next time oor Latyn

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Charlton T. Lewis

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The next time we see Ivan, he could be dead.
Hic interim liber honori Agricolae soceri mei destinatus, professione pietatis aut laudatus erit aut excusatus.QED QED
Maybe next time.
His rebus constitutis Caesar ad portum Itium cum legionibus pervenit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Determining precisely how many people lived on the island in pre-Columbian times is next to impossible, as no accurate records exist.
decesserat certamen virtutis et ambitio gloriae, felicium hominum adfectus: sola misericordia valebat, et apud minores magis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sara shall bring forth to thee at this time in the next year.
Rubellio et Fufio consulibus, quorum utrique Geminus cognomentum erat, Iulia Augusta mortem obiit, aetate s extrema, nobilitatis per Claudiam familiam et adoptione Liviorum Iuliorumque clarissimae.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The Dutch stopped at the island four more times in the next 25 years, and in 1656 created the first rough charts of the archipelago.
Eodem impetu cohortes sinistrum cornu pugnantibus etiam tum ac resistentibus in acie Pompeianis circumierunt eosque a tergo sunt adorti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Next day Tiridates begged for time which, as he was about to enter on so long a journey, might suffice for a previous visit to his brothers and his mother.
Tum vero neque ad explorandum idoneum locum castris neque ad progrediendum data facultate consistunt necessario et procul ab aqua et natura iniquo loco castra ponunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In 1383 the King of England finally gave the monks a plot of building land right next to their old home but this time on the right side of the wall.
Dum haec in conloquio geruntur, Caesari nuntiatum est equites Ariovisti propius tumulum accedere et ad nostros adequitare, lapides telaque in nostros coicere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Otho remained in Lusitania for the next 10 years, administering the province with a moderation unusual at the time.
Nec locus ubi Troia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the mean time the whole body of the Suessiones, after their flight, came the next night into the town.
Adversus quae cum augur Lentulus aliique varie dissererent, eo decursum est ut pontificis maximi sententiam opperirentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Prefecture compiles the Holy See’s consolidated financial statement of the previous year’s expenditures as well as the consolidated estimates of the next year’s expenditures, and submits these at specific times to higher authority for approval.
Qua re animadversa Caesar Germanos levis armaturae equitumque partem flumen traicit crebrasque in ripis custodias
The legions had caught the infection of mutiny, and next assailed Aponius Saturnius, legate of the army of Moesia, this time the more furiously because their rage broke out, not as before, when they were wearied with labour and military toils, but at mid-day.
Veneti reliquaeque item civitates cognito Caesaris adventu [certiores facti], simul quod quantum in se facinus admisissent intellegebant, [legatos, quod nomen ad omnes nationes sanctum inviolatumque semper fuisset, retentos ab se et in vincula coniectos,] pro magnitudine periculi bellum parare et maxime ea quae ad usum navium pertinent providere instituunt, hoc maiore spe quod multum natura loci confidebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Methodius however had to carry out the next stages by himself, because his younger brother, now gravely ill, scarcely had time to take religious vows and put on the monastic habit before he died shortly afterwards, on 14 February 869 in Rome.
Etenim, ut omnia pressius comprehendamus, quæ supra explicata sunt, Visitationis «ad limina» institutum, auctoritate sane graveob moris antiquitatem atque ob præclarum pastorale momentum, summæ utilitatis instrumentum est, per quod sive Ecclesiæ catholicitas sive Episcoporum Collegii unitas atque communio, in Petri successore fundatæ, atque per illa sanctissima loca, in quibus Apostolorum Principes martyrium subierunt, significatæ, re et veritate exprimuntur; quarum theologicum, pastorale, sociale religiosumquc pondus nemo est qui
Next day the murder was notorious, and there was no question as to the murderer, for it was proved that he had passed some time with her.
Vetus ac iam pridem insita mortalibus potentiae cupido cum imperii magnitudine adolevit erupitque; nam rebus modicis aequalitas facile habebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
May he show us the paths of this saving Covenant as we stand at the threshold of the next millennium, in which there must be a continuation and further development of the "fullness of time" that belongs the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation of the Word.
et fuere qui inimicos suos specie militum
At the next meeting of the Senate Caesar began by recommending that the wrongs, the resentments, and the terrible necessities of former times, should be forgotten, and Mucianus spoke at great length in favour of the informers.
Haec cum facta sunt in consilio, magna spe et laetitia omnium discessum est; ac iam animo victoriam praecipiebant, quod de re tanta et a tam perito imperatore nihil frustra confirmari videbatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the same time you made known to us the proposal to prepare yourself and the whole community of your Church for that important Jubilee during the next ten years.
Maneat, quaeso, duretque gentibus, si non amor nostri, at certe odium sui: quando, urgentibus imperii fatis, nihil jam praestare fortuna majus potest, quam hostium
The next day (as there remained in all only two day's space [to the time] when he must serve out the corn to his army, and as he was not more than eighteen miles from Bibracte, by far the largest and best-stored town of the Aedui), he thought that he ought to provide for a supply of corn; and diverted his march from the Helvetii, and advanced rapidly to Bibracte.
namque illa aetas duo pacis decora simul tulit: sed Labeo incorrupta libertate et ob id fama celebratior, Capitonis obsequium dominantibus magis probabatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nero next appointed three ex-consuls, Lucius Piso, Ducennius Geminus, and Pompeius Paulinus, to the management of the public revenues, and inveighed at the same time against former emperors whose heavy expenditure had exceeded their legitimate income.
crediderat nimirum epistulae subsidio sibi alterum ex consulibus poscentis ut tutus a Capreis urbem peteret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar arrived here in two days; after pitching his camp before the town, being prevented by the time of the day, he defers the attack to the next day, and orders his soldiers to prepare whatever was necessary for that enterprise; and as a bridge over the Loire connected the town of Genabum with the opposite bank, fearing lest the inhabitants should escape by night from the town, he orders two legions to keep watch under arms.
Ubi turris altitudo perducta est ad contabulationem, eam in parietes instruxerunt, ita ut capita tignorum extremaparietum structura tegerentur, ne quid emineret, ubi ignis hostium adhaeresceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar, having conveyed his baggage to the nearest hill, and having left two legions to guard it, pursued as far as the time of day would permit, and after slaying about three thousand of the rear of the enemy, encamped at Alesia on the next day.
tradit Fabius Rusticus non eo quo venerat intinere redi[sse] t[ribun]um, sed flexisse ad Faenium praefectum et expositis Caesaris iussis an obtemperaret interrogavisse, monitumque ab eo ut exsequeretur, fatali omnium ignavia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The next day Caesar, the tower being advanced, and the works which he had determined to raise being arranged, a violent storm arising, thought this no bad time for executing his designs, because he observed the guards arranged on the walls a little too negligently, and therefore ordered his own men to engage in their work more remissly, and pointed out what he wished to be done.
inerat tamen simplicitas ac liberalitas, quae, ni adsit modus, in exitium vertuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar could not double the cape with the same wind, but keeping the sea at anchor all night, appeared early next morning before Adrumetum. He set fire to all the transports without Cothon, and took what galleys he found there, or forced them into the harbor; and having waited some time to offer the enemy battle, returned again to his camp.
Ceterum uterque ad Vologaesen regem nuntiis monebant, pacem quam bellum mallet datisque obsidibus solitam prioribus reverentiam in populum Romanum continuaret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Being acquainted with the nature of the country, he left behind him six cohorts to guard the bridge, the camp, and all his baggage, and the next day set off in person for Ilerda, with all his forces drawn up in three lines, and halted just before the camp of Afranius, and having remained there a short time under arms, he offered him battle on equal terms.
Si Romani totum notum orbem terrarum superare nequissent, fortasse Celtae suam culturam excolere potuissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
29 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.