of a triumph oor Latyn

of a triumph

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Charlton T. Lewis

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As he was taken through the city among festal songs and psalms - not so much in the manner of a funeral as that of a triumph - the Roman people made offerings of heavenly honor to the holy man.
Cumque veheretur per Urbem inter festos psalmorum cantus, non tam funeris quam triumphi pompa, visus est populus romanus libamenta honorum caelestium viro sanctissimo detulisse.vatican.va vatican.va
Your house is ennobled by the glories of a triumph; it has two youthful scions, one of whom is already equal to the cares of Empire, and in the earliest years of his military career won renown with these very armies of Germany.
tuae domui triumphale nomen, duo iuvenes, capax iam imperii alter et primis militiae annis apud Germanicos quoque exercitus clarus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This, as the Haruspices agreed, was an omen of brilliant success, and the highest distinction seemed prophesied to Vespasian in early youth. At first, however, the honours of a triumph, his consulate, and the glory of his victories in Judaea, appeared to have justified the truth of the omen.
grande id prosperumque consensu haruspicum et summa claritudo iuveni admodum Vespasiano promissa, sed primo triumphalia et consulatus et Iudaicae victoriae decus implesse fidem ominis videbatur: ut haec adeptus est, portendi sibi imperium credebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The friendship of Germanicus was fatal to both. As for Silius, his having commanded a great army for seven years, and won in Germany the distinctions of a triumph for his success in the war with Sacrovir, would make his downfall all the more tremendous and so spread greater terror among others.
amicitia Germanici perniciosa utrique, Silio et quod ingentis exercitus septem per annos moderator partisque apud Germaniam triumphalibus Sacroviriani belli victor, quanto maiore mole procideret, plus formidinis in alios dispergebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The market places and temples were laid out with entertainments, as if anticipating the joy of a most splendid triumph.
Cum liberis omnis multitudo obviam procedebat, hostiae omnibus locis immolabantur, tricliniis stratis fora templaque occupabantur, ut vel exspectatissimi triumphi laetitia praecipi posset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Friedrich Schiller – The Triumph of a Genius
Friedrich Schiller—Der Triumph eines Genieslangbot langbot
There was at Rome one Sabina Poppaea; her father was Titus Ollius, but she had assumed the name of her maternal grandfather Poppaeus Sabinus, a man of illustrious memory and pre-eminently distinguished by the honours of a consulship and a triumph.
erat in civitate Sabina Poppaea, T. Ollio patre genita, sed nomen avi materni sumpserat, inlustri memoria Poppaei Sabini consularis et triumphali decore praefulgentis; nam Ollium honoribus nondum functum amicitia Seiani pervertit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Those true blessings, indeed, which consist in virtue, he had fully attained; and on one who had reached the honours of a consulate and a triumph, what more had fortune to bestow? Immense wealth had no attractions for him, and wealth he had, even to splendour.
Quippe et vera bona, quae in virtutibus sita sunt, impleverat, et consulari ac triumphalibus ornamentis praedito quid aliud adstruere fortuna poterat? Opibus nimiis non gaudebat, speciosae [non] contigerant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the consulship of Drusus Caesar and Caius Norbanus, Germanicus had a triumph decreed him, though war still lasted. And though it was for the summer campaign that he was most vigorously preparing, he anticipated it by a sudden inroad on the Chatti in the beginning of spring.
Druso Caesare C. Norbano consulibus decernitur Germanico triumphus manente bello; quod quamquam in aestatem summa ope parabat, initio veris et repentino in Chattos excursu praecepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"The opening of a civil war must, he said, ""be left to chance; the final triumph is perfected by wise counsels and skill."
initia bellorum civilium fortunae permittenda: victoriam consiliis et ratione perfici.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nor was it a precipitate step; it was only after an experience of eight years, after having quelled mutinies and settled wars, after a triumph and two consulships, that he was adopted as a partner in trials already familiar to him.
neque nunc propere sed per octo annos capto experimento, compressis seditionibus, compositis bellis, triumphalem et bis consulem noti laboris participem sumi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Consequently, for the Rosary to become more fully a “compendium of the Gospel”, it is fitting to add, following reflection on the Incarnation and the hidden life of Christ (the joyful mysteries) and before focusing on the sufferings of his Passion (the sorrowful mysteries) and the triumph of his Resurrection (the glorious mysteries), a meditation on certain particularly significant moments in his public ministry (the mysteries of light).
Ut autem plenius appellari possit Rosarium “Evangelii compendium” expedit ut, commemoratis Incarnatione ac vita Christi abscondita (quae sunt gaudii mysteria), et priusquam suppliciis passionis insistatur (quae sunt doloris mysteria), nec non resurrectionis triumphis (quae sunt gloriae mysteria), nos perducere meditatio debet quaedam ad excellentiora vitae publicae eventa (quae sunt lucis mysteria).vatican.va vatican.va
Sooth, then, shall she return / to Sparta and Mycenae, ay, and see / home, husband, sons and parents, safe and free, / with Ilian wives and Phrygians in her train, / a queen, in pride of triumph? Shall this be, / and Troy have blazed and Priam's self been slain, / and Trojan blood so oft have soaked the Dardan plain?
Scilicet hæc Spartam incolumis patriasque Mycenas / adspiciet, partoque ibit regina triumpho, / conjugiumque domumque patres natosque videbit, / Iliadum turba et Phrygiis comitata ministris? / Occiderit ferro Priamus, Troja arserit igni, / Dardanium toties sudarit sanguine litus?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Sooth, then, shall she return / to Sparta and Mycenae, ay, and see / home, husband, sons and parents, safe and free, / with Ilian wives and Phrygians in her train, / a queen, in pride of triumph? Shall this be, / and Troy have blazed and Priam's self been slain, / and Trojan blood so oft have soaked the Dardan plain?
Scilicet haec Spartam incolumis patriasque Mycenas / adspiciet, partoque ibit regina triumpho, / conjugiumque domumque patres natosque videbit, / Iliadum turba et Phrygiis comitata ministris? / Occiderit ferro Priamus, Troja arserit igni, / Dardanium toties sudarit sanguine litus?tatoeba tatoeba
The soldiers obeyed reluctantly. Then beginning with a reverent mention of Augustus, he passed on to the victories and triumphs of Tiberius, dwelling with especial praise on his glorious achievements with those legions in Germany.
tunc a veneratione Augusti orsus flexit ad victorias triumphosque Tiberii, praecipuis laudibus celebrans quae apud Germanias illis cum legionibus pulcherrima fecisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The undeniable triumphs of scientific research and contemporary technology have helped to propagate a scientistic outlook, which now seems boundless, given its inroads into different cultures and the radical changes it has brought.
Felices qui nullo modo possunt negari successus scientificae investigationes nec non horum temporum technologiae plurimum adiuverunt ut mens scientistica disseminaretur quae nullis iam videtur finibus circumscribi, cum in varias iam intraverit culturae formas et mutationes fundamentales ibi quoque effecerit.vatican.va vatican.va
Make me a conqueror of all nations; let the famous chariot carry me all the way from the sun to Thebes in triumph: I will consider myself human even when I am hailed everywhere as a god.
Fac me victorem universarum gentium, currus ille triumphantem usque ad Thebas a solis ortu vehat: me hominem esse cogitabo, cum deus undique consalutabor.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Adversely affected by the impressive triumphs of continuing scientific and technological development and above all, fascinated by a very old and yet new temptation, namely, that of wishing to become like God (cf.
Homo, elatus ex rebus insitis in eo progressu scientifico et technico qui contineri nequit, sed maxime vetere ac semper renovata tentatione allectus qua sicut Deus fieri exoptat (Cfr.vatican.va vatican.va
Though his road to preferment was easy, he chose to emulate Maecenas, and without rising to a senator's rank, he surpassed in power many who had won triumphs and consulships. He was a contrast to the manners of antiquity in his elegance and refinement, and in the sumptuousness of his wealth he was almost a voluptuary.
atque ille, quamquam prompto ad capessendos honores aditu, Maecenatem aemulatus sine dignitate senatoria multos triumphalium consulariumque potentia antiit, diversus a veterum instituto per cultum et munditias copiaque et affluentia luxu propior.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thereupon came a letter from the emperor, declaring that he was not so destitute of renown as after having subdued the most savage nations and received or refused so many triumphs in his youth, to covet now that he was old an unmeaning honour for a tour in the neighbourhood of Rome.
igitur secutae Caesaris litterae quibus se non tam vacuum gloria praedicabat ut post ferocissimas gentis perdomitas, tot receptos in iuventa aut spretos triumphos, iam senior peregrinationis suburbanae inane praemium peteret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
That occasion was without question a veritable triumph for Mary. During the passage of her statue from Rome to Loreto, the faithful of each town rivaled one another in acclaiming her by a spontaneous and continuous outburst of profoundly religious sentiment, which showed forth a most tender affection for Our Blessed Lady, as well as a devoted attachment to the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
Omnino magnifice splendideque triumphasse et ipsam dixeris augustam Virginem: namque a Vaticano Lauretum usque, quacumque sancta imago transvecta est, perpetua quadam gratulationum serie religio populorum eam celebravit, omnibus ordinibus ex vicinia obviam effusis, qui sua in Mariam et in Vicarium Iesu Christi pientissima studia demonstrabant.vatican.va vatican.va
23. A last triumph was reserved for this incomparable man-namely, to compel the homage, praise, and admiration of even the very enemies of the Catholic name.
Postremo haec quoque palma viro incomparabili reservata videbatur , ut ab ipsis catholici nominis adversariis obsequia, praeconia, admirationem extorqueret.vatican.va vatican.va
Therefore, the life of Joseph's pure spouse, who remained a virgin "during childbirth and after childbirth" - as the Catholic Church has always believed and professed (31) and as was fitting for her who was raised to the incomparable dignity of divine motherhood(32) - was a life of such perfect union with the Son that she shared in His joys, sorrows and triumphs.
Vita ergo castissimae Sancti Ioseph Sponsae, quae et in partu et post partum virgo permansit, quemadmodum catholica Ecclesia nullo non tempore credidit atque professa est (31) - idque ceteroqui illam decuit mulierem, quae ad praecellentem divinae maternitatis honorem fuerat provecta (32) - tam expleta sui cum Filio communione eminuit, ut sive gaudia, sive dolores, sive denique triumphos cum eodem participaret.vatican.va vatican.va
They found greater enthusiasm than they had promised, the tribes coming forth to meet him, the Senate in holiday attire, troops of their children and wives arranged according to sex and age, tiers of seats raised for the spectacle, where he was to pass, as a triumph is witnessed.
et promptiora quam promiserant inveniunt, obvias tribus, festo cultu senatum, coniugum ac liberorum agmina per sexum et aetatem disposita, exstructos, qua incederet, spectaculorum gradus, quo modo triumphi visuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Lord Himself triumphed over this act of breaking the covenant when He solemnly declared to Moses that He was a "God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness."
At illam facinorosam foederis violationem ipse Dominus evicit, cum Moysi sollemniter edixit: « Dominus, Dominus Deus, misericors et clemens, patiens et multae miserationis ac verax » (45).vatican.va vatican.va
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