objective oor Latyn


/əb'dʒɛk.tɪv/, /əbˈdʒɛk.tɪv/, /ɒbˈdʒɛk.tɪv/ adjektief, naamwoord
A goal that is striven for.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


Noun particle
The mission ad gentes has this objective: to found Christian communities and develop churches to their full maturity.
Hoc propositum sibi habet missio ad gentes: ut christianae condantur communitates, ut Ecclesiae ad perfectam sui maturationem prosperentur.
Piotr Szelma

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Objective, Burma!

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

Geen vertalings nie

Soortgelyke frases

contradictio · exceptio · recusatio · retractatio
gain an objective
object of anger
accusative|objective case
geographical object
Cis-Neptunian object
Corpora cisneptuniana
object-oriented programming
Programmatura ad res directa
sacred object
object|part fixed in front of something


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Seeing, then, that those can do so much for the advantage of religion on whom the goodness of Almighty God has bestowed, together with the grace of the faith, great natural talent, let such men, in this bitter conflict of which the Holy Scripture is the object, select each of them the branch of study most suitable to his circumstances, and endeavour to excel therein, and thus be prepared to repulse with credit and distinction the assaults on the Word of God.
multos in provinciis contra quam spes aut metus de illis fuerit egisse: excitari quosdam ad meliora magnitudine rerum, hebescere alios.vatican.va vatican.va
Youth must not simply be considered as an object of pastoral concern for the Church: in fact, young people are and ought to be encouraged to be active on behalf of the Church as leading characters in evangelization and participants in the renewal of society.(
ista secta Tuberones et Favonios, veteri quoque rei publicae ingrata nomina, genuit.vatican.va vatican.va
The Twelfth Centenary of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) was the object of many ecclesial and academic celebrations in which the Holy See itself took part.(
iuvit nox sideribus inlustris, ventumque ad vicos Marsorum et circumdatae stationes stratis etiam tum per cubilia propterque mensas, nullo metu, non antepositi vigiliis: adeo cuncta incuria disiecta erant neque belli timor, ac ne pax quidem nisi languida et soluta inter temulentos.vatican.va vatican.va
Man fulfils himself by using his intelligence and freedom. In so doing he utilizes the things of this world as objects and instruments and makes them his own.
eo promptior Caesar pergit introrsus, populatur, excindit non ausum congredi hostem aut, sicubi restiterat, statim pulsum nec umquam magis, ut ex captivis cognitum est, paventem.vatican.va vatican.va
Nero meanwhile availed himself of his country's desolation, and erected a mansion in which the jewels and gold, long familiar objects, quite vulgarised by our extravagance, were not so marvellous as the fields and lakes, with woods on one side to resemble a wilderness, and, on the other, open spaces and extensive views. The directors and contrivers of the work were Severus and Celer, who had the genius and the audacity to attempt by art even what nature had refused, and to fool away an emperor's resources.
nil opus vetustioribus exemplis, quotiens populus Romanus cladis exercituum, interitum ducum, funditus amissas nobilis familias constanter tulerit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The project was the object of extensive consultation among all Catholic Bishops, their Episcopal Conferences or Synods, and of theological and catechetical institutes.
excessit Fronto ac postulavit modum argento, supellectili, familiae: erat quippe adhuc frequens senatoribus, si quid e re publica crederent, loco sententiae promere.vatican.va vatican.va
In virtue of a personal dignity the human being is always a value as an individual, and as such demands being considered and treated as a person and never, on the contrary, considered and treated as an object to be used, or as a means, or as a thing.
Contionante Vitellio postulantur ad supplicium Asiaticus et Flavus et Rufinus duces Galliarum, quod pro Vindice bellassent.vatican.va vatican.va
Furthermore, because the means of social communication, like the school and the environment, often have a notable influence on the formation of children, parents as recipients must actively ensure the moderate, critical, watchful and prudent use of the media, by discovering what effect they have on their children and by controlling the use of the media in such a way as to "train the conscience of their children to express calm and objective judgments, which will then guide them in the choice or rejection of programs available .[ 175]
Itaque nostri ad dimicandum procedunt, id quod adversarios existimabamus esse facturos. Qui tamen a munitione oppidi longius non audebant procedere, in quo sibi prope murum adversarii constituebant.vatican.va vatican.va
It is plain that by this Sacrament faith is fed, in it the mind finds its nourishment, the objections of rationalists are brought to naught, and abundant light is thrown on the supernatural order.
Haec a compluribus ad Caesarem deferebantur.vatican.va vatican.va
However, the equality brought by justice is limited to the realm of objective and extrinsic goods, while love and mercy bring it about that people meet one another in that value which is man himself, with the dignity that is proper to him.
Ab hac spe repulsi Nervii vallo pedum IX et fossa pedum XV hiberna cingunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council also states that “major seminaries are necessary for priestly training” (Decree on the Training of Priests Optatam Totius, n. 4) and that the formation imparted in the major seminary is specifically priestly, that is, ordered spiritually and pastorally to the sacred ministry: “the whole training of the students should have as its object to make them true shepherds of souls after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, Teacher, Priest and Shepherd” (ibid.).
Abrupta undique spe Vitellianus miles transiturus in partis, id quoque non sine decore, sed sub signis vexillisque in subiectos Narniae campos descendere.vatican.va vatican.va
Faithful to the mission received from Christ her Founder, the Church has always been present and active among the needy, offering them material assistance in ways that neither humiliate nor reduce them to mere objects of assistance, but which help them to escape their precarious situation by promoting their dignity as persons.
It is concluded that the efficacy of rehabilitation in terms of symptomatic and functional improvement and in terms of resettlement does not seem to depend on the inclusion of (cognitive) skills training modules in a rehabilitation program.vatican.va vatican.va
Specific congregation areas in the same region may function as for different objectives for whales.
Haec consensu produntur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Those who have recourse to conscientious objection must be protected not only from legal penalties but also from any negative effects on the legal, disciplinary, financial and professional plane.
tunc milites ad caedem missi invenere in prominenti litoris nihil laetum opperientem.vatican.va vatican.va
Yet at the same time they should show themselves animated by a spirit of understanding and unselfishness, ready to cooperate loyally in achieving objects which are good in themselves, or can be turned to good.
ac postquam spernebatur, noctem unam ad solacium poscit, qua delenitus modum inposterum adhiberet.vatican.va vatican.va
An Apostolic Exhortation will shortly be published in which there will he gathered the fruits of the work of the Ordinary Session of the Synod of Bishops celebrated in 1977, which had as its object catechesis.
igitur deterrimo quoque in argumentum fabulae adsumpto vulgus credulum et quidam militum, errore veri seu turbarum studio, certatim adgregabantur, cum pertractus ad Vitellium interrogatusque quisnam mortalium esset.vatican.va vatican.va
This paradigm exalts the concept of a subject who, using logical and rational procedures, progressively approaches and gains control over an external object.
ipse huc modo, modo illuc, ut quemque suadentium audierat, promptus, discordantis in consilium vocat ac promere sententiam et adicere rationes iubet.vatican.va vatican.va
The Council reminds us that in cases where such invincible ignorance is not culpable, conscience does not lose its dignity, because even when it directs us to act in a way not in conformity with the objective moral order, it continues to speak in the name of that truth about the good which the subject is called to seek sincerely.
Ciliciensis legio coniuncta cum cohortibus Hispanis, quas traductas ab Afranio docuimus, in dextro cornu erant collocatae.vatican.va vatican.va
It is up to the Christian communities to analyze with objectivity the situation which is proper to their own country, to shed on it the light of the Gospel's unalterable words and to draw principles of reflection, norms of judgment and directives for action from the social teaching of the Church. This social teaching has been worked out in the course of history and notably, in this industrial era, since the historic date of the message of Pope Leo XIII on "the condition of the workers", and it is an honor and joy for us to celebrate today the anniversary of that message.
legiones a Novaesio Bonnaquein Treviros, ut supra memoravimus, traductae se ipsae in verba Vespasiani adigunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The commemoration in the liturgy and the contemplative remembrance proper to the Rosary, although existing on essentially different planes of reality, have as their object the same salvific events wrought by Christ.
praedictum ut paucis interfectis ceteros pavore ad mutandam fidem cogerent.vatican.va vatican.va
The great concern of our contemporaries for historicity and for culture has led some to call into question the immutability of the natural law itself, and thus the existence of "objective norms of morality" 96 valid for all people of the present and the future, as for those of the past.
Alacrior omnium clamor, quis vel ex longa pace proelii cupido vel fessis bello pacis amor, praemiaque et quies in posterum sperabatur.vatican.va vatican.va
"Was it the only worthy object of reform to provide that the Syracusans should not give shows on a larger scale? Were all other matters in every department of the empire as admirable as if Thrasea and not Nero had the direction of them? But if the highest affairs were passed by and ignored, how much more ought there to be no meddling with things wholly insignificant."" Thrasea in reply, when his friends asked an explanation, said ""that it was not in ignorance of Rome's actual condition that he sought to correct such decrees, but that he was giving what was due to the honour of the senators, in making it evident that those who attended even to the merest trifles, would not disguise their responsibility for important affairs."""
et per locos arboribus ac vineis impeditos non una pugnae facies: comminus eminus, catervis et cuneis concurrebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But acts whose object is "not capable of being ordered" to God and "unworthy of the human person" are always and in every case in conflict with that good.
Quo facto imperat pontem adversus hostem praevallari et, qua exitus navibus erat fornice exstructo, quo pons sustinebatur, lapidibus oppleri atque obstrui.vatican.va vatican.va
Caesar, having accomplished the object which he had in view, ordered the signal to be sounded for a retreat; and the soldiers of the tenth legion, by which he was then accompanied, halted.
Hos cum Suebi multis saepe bellis experti propter amplitudinem gravitatem civitatis finibus expellere non potuissent, tamen vectigales sibi fecerunt ac multo humiliores infirmiores redegerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As I have frequently stated, when freedom is detached from objective truth it becomes impossible to establish personal rights on a firm rational basis; and the ground is laid for society to be at the mercy of the unrestrained will of individuals or the oppressive totalitarianism of public authority.
Nec Agricola umquam in suam famam gestis exultavit; ad auctorem ac ducem ut minister fortunam referebat.vatican.va vatican.va
202 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.