much beloved oor Latyn

much beloved

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Charlton T. Lewis

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30. Meanwhile may the Apostolic Benediction be for you an omen of heavenly graces, which in testimony of Our most special benevolence, We impart with much affection in the Lord both to you, Venerable Brothers and beloved sons, and to the whole and dearest Chinese nation.
Quibus rebus cognitis, cum ad has suspiciones certissimae res accederent, quod per fines Sequanorum Helvetios traduxisset, quod obsides inter eos dandos curasset, quod ea omnia non modo iniussu suo et civitatis sed etiam inscientibus ipsis fecisset, quod a magistratu Haeduorum accusaretur, satis esse causae arbitrabatur quare in eum aut ipse animadverteret aut civitatem animadvertere
In this way they will collaborate, under the direction of especially qualified priests, in that work of spiritual aid to the laboring classes on which We set so much store, because it is the means best calculated to save these, Our beloved children, from the snares of Communism.
Ea constanter omnia aspernabatur nec sibi quicquam fore antiquius quam dignitatem populi Romani et regna sociorum reciperare legatis
On the twenty-eighth day of this month of October you will happily have completed the fiftieth year from the time when, as one of the faithful in the diocese of Eichstätt, you were chosen, precisely by the secret designs of the Lord of the harvest, and were admitted among the priests of the people of God. At that same time, therefore, you eagerly entered into the work of that sacred ministry which bore so much and such great fruit; at times for your beloved people of Eichstätt, at other times for the whole church.
Qua ex fuga cum constaret Drappetem Senonem, qui, ut primum defecerat Gallia, collectis undique perditis hominibus, servis ad libertatem vocatis, exulibus omnium civitatum adscitis, receptis latronibus impedimenta et commeatus Romanorum interceperat, non amplius hominum duobus milibus ex fuga collectis provinciam petere unaque consilium cum eo Lucterium Cadurcum cepisse, quem superiore commentario prima defectione Galliae facere in provinciam voluisse impetum cognitum est, Caninius legatus cum legionibus duabus ad eos persequendos contendit, nedetrimento aut timore provinciae magna infamia perditorum hominum latrociniis
While we desire very much and pray fervently to God that this holy celebration will redound to the benefit and the increase of religion, we willingly impart to you, Beloved Brother, to your Auxiliary Bishop, to the clergy, religious, and faithful, entrusted to your pastoral care, the Apostolic Blessing, as a token of heavenly favours and a proof of our affection.
Isdem temporibus in superiore Germania trepidatum adventu Chattorum latrocinia
4 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.