much talked of oor Latyn

much talked of

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Today we hear much talk of ethics in the world of economy, finance and business.
Hos omnes flumina
There was much talk of every kind on the subject, and it was argued before the emperor with vehement opposition.
Causa periculi non crimen ullum aut querela laesi cuiusquam, sed infensus virtutibus princeps et gloria viri ac pessimum inimicorum genus, laudantes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When does the rumour of the very choicest readings penetrate every part of Rome, much less is talked of throughout our numerous provinces? How few, when they visit the capital from Spain or Asia, to say nothing of our Gallic neighbours, ask after Saleius Bassus! And indeed, if any one does ask after him, having once seen him, he passes on, and is satisfied, as if he had seen a picture or a statue.
cum divus Augustus sibi atque urbi Romae templum apud Pergamum sisti non prohibuisset, qui omnia facta dictaque eius vice legis observem, placitum iam exemplum promptius secutus sum quia cultui meo veneratio senatus adiungebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
An example of this is the deep-seated distrust of reason which has surfaced in the most recent developments of much of philosophical research, to the point where there is talk at times of “the end of metaphysics”.
Paucos numero, trepidos ignorantia, caelum ipsum ac mare et silvas, ignota omnia circumspectantis, clausos quodam modo ac vinctos di nobis
With various talks the night poor Dido wore, / and drank deep love, and nursed her inward flame, / of Priam much she asks, of Hector more, / now in what arms Aurora's offspring came, / of Diomede's horses and Achilles' fame.
Haec a custodiis classium loca maxime vacabant, quod se longius a portibus committere non audebant.tatoeba tatoeba
With various talks the night poor Dido wore, / and drank deep love, and nursed her inward flame, / of Priam much she asks, of Hector more, / now in what arms Aurora's offspring came, / of Diomede's horses and Achilles' fame.
Iamque hiems appropinquabat, et tantis detrimentis acceptis Octavius desperata oppugnatione oppidi Dyrrachium sese ad Pompeium recepit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Then followed much talk about Augustus himself, and many expressed an idle wonder that the same day marked the beginning of his assumption of empire and the close of his life, and, again, that he had ended his days at Nola in the same house and room as his father Octavius.
primusque Messala Corvinus eam potestatem et paucos intra dies finem accepit quasi nescius exercendi; tum Taurus Statilius, quamquam provecta aetate, egregie toleravit; dein Piso viginti per annos pariter probatus publico funere ex decreto senatus celebratus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Is it surprising that, with so many distracting cares, foreseeing too the immense elevation to which a man would be raised above others by such an alliance, he talked of Caius Proculeius and certain persons of singularly quiet life, wholly free from political entanglements? Still, if the hesitation of Augustus is to influence us, how much stronger is the fact that he bestowed his daughter on Marcus Agrippa, then on myself.
non enim Seianum Vulsiniensem set Claudiae et Iuliae domus partem, quas adfinitate occu paverat, tuum, Caesar, generum, tui consulatus socium, tua officia in re publica capessentem colebamus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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