ob bellum Vindicis revocati ac tum in Italia manentes, instinctu decurionum, qui Othonis ignari, Vitellio obstricti robur adventantium legionum et famam Germanici exercitus attollebant, transiere in partis et ut donum aliquod novo principi firmissima transpadanae regionis municipia, Mediolanum ac Novariam et Eporediam et Vercellas,
This granite marks off twenty-foot by twenty-foot spaces, thought by Cobb to be the smallest desirable gallery space.
et Segestani aedem Veneris montem apud Erycum, vetustate dilapsam, restaurari postulavere, nota memorantes de origine eius et laeta Tiberio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather, indeed, for the very reason that, under the influence of passion and political partisanship, things lawful and unlawful are to be found mingled in the same cause, it has been Our constant effort to mark off what was right from what was wrong, and to withhold Catholics from everything not sanctioned by the Christian rules of morals.
Calvina soror eius Italia pulsa
This then I believe to be the first and chief cause of so marked a falling off among us from the eloquence of the old orators.
Instructo exercitu magis ut loci natura [deiectusque collis] et necessitas temporis quam ut rei militaris ratio atque ordo postulabat, cum diversae legiones aliae alia in parte hostibus resisterent saepibusque densissimis, ut ante demonstravimus, interiectis prospectus impediretur, neque certa subsidia conlocari neque quid in quaque parte opus esset provideri neque ab uno omnia imperia administrari poterant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Give us then not a panegyric on the ancients (their own fame is a sufficient panegyric) but tell us plainly the reasons why with us there has been such a falling off from their eloquence, the more marked as dates have proved that from the death of Cicero to this present day is but a hundred and twenty years.
"obvius in Palatio Iulius Atticus speculator, cruentum gladium ostentans, occisum a se Othonem exclamavit; et Galba ""commilito"", inquit, ""quis iussit?"" insigni animo ad coercendam militarem licentiam, minantibus intrepidus, adversus blandientis incorruptus."latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the climate of increased cultural and religious pluralism which is expected to mark the society of the new millennium, it is obvious that this dialogue will be especially important in establishing a sure basis for peace and warding off the dread spectre of those wars of religion which have so often bloodied human history.
at quidam insontes
6 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.