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Charlton T. Lewis

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It will not be superfluous to recall that the defense of the necessity of grace is, for Augustine, the defense of Christian freedom.
Reminisci hic attinet necessitatis gratiae defensionem apud Augustinum esse ipsius christianae libertatis
It would be difficult not to recall that the Marian Year took place only shortly before the events of 1989.
Fieri vix potest quin asseveretur Marialem Annum proxime eventus anni MCMLXXXIX
With regard to the first, perhaps it will not be superfluous to recall the words of the Pontifical which on the day of ordination the bishop addresses to the new priest as he hands to him on the paten and in the chalice the bread and wine offered by the faithful and prepared by the deacon: "Accipe oblationem plebis sanctae Deo offerendam.
Episcopus ad novensilem facit sacerdotem, dum in patena caliceque ei committit panem ac vinum a fidelibus oblata et a diaconis praeparata: “Accipe oblationem plebis sanctae Deo
3. However, there are some things which are so important for the progress of the Catholic religion that it does not suffice to mention them only once; they demand to be recalled and recommended often.
Sunt quaedam tamen ad rei catholicae profectum ita necessaria, ut ea semel attigisse non satis sit; commemorari saepius et commendari
For those who act in this way we wish to recall the rule laid down by the Council prescribing that exercises of piety should be harmonized with the liturgy not merged into it.
Illis, qui ita agunt, volumus commemorare normam Concili, iuxta quam pia exercitia cum liturgia sunt temperanda, minime vero cum ea
The sexual activity, in which husband and wife are intimately and chastely united with one another, through which human life is transmitted, is, as the recent Council recalled, "noble and worthy.'' (11) It does not, moreover, cease to be legitimate even when, for reasons independent of their will, it is foreseen to be infertile. For its natural adaptation to the expression and strengthening of the union of husband and wife is not thereby suppressed.
Hi actus, quibus coniuges intime et caste copulantur, et per quos vita humana propagatur, quemadmodum recens Concilium admonuit, honesti ac digna sunt;(11) iidemque legitimi esse non desinunt, etsi infecundi praevideantur propter causas a coniugum voluntate nequaquam manantes, cum non cesset eorum destinatio ad coniugum coniunctionem significandam
As members of the Episcopal College, Bishops are consecrated not just for a single Diocese but for the salvation of all mankind.274 This teaching of the Second Vatican Council was recalled by the Synod Fathers in order to emphasize the fact that each Bishop needs to be conscious of the missionary character of his pastoral ministry.
Ut membra Collegii episcopalis, Episcopi non solum pro aliqua dioecesi, sed etiam pro totius mundi salute consecrantur.274 Doctrina haec, memorata in Concilio Vaticano II, a Patribus synodalibus iterum est in memoriam revocata, in qua affirmatur quemlibet Episcopum conscium esse debere naturae missionalis proprii ministerii
It is not superfluous to recall the following points: to evangelize is first of all to bear witness, in a simple and direct way, to God revealed by Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, to bear witness that in His Son God has loved the world - that in His Incarnate Word He has given being to all things and has called men to eternal life.
Supervacaneum fortasse non est hoc commonere: evangelizare significat, ante omnia, testificari simpliciter et directo Deum revelatum per Iesum Christum, in Spiritu Sancta; testificari eum mundum in Filio suo dilexisse, in Verbo Incarnato dedisse omnibus rebus exsistentiam hominesque ad vitam aeternam
Moreover, in his dealings with others the man who wants to bear witness before the world—with Christ and for Christ—to that truth which brings freedom(36) must be trained in the virtue of truth in word and action, and so must cultivate sincerity, loyalty, integrity, fidelity He must follow Paul's exhortation to his beloved Timothy: "Recall these things to their minds, charging them in the sight of the Lord not to dispute with words, for that is useless, leading to the ruin of listeners.
Ad proximos autem quod attinet, ii qui cum Christo et pro Christo coram hominibus testes esse cupiunt evangelicae veritatis, quae homines liberat atque salvos praestat (Cf Io 18,37; 8,32), informentur oportet ad veritatis studium in loquendo et in agendo, atque adeo ad animi sinceritatem, ad probitatem, ad constantiam, ad fidelitatem; ita
But when discussing this divine call to the priesthood (to which no one can claim any right) it is worth recalling that it concerns not only the spiritual faculties of the chosen one—his intelligence and free will—but involves also his sensitive faculties and even his very body. For the whole person must be fitted for the task of carrying out, in an efficient and worthy manner, the arduous duties of the sacred ministry, a ministry which often demands renunciation and sacrifice, sometimes even of one's own life after the example of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Iuvat tamen animadvertere divinam hanc vocationem ad sacerdotalia munia ineunda, non tantum ad animi dotes, hoc est ad mentem et liberam candidatorum voluntatem spectare, verum etiam ad sensus atque ad ipsum corpus; ita quidem ut homo totus habilis exsistat ad ardua suscipienda sacri muneris officia, quae saepe cum asperis incommodis sunt coniuncta, et quandoque, ut exemplo utamur Boni Pastoris Iesu Christi, vel ipsius iacturam vitae eos facere
10 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.