of a tribune oor Latyn

of a tribune

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notice|statement of the case sent to a higher tribunal on an appeal
occupants of a tribunal
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The individual conscience is accorded the status of a supreme tribunal of moral judgment which hands down categorical and infallible decisions about good and evil.
Conscientiis singulorum facultates tribuuntur quae proprie pertinent ad ultimam iudicii moralis sententiam, quod definit et certo statuit de bono et malo.vatican.va vatican.va
127 — The judges of this Tribunal constitute a college.
Apud hoc Tribunal Officium est constitutum, cuius est cognoscere de facto inconsummationis matrimonii et de exsistentia iustae causae ad dispensationem concedendam.vatican.va vatican.va
That day, Q. Laberius Durus, a tribune of the soldiers, was slain.
Eo die Quintus Laberius Durus, tribunus militum, interficitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In fine, they did not reflect on the common casualties of war; how trifling causes, either from groundless suspicions, sudden affright, or religious scruples, have oftentimes been productive of considerable losses; how often an army has been unsuccessful either by the misconduct of the general, or the oversight of a tribune; but as if they had proved victorious by their valor, and as if no change could ever take place, they published the success of the day throughout the world by reports and letters.
Non denique communes belli casus recordabantur, quam parvulae saepe causae vel falsae suspicionis vel terroris repentini vel obiectae religionis magna detrimenta intulissent, quotiens vel ducis vitio vel culpa tribuni in exercitu esset offensum; sed, proinde ac si virtute vicissent, neque ulla commutatio rerum posset accidere, per orbem terrarum fama ac litteris victoriam eius diei concelebrabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
They entice from the town of Cabillonus, by a promise of safety, Marcus Aristius, a military tribune, who was on his march to his legion; they compel those who had settled there for the purpose of trading to do the same.
Marcum Aristium, tribunum militum, iter ad legionem facientem fide data ex oppido Cabillono educunt: idem facere cogunt eos, qui negotiandi causa ibi constiterant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
a) the tribunal of the place in which the marriage was celebrated, or
a) Tribunal loci in quo matrimonium celebratum est, velvatican.va vatican.va
Having been made a member of the King’s Council, presiding judge of an important tribunal, deputy treasurer and a knight, in 1523 he became Speaker of the House of Commons.
Consilii Coronae particeps factus, iudex renuntiatus qui tribunali insigni praesideret, alter a thesaurario atque eques, anno MDXXIII locutor electus est, scilicet Camerae Communium, ut aiunt, praeses.vatican.va vatican.va
That the leading spirits were Subrius Flavus, tribune of a praetorian cohort, and Sulpicius Asper, a centurion, was proved by the fearlessness of their death.
promptissimos Subrium Flavum tribunum praetoriae cohortis et Sulpicium Asprum centurionem extitisse constantia exitus docuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On this, Helvidius Priscus, a tribune of the people, followed up a personal quarrel he had with Obultronius Sabinus, one of the officials of the exchequer, by insinuating that he stretched his right of confiscation with merciless rigour against the poor.
et Helvidius Priscus tr[ibunus] pl[ebis] adversus Obultronium Sabinum aerarii quaestorem contentiones proprias exercuit, tamquam ius hastae adversus inopes inclementer ageret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The senators were panic-stricken, for how few of their number were not connected by alliance or by friendship with this multitude of men of rank! Celsus however, tribune of a city cohort, and now one of the prosecutors, saved Appius and Calvisius from the peril.
contremuerantque patres (nam quotus quisque adfinitatis aut amicitiae tot inlustrium virorum expers erat?), ni Celsus urbanae cohortis tribunus, tum inter indices, Appium et Calvisium discrimini exemisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There was a friendship subsisting between his [Juba's] father and Pompey, and a feud between him and Curio, because he, when a tribune of the people, had proposed a law, in which he endeavored to make public property of the kingdom of Juba.
Huic et paternum hospitium cum Pompeio et simultas cum Curione intercedebat, quod tribunus plebis legem promulgaverat, qua lege regnum Iubae publicaverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Gavius Silvanus, tribune of a praetorian cohort, was ordered to report this to Seneca and to ask him whether he acknowledged what Natalis said and his own answer.
haec ferre Gavius Silvanus tribunus praetoriae cohortis, et an dicta Natalis suaque responsa nosceret percunctari Senecam iubetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meanwhile the unruly tone of the theatre which first showed itself in the preceding year, broke out with worse violence, and some soldiers and a centurion, besides several of the populace, were killed, and the tribune of a praetorian cohort was wounded, while they were trying to stop insults to the magistrates and the strife of the mob.
At theatri licentia, proximo priore anno coepta, gravius tum erupit, occisis non modo e plebe set militibus et centurione, vulnerato tribuno praetoriae cohortis, dum probra in magistratus et dissensionem vulgi prohibent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A few of the centurions and tribunes, who were natives of Gaul, were reserved as hostages for the maintenance of the alliance.
pauci centurionum tribunorumque in Gallia geniti reservantur pignus societati.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A contest arose between Vibullius, the praetor, and Antistius, a tribune of the people; for the tribune had ordered the release of some disorderly applauders of certain actors, whom the praetor had imprisoned.
nam inter Vibullium praetorem et plebei tribunum Antistium ortum certamen, quod immodestos fautores histrionum et a praetore in vincla ductos tribunus omitti iussisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Piso was then put in a litter and attended by a tribune of one of the Praetorian cohorts, who followed him, so it was variously rumoured, to guard his person or to be his executioner.
igitur inditus lecticae et a tribuno praetoriae cohortis deductus est vario rumore custos saluti an mortis exactor sequeretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
About the same time Octavius Sagitta, a tribune of the people, who was enamoured to frenzy of Pontia, a married woman, bribed her by most costly presents into an intrigue and then into abandoning her husband. He had offered her marriage and had won her consent.
Per idem tempus Octavius Sagitta plebei tribunus, Pontiae mulieris nuptae amore vaecors, ingentibus donis adulterium et mox, ut omitteret maritum, emercatur, suum matrimonium promittens ac nuptias eius pactus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He was dragged off to a place set apart for the execution of slaves, and butchered by the hand of the tribune Statius, maintaining a resolute silence, and not reproaching the tribune with complicity in the plot.
raptus in locum servilibus poenis sepositum manu Statii tribuni trucidatur, plenus constantis silentii nec tribuno obiciens eandem conscientiam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If an executive sentence has been issued, one can go at anytime to a tribunal of the third level for a new proposition of the case according to the norm of can. 1325, provided new and grave proofs or arguments are brought forward within the peremptory time limit of thirty days from the proposed challenge.
Si sententia exsecutiva prolata sit, potest quovis tempore ad tribunal tertii gradus pro nova causae propositione ad normam can. 1325 provocari, novis iisque gravibus probationibus vel argumentis intra peremptorium terminum triginta dierum a proposita impugnatione allatis.vatican.va vatican.va
On the day on which the present Apostolic Letter comes into force, a marriage case which is proceeding before a higher tribunal by reason of lawful appeal after a first sentence declaring the marriage null shall be temporarily suspended.
Die quo praesentes Litterae Apostolicae vigere incipient, causa matrimonialis, quae, post primam sententiam matrimoni nullitatem declarantem, apud superius Tribunal ex appellatione legitima prosequitur, interim suspendatur.vatican.va vatican.va
If it is impossible either in a diocesan tribunal or, where one is set up, in a regional tribunal, to form a college of three clerical judges, the Episcopal Conference is given the faculty of permitting in the first and second instance the setting up of a college composed of two clerics and one layman.
Si nec in Tribunali dioecesano nec in Tribunali regionali, ubi erectum sit, collegium trium iudicum clericorum efformari possit, Conferentia Episcopalis facultate instruitur permittendi in primo et secundo gradu constitutionem collegii ex duobus clericis et uno viro laico.vatican.va vatican.va
There were also present, to complete the show, a guard of soldiers with centurions and tribunes, and Burrus, who grieved and yet applauded.
accesserat cohors militum, centuriones tribunique et maerens Burrus ac laudans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
According to the most ancient traditional idea, the sacrament is a kind of judicial action; but this takes place before a tribunal of mercy rather than of strict and rigorous justice, which is comparable to human tribunals only by analogy namely insofar as sinners reveal their sins and their condition as creatures subject to sin; they commit themselves to renouncing and combating sin; accept the punishment (sacramental penance) which the confessor imposes on them and receive absolution from him.
Est enim secundum antiquissimam translaticiam notionem genus quoddam actionis iuridicialis. At hanc apud tribunal fieri contingit misericordiae, magis quam strictae severaeque iustitiae, quod cum iudiciis humanis nisi analogice conferri non potest (178), quatenus illic peccata sua peccator suamque ipsam condicionem creaturae peccato subiectae patefacit; sese officio obligat ut abiciat evincatque peccatum; suscipit poenam (sacramentalem paenitentiam), quam imponit ei confessarius, eiusque recipit absolutionem.vatican.va vatican.va
In cases regarding the nullity of marriage not reserved to the Apostolic See, the competencies are: 1° the tribunal of the place in which the marriage was celebrated; 2° the tribunal of the place in which either or both parties have a domicile or a quasi-domicile; 3° the tribunal of the place in which in fact most of the proofs must be collected.
In causis de matrimonii nullitate, quae non sunt Sedi Apostolicae reservatae, competentia sunt: 1° tribunal loci in quo matrimonium celebratum est; 2° tribunal loci ubi alterutra vel utraque pars domicilium vel quasi-domicilium habet; 3° tribunal loci ubi de facto colligendae sunt pleraeque probationes.vatican.va vatican.va
At last, when there were others ready to be abettors of a mutiny, he asked, in the tone of a demagogue, why, like slaves, they submitted to a few centurions and still fewer tribunes.
Postremo promptis iam et aliis seditionis ministris velut contionabundus interrogabat cur paucis centurionibus paucioribus tribunis in modum servorum oboedirent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
116 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.