nothing oor Latyn


/ˈnʌθɪŋ/ naamwoord, bywoord, voornaamwoord
Not any thing; no thing.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


not any thing
I am human, and I think nothing human is alien to me.
Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto.


not any thing
He who thinks he has learned enough has learned nothing.
Qui se satis didicisse putat, nihilum didicit.


Say nothing but good things about the dead.
De mortuis nil nisi bene.

En 9 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

nihil nihilum · nilum · 0 · Nihil · nichil · nichilum · nihildum · nullus · nusquam

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Soortgelyke frases

voice of nothing
vox nihili
nothing of the new
nihil novi
nothing without the divine will
nil sine numine
in nothing
nothing lacking
I know that I know nothing
scio me nescire · scio me nihil scire
be surprised at nothing
nil admirari
Nothing |is| arduous for the willing
nil volentibus arduum
nothing but


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If one receives more and another less, yet all are Yours and without You nothing can be received.
Et si alius plura alius pauciora accepit, omnia tamen tua sunt, nec minimum sine te haberi potest.Literature Literature
I can see nothing at all.
Nihil omnino videre possum.tatoeba tatoeba
Nor is there any occasion to fear lest the inequality of the persons should cause some defect in the harmony of wills, since love knows nothing of reverence.
Nec verendum ne disparitas personarum claudicare in aliquo faciat convenientiam voluntatum, quia amor reverentiam
"A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" Any human being, to say nothing of an old and wary general, would have seen through the barbarian's cunning, which assigned a limited number on one side and offered a larger on the other, expressly with a treacherous intent; for, were they to be exposed to a cavalry trained in the use of arrows, with the person undefended, numbers would be unavailing."
cuicumque mortalium, nedum veteri et provido duci, barbarae astutiae patuissent: ideo artum inde numerum finiri et hinc maiorem offerri, ut dolus pararetur; nam equiti sagittarum usu exercito si detecta corpora obicerentur, nihil profuturam multitudinem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I am well aware that it will seem a fable that any persons in the world could have been so obtuse in a city which knows everything and hides nothing, much more, that these persons should have been a consul-elect and the emperor's wife; that, on an appointed day, before witnesses duly summoned, they should have come together as if for the purpose of legitimate marriage; that she should have listened to the words of the bridegroom's friends, should have sacrificed to the gods, have taken her place among a company of guests, have lavished her kisses and caresses, and passed the night in the freedom which marriage permits.
Haud sum ignarus fabulosum visum iri tantum ullis mortalium securitatis fuisse in civitate omnium gnara et nihil reticente, nedum consulem designatum cum uxore principis, praedicta die, adhibitis qui obsignarent, velut suscipiendorum liberorum causa convenisse, atque illam audisse auspicum verba, subisse, sacrificasse apud deos; discubitum inter convivas, oscula complexus, noctem denique actam licentia coniugali.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tom knows nothing about mathematics.
Thomas nihil de mathematica scit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
You know nothing about me.
Nihil de me scis.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nothing's sacred.
Nihil sacrum est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And the Lord will make a wonderful difference between the possessions of Israel and the possessions of the Egyptians, that nothing at all shall die of those things that belong to the children of Israel.
Et distinguet Dominus inter possessiones Israel et possessiones Aegyptiorum, ut nihil omnino pereat ex his, quæ pertinent ad filios Israel.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I know nothing about women.
Nihil de feminis scio.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
His prize was a gang of fairies who liked nothing better than to work.
Res una de pellicula quam multus populus non amabat erat aetates actorum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This submission to God, this readiness of will to dedicate oneself to all that serves him, is really nothing less than that exercise of devotion which constitutes one expression of the virtue of religion.(
Haec Deo ipsi subiectio, quae prompta voluntas est se illis rebus dedendi quae servitutem illius respiciunt, nihil est aliud nisi devotionis exercitatio quae unum efficit religionis virtutis documentorum (
Their chief dogmas are so greatly and manifestly at variance with reason that nothing can be more perverse.
Praecipua ipsorum dogmata tam valde a ratione ac tam manifesto discrepant, ut nihil possit esse
18. There now remains nothing further for Us to write about except to proffer, from the depths of Our fatherly affection, to you, to your clergy, and to your flocks, the following very important piece of advice.
Iam nihil est reliquum, nisi ut nonnulla, quae plurimum habent momenti, et vos et clerum populumque vestrum, paterni effusione animi,
[Gal. i: 10] As his heart was on fire with the love of Christ, he sought for nothing save the glory of Christ.
Cum animum gereret incensum caritate Christi, nihil quaerebat praeter Christi
Nothing distressed our troops so much as the scarcity of supplies.
Nihil aeque exercitus nostros quam egestas copiarum fatigabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Fidelity too implies the observance of the liturgical norms laid down by ecclesiastical Authority and therefore has nothing to do with the practice either of introducing innovations of one's own accord and without approval or of obstinately refusing to carry out what has been lawfully laid down and introduced into the sacred rites.
Fidelitas deinde comprehendit observantiam normarum liturgicarum, ab ecclesiastica Auctoritate editarum, ideoque illum morem repellit sive ad arbitrium, sine approbatione, res novas inducendi sive obstinate recusandi id, quod circa sacros ritus legitime statutum est in eosque
Nothing happened.
Nihil factum est.tatoeba tatoeba
After death there is nothing.
Post mortem nihil est.tatoeba tatoeba
Actually, enlightened by divine grace and moved by affection for her, God's Mother and our own dearest Mother, they have contemplated in an ever clearer light the wonderful harmony and order of those privileges which the most provident God has lavished upon this loving associate of our Redeemer, privileges which reach such an exalted plane that, except for her, nothing created by God other than the human nature of Jesus Christ has ever reached this level.
Quin immo, divina collustrati gratia pietateque erga eam permoti, quae Dei Parens est suavissimaque Mater nostra, clariore cotidie luce mirabilem illam privilegiorum concordiam ac cohaerentiam contemplati sunt, quae Providentissimus Deus almae huic Redemptoris nostri sociae impertiit, et quae talem attigere celsissimum verticem, qualem praeter ipsam nemo a Deo creatus, excepta humana Iesu Christi natura, assecutus est
Indeed, so completely do the rulers of the Portuguese Republic deny any place to the clergy in the organization of divine worship that they have definitely laid it down and provided that those who exercise the ministry of religion may not be coopted as members of the aforesaid parish associations or be allotted any part in their administration or direction. Than such a provision nothing can be imagined more unjust or more intolerable, for it puts the clergy at the beck of other citizens in the very matters upon which they are the rightful directors.
Atque in constituendo divino cultu usque adeo rectores rei Lusitanae non patiuntur locum esse Clero, ut aperte praescriptum et statutum sit, non posse, qui religionis ministeriis sint addicti, aut in decurias parochiarum cooptari aut in partem vocari administrationis vel regiminis consociationum, quas memoravimus: qua quidem praescriptione nihil iniquius aut intolerabiles cogitari potest, cum clericorum ordinem in ea ipsa re, qua praestat, inferiorem, quam ceteros cives, conditione
Nothing is as hard as a diamond.
Nihil est tam durum quam adamas.tatoeba tatoeba
"But we, who have seen nothing of toil and bloodshed, we, who must be contemptible even to the Flavianists, what shall we answer to those who shall ask us of our victories and our defeats?"""
integros incruentosque, Flavianis quoque partibus vilis, quid dicturos reposcentibus aut prospera aut adversa?latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tom got nothing.
Thomas nihil recepit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nothing new.
Nihil novi.tatoeba tatoeba
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