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Charlton T. Lewis

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Vespasian was indeed preferable to either, yet they shuddered at the idea of another war, of other massacres.
Olim regibus parebant, nunc per principes factionibus et studiis trahuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Everyone who stops beside the suffering of another person, whatever form it may take, is a Good Samaritan.
Ipse noctu progressus milia passuum circiter XII hostium copias conspicatus est.vatican.va vatican.va
It is never too late to touch the heart of another, nor is it ever in vain.
se quaestorem Germanici, illum domus eius adulterum fuisse.vatican.va vatican.va
Dt 24:14-15), forcing up prices by trading on the ignorance or hardship of another (cf.
vocati qui arguebantur, et cognita causa in convictos vindicatum, additumque senatus consultum quo Seniensium plebes modestiae admoneretur.vatican.va vatican.va
5. But even while Our heart still fears on this account, We behold the threat of another frightening crisis.
Haec prius illi detrahenda auxilia existimabat quam ipsum bello lacesseret, ne desperata salute aut se in Menapios abderet aut cum Transrhenanis congredi cogeretur.vatican.va vatican.va
As they walk through the fields, they discover the corpse of another demonic creature dead body, presumably that of Annabelle.
probabant religionem patres, periurium arguebant; eaque velut censura in Sariolenum Voculam et Nonium Attianum et Cestium Severum acerrime incubuit, crebris apud Neronem delationibus famosos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
37. When, however, there is question of another conjectural opinion, namely polygenism, the children of the Church by no means enjoy such liberty.
Cum iam muro turres appropinquassent, ex captivis Caesar cognovit Vercingetorigem consumpto pabulo castra movisse propius Avaricum atque ipsum cum equitatu expeditisque, qui inter equites proeliari consuessent, insidiarum causa eo profectum, quo nostros postero die pabulatum venturos arbitraretur.vatican.va vatican.va
The name "Good Samaritan" fits every individual who is sensitive to the sufferings of others, who "is moved" by the misfortune of another.
ad ea Civilis primo callide: post ubi videt Montanum praeferocem ingenio paratumque in res novas, orsus a questu periculisque quae per quinque et viginti annos in castris Romanis exhausisset, 'egregium' inquit 'pretium laborum recepi, necem fratris et vincula mea et saevissimas huius exercitus voces, quibus ad supplicium petitus iure gentium poenas reposco.vatican.va vatican.va
The opening of another Dickinson poem toys with her position as a woman in a male-dominated society and an unrecognized poet: "I'm nobody!
Neque ut in pedestri acie comminus certabatur, sed tamquam navali pugna vagi inter undas aut, si quid stabile occurrebat, totis illic corporibus nitentes, vulnerati cum integris, periti nandi cum ignaris in mutuam perniciem implicabantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this way we can joyfully accept the specific gifts of another man or woman, the work of God the Creator, and find mutual enrichment.
Quibus submotis omnes sagittarii funditoresque destituti inermes sine praesidio interfecti sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
On the occasion of another anointing, Jesus defends the woman and her action before the disciples, Judas in particular: "Why do you trouble this woman?
Cerialis ut incuria prope rem adflixit, ita constantia restituit; secutusque fortunam castra hostium eodem die capit excinditque.vatican.va vatican.va
To see this is to glimpse the solution of another problem: the problem of the enduring validity of the conceptual language used in Conciliar definitions.
igitur dux Romanus diversis artibus, misericordia adversum supplices, celeritate adversus profugos, immitis iis, qui latebras insederant, ora et exitus specuum sarmentis virgultisque completos igni exurit.vatican.va vatican.va
Jesus foretells his coming as that of "another Counselor" who, being the Spirit of truth, will lead the Apostles and the Church "into all the truth."
simul adfluentius solito convivium initum, servorum carissimi libertate et alii pecunia donati; atque ipse maestus et magnae cogitationis manifestus erat, quamvis laetitiam vagis sermonibus simularet.vatican.va vatican.va
Only such an awareness can give the courage needed to face the risk and the change involved in every authentic attempt to come to the aid of another.
nam ut quis destrictior accusator, velut sacrosanctus erat: leves ignobiles poenis adficiebantur.vatican.va vatican.va
The person who is a " neighbour" cannot indifferently pass by the suffering of another: this in the name of fundamental human solidarity, still more in the name of love of neighbour.
Sed apud priores ut agere digna memoratu pronum magisque in aperto erat, ita celeberrimus quisque ingenio ad prodendam virtutis memoriam sine gratia aut ambitione bonae tantum conscientiae pretio ducebantur.vatican.va vatican.va
But their labor presupposes labor of another kind, that of the catechist. And so if this be lacking, then the foundation is wanting; and they labor in vain who build the house.
Nequiquam: nam quibus difficultatibus locorum Romanos claudere voluerant, eis ipsi tenebantur.vatican.va vatican.va
Yet the Chauci were violently roused by the man's death, and Corbulo was now sowing the seeds of another revolt, thus getting a reputation which many liked, but of which many thought ill.
miserantque Hyrcani ad principem Romanum societatem oratum, attineri a se Vologaesen pro pignore amicitiae ostentante[s].latin-ancient latin-ancient
However, Methodius' apostolic activity was cut short as the result of political and religious complications which culminated in his imprisonment for two years, on the charge of having invaded the episcopal jurisdiction of another.
ceterum et prioribus civium bellis par scelus inciderat.vatican.va vatican.va
The attempt to set freedom in opposition to truth, and indeed to separate them radically, is the consequence, manifestation and consummation of another more serious and destructive dichotomy, that which separates faith from morality.
igitur multa adseveratione, quasi aut legibus cum Silio ageretur aut Varro consul aut illud res publica esset, coguntur patres, silente reo, vel si defensionem coeptaret, non occultante cuius ira premeretur.vatican.va vatican.va
The culture of relativism is the same disorder which drives one person to take advantage of another, to treat others as mere objects, imposing forced labour on them or enslaving them to pay their debts.
Non diu haec nec apud laetos: etenim propinquabat legionum acies, inconditique ac militiae nescii oppidani neque oculis neque auribus satis competebant.vatican.va vatican.va
The institutions are very important and indispensable; nevertheless, no institution can by itself replace the human heart, human compassion, human love or human initiative, when it is a question of dealing with the sufferings of another.
Eo die parvulis equestribus proeliis ad aquam factis utrique sese suo loco continent: Galli, quod ampliores copias, quae nondum convenerant, exspectabant; Caesar, si forte timoris simulatione hostes in suum locum elicere posset, ut citra vallem pro castris proelio contenderet, si id efficere non posset, ut exploratis itineribus minore cum periculo vallem rivumque transiret.vatican.va vatican.va
We become witnesses when, through our actions, words and way of being, Another makes himself present.
Hinc ad capessendos magistratus in urbem degressus Domitiam Decidianam, splendidis natalibus ortam, sibi iunxit; idque matrimonium ad maiora nitenti decus ac robur fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Since 1996 both governments have remained wary of one another but relations are relatively normal.
Diductisque nostris paulatim navibus et artificio gubernatorum et mobilitati navium locus dabatur, et si quando nostri facultatem nacti ferreis manibus iniectis navem religaverant, undique suis laborantibus succurrebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Complacency, indifference and insufficient knowledge of one another often make this situation worse.
Danubius, molli et clementer edito montis Abnobae jugo effusus, plures populos adit, donec in Ponticum mare sex meatibus erumpat: septimum os paludibus hauritur.vatican.va vatican.va
There is a panic in the entire camp, and one inquires of another the cause of the confusion, nor do they readily determine whither the standards should be borne, nor into what quarter each should betake himself.
adductum et quasi virile servitium: palam severitas ac saepius superbia; nihil domi impudicum, nisi dominationi expediret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
672 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.