much less oor Latyn

much less

(idiomatic) Let alone; to say nothing of.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


noun adverb
Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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so much the more|less


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In powder form, zirconium is highly flammable, but the solid form is much less prone to ignition.
at causa necis ex eo quod domum suamMnesteris et Poppaeae congressibus praebuissent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the New Testament, human life is much less governed by prescriptions than in the Old Testament.
Vercingetorix, ubi de Caesaris adventu cognovit, oppuguatione destitit atque obviam Caesari
A God with responsibility for such a world would not be a just God, much less a good God.
infensus miles memoria laborum et adversum eludentis optatae totiens pugnae se quisque ultione et sanguine
God's law does not reduce, much less do away with human freedom; rather, it protects and promotes that freedom.
Etiam Cingulo, quod oppidum Labienus constituerat suaque pecunia exaedificaverat, ad eum legati veniunt quaeque imperaverit se cupidissime facturos
The apparatus for this purpose, and the skill in operating it, need be much less than for the ordinary telegraphing.
The author presents a system approach of this interactional problem in which psycho–educational, supportive and directive techniques are supplementary.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I don’t know that this opportunity has sunk in yet, much less sitting on the pole for the Daytona 500.
Cum hostium acies a sinistro cornu pulsa atque in fugam coniecta esset, a dextro cornu vehementer multitudine suorum nostram aciem premebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are roughly 14,000 active duty personnel, which is much less compared to the numbers seen during the Nicaraguan Revolution.
Itaque duabus auxiliaribus cohortibus Ilerdae praesidio relictis omnibus copiis Sicorim transeunt et cum duabus legionibus, quas superioribus diebus traduxerant, castra coniungunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They will not sustain even the din and the shout of so many thousands, much less our charge and our blows.
Cerialis postero die coloniam Trevirorum ingressus est, avido milite eruendae civitatis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The methodology and knowledge are much less proven as compared to natural science or even social science like sociology and economics.
Ad eum locum fluminis navibus iunctis pontem imperant fieri legionesque duas flumen Sicorim traducunt, castraque muniunt vallo pedum XII.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This means that no one culture can ever become the criterion of judgment, much less the ultimate criterion of truth with regard to God's Revelation.
In his erant legionibus hominum milia tria CC; reliqui vulneribus ex proeliis et labore ac magnitudine itineris confecti consequi non
In Europe, while the aforementioned Scolytus multistriatus again acts as vector for infection, it is much less effective than the large elm bark beetle Scolytus scolytus.
postulatusque apud consules a patre interfectae, postquam tribunatu abierat, sententia patrum et lege de sicariis condemnatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A righteous man and a lover of peace, who coveted no sudden elevation, much less the throne, he could not escape being thought to deserve it.
Caesar respondit se fore aequissimum Pharnaci, si quae polliceretur repraesentaturus esset. Monuit autem, ut solebat, mitibus verbis legatos, ne aut Deiotarum sibi obicerent aut nimis eo gloriarentur beneficio, quod auxilia Pompeio non misissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For rationalism it is unthinkable that God should be the Redeemer, much less that he should be "the Bridegroom", the primordial and unique source of the human love between spouses.
At Caesar milites Attianos collaudat, Pupium dimittit, Auximatibus agit gratias seque eorum facti memorem fore
A correct relationship with the created world demands that we not weaken this social dimension of openness to others, much less the transcendent dimension of our openness to the “Thou” of God.
vix praesenti custodia manere inlaesa coniugia: quid fore si per pluris annos in modumdiscidii oblitterentur? sic obviam irent iis quae alibi peccarentur ut flagitiorum urbis
2. The blessings of divine truth and grace, which Christ brought to the human race by His religion, are so excellent and useful that it cannot be compared, much less equated, with any other.
Marcellus cum confligere miserrimum putaret, quod et victoris et victi detrimentum ad eundem Caesarem esset redundaturum neque suae potestatis esset, legiones Baetim traducit aciemque
12. The frailty of nature would be much less fearful, and the moral character would grow weak and enervated with much less ease if that divine precept were not so much disregarded and treated almost with disdain.
Id vero militibus fuit pergratum et iucundum, ut ex ipsa significatione cognosci potuit, ut, qui aliquid iusti incommodi exspectavissent, ultro praemium missionis
Although French influence on Grenadian culture is much less visible than on some other Caribbean islands, surnames and place names in French remain, and the everyday language is laced with French words and the local dialect, or Patois.
Characteristics of the sexual abuse were assessed with the anamnestic Questionnaire Unwanted Sexual Experiences in the Past, the QUSEP (Lange, Lachnit & Sjollema, 1996 ), which enables respondents to disclose various ‘objective’ characteristics of the abuse and their way of having dealt with it step by step.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nor would he suffer Antonius Primus to be taken into the number of Domitian's attendants, for he felt uneasy at his popularity with the troops, and feared the proud spirit of the man, who could not endure an equal, much less a superior.
Locupletissimi veste distinguuntur, non fluitante, sicut Sarmatae ac Parthi, sed stricta et singulos artus exprimente.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For no one can fail to see that children are incapable of providing wholly for themselves, even in matters pertaining to their natural life, and much less in those pertaining to the supernatural, but require for many years to be helped, instructed, and educated by others.
Cuius praeceptis ut res gereretur, Quintus Atius Varus, praefectus equitum, singularis et animi et prudentiae vir, suos hortatur agmenque hostium consecutus turmas partim idoneis locis disponit, parte equitum proelium
But though a decree was voted by the Senate on a liberal scale and without any restrictions as to rank or numbers, he never so much as went near the walls of Rome, much less the State-council, for he would often go round and avoid his native city by circuitous routes.
hunc iuvenem Galba, quaestorem in Baetica impigre in partis suas transgressum, legioni praeposuit: mox compertum publicam pecuniam avertisse ut peculatorem flagitari iussit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Although people are rightly worried — though much less than they should be — about preserving the natural habitats of the various animal species threatened with extinction, because they realize that each of these species makes its particular contribution to the balance of nature in general, too little effort is made to safeguard the moral conditions for an authentic "human ecology".
praesto fuere Luguduni victricium victarumque partium
When does the rumour of the very choicest readings penetrate every part of Rome, much less is talked of throughout our numerous provinces? How few, when they visit the capital from Spain or Asia, to say nothing of our Gallic neighbours, ask after Saleius Bassus! And indeed, if any one does ask after him, having once seen him, he passes on, and is satisfied, as if he had seen a picture or a statue.
Cum tridui viam processisset, nuntiatum est ei Ariovistum cum suis omnibus copiis ad occupandum Vesontionem, quod est oppidum maximum Sequanorum, contendere [triduique viam a suis finibus processisse]. Id ne accideret, magnopere sibi praecavendum Caesar existimabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
With Us was in harmony the immense multitude not only of the clergy both secular and regular, but likewise of the Catholic laity, or, rather, the great majority of the Spanish people, who, notwithstanding their personal opinions and provocations and vexations by adversaries of the Church, kept themselves aloof from acts of violence and reprisals, in tranquil subjection to the constituted power, without having to resort to disorder and much less to civil war.
Caesar hac oratione Lisci Dumnorigem, Diviciaci fratrem, designari sentiebat, sed, quod pluribus praesentibus eas res iactari nolebat, celeriter concilium dimittit, Liscum
In effect, if it is true that We cannot exempt ourselves from the duty of religion at any period of life, in private or public affairs, so much the less should this duty be omitted at any age which is thoughtless, in which the spirit is ardent and exposed to so many inducements to evil.
Interim saepe cum legati ultro citroque inter eos mitterentur, Ariovistus postulavit ne quem peditem ad conloquium Caesar adduceret: vereri se ne per insidias ab eo circumveniretur; uterque cum equitatu veniret: alia ratione sese non esse venturum. Caesar, quod neque conloquium interposita causa tolli volebat neque salutem suam Gallorum equitatui committere audebat, commodissimum esse statuit omnibus equis Gallis equitibus detractis eo legionarios milites legionis X., cui quam maxime confidebat, imponere, ut praesidium quam amicissimum, si quid opus facto esset,
A more devolved and organic system of social solidarity, less bureaucratic but no less coordinated, would make it possible to harness much dormant energy, for the benefit of solidarity between peoples.
Sed vis et potentia regibus ex auctoritate Romana: raro armis nostris, saepius pecunia juvantur, nec minus
32 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.