not to be broken oor Latyn

not to be broken

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Charlton T. Lewis

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Even when man sins, this God seeks him and loves him, so that the relationship may not be broken off and love may continue to flow.
Etiam cum homo labitur, Deus hic eum quaerit et diligit, ne frangatur necessitudo utque amor fluere
275) One will then be able to see that the controversy had not broken out in vain, because it "was the occasion for learning"(276) and progress has been made in the understanding of the faith.
105, 16: PL 33, 403) Deus. Tunc enim manifesto constabit haud coortam esse controversiam nequiquam, quoniam ex ea sane “discendi exsistit occasio” (EIUSDEM De civitate Dei. 16, 2, 1: PL 41, 477) factique etiam progressus sunt ad fidei
A rumour had also gone forth that the chiefs of Gaul, whom Otho had sent against Vitellius, had, before their departure, bound themselves by a compact not to fall the cause of freedom, should the power of Rome be broken by a continuous succession of civil wars and internal calamities.
incesseratque fama primores Galliarum ab Othone adversus Vitellium missos, antequam digrederentur, pepigisse ne deessent libertati, si populum Romanum continua civilium bellorum series et interna mala fregissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Since "Rus" of Kiev—with the spread of the Christian faith which had been brought there at the end of the tenth century after Christ—on account of its geographical position was found to be situated within the ambit of authority of the Eastern Church, the centre of which was, as it were, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, it is not surprising that several solutions put forward for healing the unity which had been broken were to be met with rather frequently in "Rus".
Cum autem “ Rus ” Kioviensis – aucta iam fide christiana sibi inserta exeunte decimo post Christum saeculo – inveniretur ob suum geographicum situm in ambitu ipso autoritatis Ecclesiae orientalis, cuius veluti centrum erat Patriarchatus Constantinopolitanus, mirandum ideo non est quod susceptae plures viae redintegrandi perfractam unitatem saepius in eandem “ Rus ”
Therefore, that this might not happen, having pitched his camp in a woody place opposite to one of those bridges which Vercingetorix had taken care should be broken down, the next day he stopped behind with two legions in a secret place; he sent on the rest of the forces as usual, with all the baggage, after having selected some cohorts, that the number of the legions might appear to be complete.
Itaque, ne id accideret, silvestri loco castris positis e regione unius eorum pontium, quos Vercingetorix rescindendos curaverat, postero die cum duabus legionibus in occulto restitit; reliquas copias cum omnibus impedimentis, ut consueverat, misit, apertis quibusdam cohortibus, uti numerus legionum constare videretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The bread which is broken on our altars, offered to us as wayfarers along the paths of the world, is panis angelorum, the bread of angels, which cannot be approached except with the humility of the centurion in the Gospel: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof ” (Mt 8:8; Lk 7:6).
Qui nostris in aris frangitur panis, nobis in condicione peregrinantibus per huius orbis vias, est semper "panis angelorum", ad quem accedere nisi cum demissione centurionis in Evangelio non licet: "Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum" (Mt 8, 8; Lc 7, 6)
It is precisely by moving from "an integral vision of man and of his vocation, not only his natural and earthly, but also his supernatural and eternal vocation,"[87] that Paul VI affirmed that the teaching of the Church "is founded upon the inseparable connection, willed by God and unable to be broken by man on his own initiative, between the two meanings of the conjugal act: the unitive meaning and the procreative meaning."[
Admonens quidem Paulus VI, Pontifex Maximus, « ut totum hominem totumque, ad quod is vocatus est, munus complectatur, quod non tantum ad naturalia et terrena sed etiam ad supernaturalla et aeterna pertinet » (87), hoc affirmavit super Ecclesiae doctrina: « in nexu indissolubili nititur, a Deo statuto, quem homini sua sponte infringere non licet, inter significationem unitatis et significationem procreationis, quae ambae in actu coniugali insunt » (88)
Raising the population, in which is no lack of able-bodied men, he resolved to drive back the Othonianists from the borders of his province; but the mountaineers were cut down and broken by the first charge, as might be expected of men who had been hastily collected, who were not familiar with camps or with regular command, who saw no glory in victory, no infamy in flight.
is concita gente (nec deest iuventus) arcere provinciae finibus Othonianos intendit: sed primo impetu caesi disiectique montani, ut quibus temere collectis, non castra, non ducem noscitantibus, neque in victoria decus esset neque in fuga flagitium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"She would go anywhere in the world, where she might hear of the insults heaped on the emperor, rather than witness them, and be also involved in his perils."" These and the like complaints, rendered impressive by tears and by the cunning of an adulteress, no one checked, as all longed to see the mother's power broken, while not a person believed that the son's hatred would steel his heart to her murder."
haec atque talia lacrimis et arte adulterae penetrantia nemo prohibebat, cupientibus cunctis infringi potentiam matris et credente nullo usque ad caedem eius duratura filii odia.latin-ancient latin-ancient
9 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.