of impurity oor Latyn

of impurity

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


[ peccō ]
Charlton T. Lewis

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made|become free of impurities
free of dirt|impurity


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Yet in the pain of this encounter, when the impurity and sickness of our lives become evident to us, there lies salvation.
"Magnam inquit Secundus ""et dignam tractatu quaestionem movisti."vatican.va vatican.va
As the Apostle writes: "Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness... drunkenness, carousing and the like."
illuc Mucianus cum legatis tribunisque et splendidissimo quoque centurionum ac militum venit, et e Iudaico exercitu lecta decora: tantum simul peditum equitumque et aemulantium inter se regum paratus speciem fortunae principalis effecerant.vatican.va vatican.va
Of which impure plague, than which none is more detestable, those were the founders who attributed to man that by the light of nature each one could know and judge concerning doctrine divinely revealed by virtue of his own reason and judgment, and that there was no necessity to submit to the authority of the Church and the Roman Pontiff, whose sole right it is, by divine command and appointment to be the guardian of that doctrine, to hand it on and to judge truly concerning it.
Vinius pro M. Othone, Laco atque Icelus consensu non tam unum aliquem fovebant quam alium.vatican.va vatican.va
Their sacred calling constrains them to proclaim clearly and openly that unhealthy and impure entertainment destroys the moral fibre of a nation.
Antonius cum cohortibus et Attio eodem die, quo profectus erat, revertitur.vatican.va vatican.va
"Who can say what harm is wrought in minds, especially of the young, by these pictures, what base thoughts and impure pleasures are aroused, how much they contribute to the corruption of public morals with consequent damage to the well-being of the State itself?"
quaestorius adhuc a Paeto Thrasea gener delectus e moribus soceri nihil aeque ac libertatem hausit, civis, senator, maritus, gener, amicus, cunctis vitae officiis aequabilis, opum contemptor, recti pervicax, constans adversus metus.vatican.va vatican.va
5 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.