of a father's brother oor Latyn

of a father's brother

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Charlton T. Lewis


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Charlton T. Lewis

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The emperor added a speech with warm praise of his son for sharing a father's affection to his brother's children.
addidit orationem Caesar multa cum laude filii sui quod patria benevolentia in fratris liberos foret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Bishop's special affection for his priests is demonstrated by his accompanying them as a father and brother in the fundamental stages of their ministerial life, starting with their first steps in the pastoral ministry.
Peculiaris Episcopi affectus pro suis sacerdotibus manifestatur sicut paternus et fraternus actus, quo eos comitatur in praecipuis momentis eorum vitae ministerialis, inde ab exordiis ministerii pastoralis.vatican.va vatican.va
To the extent that this brother, too sure of himself and his own good qualities, jealous and haughty, full of bitterness and anger, is not converted and is not reconciled with his father and brother, the banquet is not yet fully the celebration of a reunion and rediscovery.
Donec hic frater, nimis sibi suisque meritis fidens. invidus et arrogans, amaritudine plenus et ira, non convertitur nec patri fratrique reconciliatur, convivium non dum est omni ex parte festum, quod adventus et inventionis causa agatur.vatican.va vatican.va
On the father's side he was descended from Flavus, the brother of Arminius; his mother was a daughter of Catumerus, chief of the Chatti.
paternum huic genus e Flavo fratre Arminii, mater ex Actumero principe Chattorum erat; ipse forma decorus et armis equisque in patrium nostrumque morem exercitus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
44) Also significant is the gospel parable of the two brothers who, in different ways, distance themselves from their father and cause a rift between them.
Parabola quoque Evangelii de duobus filiis, qui diverse quidem a patre discedunt, animis graviter abalienatis, vim habet significantem.vatican.va vatican.va
But they had life's prime for their stay; they had seen some happiness, and the horror of the moment was alleviated by recollections of a better lot in the past. For Octavia, from the first, her marriage-day was a kind of funeral, brought, as she was, into a house where she had nothing but scenes of mourning, her father and, an instant afterwards, her brother, having been snatched from her by poison; then, a slave-girl raised above the mistress; Poppaea married only to insure a wife's ruin, and, to end all, an accusation more horrible than any death.
meminerant adhuc quidam Agrippinae a Tiberio, recentior Iuliae memoria obversabatur a Claudio pulsae; sed illis robur aetatis adfuerat; laeta aliqua viderant et praesentem saevitiam melioris olim fortunae recordatione adlevabant: huic primum nuptiarum dies loco funeris fuit, deductae in domum, in qua nihil nisi luctuosum haberet, erepto per venenum patre et statim fratre; tum ancilla domina validior et Poppaea non nisi in perniciem uxoris nupta; postremo crimen omni exitio gravius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And we answered thee, my lord: We have a father an old man, and a young boy, that was born in his old age; whose brother by the mother is dead; and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him tenderly.
Et nos respondimus domino meo: Est nobis pater senex et puer parvulus, qui in senectute illius natus est, cuius uterinus frater mortuus est; et ipse solus superest a matre sua, pater vero tenere diligit eum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Domitian, on the day of his taking his seat in the Senate, made a brief and measured speech in reference to the absence of his father and brother, and to his own youth. He was graceful in his bearing, and, his real character being yet unknown, the frequent blush on his countenance passed for modesty.
Quo die senatum ingressus est Domitianus, de absentia patris fratrisque ac iuventa sua pauca et modica disseruit, decorus habitu; et ignotis adhuc moribus crebra oris confusio pro modestia accipiebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Whether in this scheme Domitian was thinking of war with his father, or of collecting money, and men to be used against his brother, was uncertain; for Cerialis, by a judicious temporising, eluded the request as prompted by an idle and childish ambition.
qua cogitatione bellum adversus patrem agitaverit an opes virisque adversus fratrem, in incerto fuit: nam Cerialis salubri temperamento elusit ut vana pueriliter cupientem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consequently, authority and obedience are exercised in the service of the common good as two complementary aspects of the same participation in Christ's offering. For those in authority, it is a matter of serving in their brothers the design of the Father's love; while, in accepting their directives, the religious follow our Master's example(39) and cooperate in the work of salvation.
Auctoritas ergo et oboedientia, bono communi servientes, tamquam duae rations complentes eiusdem actus participandi Christi oblationem exercentur: ii, qui auctoritate praediti agunt, oportet in fratribus consilio Patris, amoris pleno, obsecundent; religiosi autem, eorum praeceptionibus obtemperantes, exemplum Magistri nostri sequuntur (Lc 2,51) atque operi salutis sociantur.vatican.va vatican.va
As a child of six years, Julian witnessed the assassination of his father, brother and other family members by the guards of the imperial palace; rightly or wrongly, he blamed this brutal act on the Emperor Constantius, who passed himself off as an outstanding Christian.
Puer sex annos natus, Iulianus interfuit homicidio patris sui, fratris aliorumque familiarum a custodibus palatii imperialis patrato; hanc barbariem ipse imputavit — iure an iniuria — Constantio imperatori, qui se fingebat magnum esse christianum.vatican.va vatican.va
When Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC, thus starting a civil war, Sextus' older brother Gnaeus followed their father in his escape to the East, as did most of the conservative senators.
Caesare Rubiconem transgresso anno 49 a.C.n., inito bello civili, Sexti frater Gnaeus patrem secutus cum senatoribus ad orientalem effugit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first men to announce Christ to the Ugandans were Simeon Lourdel, a priest, and brother Amans Delmas, members of the Society of Missionaries of Africa or "The White Fathers", who on the seventeenth of February 1879, after crossing Lake Victoria, landed at Entebbe. Some months later, three other members of the same religious family joined them.
Primi viri, Christum Ugandensibus annuntiaturi, fuerunt Simeon Lourdel, sacerdos, et Amans Delmas, frater, sodales Societatis Missionariorum Africae seu «Patrum Alborum», qui die XVII mensis Februarii anno MDCCCLXXIX, postquam per Lacum Victoriae navigarunt, ad locum «Entebbe» appulerunt; quos, aliquot mensibus transactis, alii tres Evangelii praecones ex eadem religiosa Familia sunt subsecuti.vatican.va vatican.va
Jesus' cry on the Cross, dear Brothers and Sisters, is not the cry of anguish of a man without hope, but the prayer of the Son who offers his life to the Father in love, for the salvation of all.
Christi clamor in cruce, carissimi Fratres ac Sorores carissimae, non angorem prodit desperantis, sed Filii precem qui Patri per amorem suam offert in omnium salutem vitam.vatican.va vatican.va
119. And so We end this Our first encyclical on a note of great joy in the union of our spirits which has its origin in Christ. As your father and brother We bestow upon you, in the name of the immortal God, Our apostolic blessing, and gladly extend it to the whole Church and to all mankind.
Quod superest, dum huiusmodi animorum nostrorum coniunctione, quae a Christo ducit originem, ingentem haurimus laetitiam, primis hisce Litteris Encyclicis Nostris finem afferentes, immortalis Dei nomine, vobis, fratris patrisque animo, Apostolicam Benedictionem impertimus, quam libenter ad Ecclesiam totam ad universamque hominum societatem pertinere cupimus.vatican.va vatican.va
Drusus presided over a show of gladiators which he gave in his own name and in that of his brother Germanicus, for he gloated intensely over bloodshed, however cheap its victims. This was alarming to the populace, and his father had, it was said, rebuked him.
edendis gladiatoribus, quos Germanici fratris ac suo nomine obtulerat, Drusus praesedit, quamquam vili sanguine nimis gaudens; quod [in] vu]gus formidolosum et pater arguisse dicebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And he answered her: Thou knowest that Esau, my brother, is a hairy man, and I am smooth: if my father should feel me, and perceive it, I fear lest he will think I would have mocked him, and I shall bring upon me a curse instead of a blessing.
Cui ille respondit: Nosti quod Esau frater meus homo pilosus sit, et ego lenis. Si attrectaverit me pater meus et senserit, timeo, ne putet me sibi voluisse illudere; et inducam super me maledictionem pro benedictione.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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