of the curiae oor Latyn

of the curiae

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Charlton T. Lewis

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one belonging to the same curia|division of the Roman people
house for the religious services of a curia
of|pertaining to the priest of a curia
of|belonging to same curia|division of the Roman people
member of the same curia


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This is proved even by the composition of the Curia.
At Romae caede continua Pomponius Labeo, quem praefuisse Moesiae rettuli, per abruptas venas sanguinem effudit; aemulataque est coniunx Paxaea.vatican.va vatican.va
Suscipere tam inimicitias, seu patris, seu propinqui, quam amicitias, necesse est: nec implacabiles durant.vatican.va vatican.va
28-32) Pastoral Character of the Activity of the Roman Curia (arts.
nam a legibus delicta puniri: quanto fore mitius in ipsos, melius in socios, provideri ne peccaretur? adversum quae disseruit Caesar: non quidem sibi ignare quae de Silano vulgabantur, sed non ex rumore statuendum.vatican.va vatican.va
Pastoral Character of the Activity of the Roman Curia
Felicem natalem tibi opto.vatican.va vatican.va
The cardinals who are in charge of the departments of the Roman Curia will also attend the Extraordinary Sessions of the Synod of Bishops.
"is proximo in agro scrobem effodi iussit, quam Flavus ut humilem et angustam increpans, circumstantibus militibus, ""ne hoc quidem,"" inquit, ""ex disciplina."" admonitusque fortiter protendere cervicem, ""utinam,"" ait ""tu tam fortiter ferias!"" et ille multum tremens, cum vix duobus ictibus caput amputavisset, saevitiam apud Neronem iactavit, sesquiplaga interfectum a se dicendo."vatican.va vatican.va
The cardinals who are in charge of departments of the Roman Curia will also attend the General Sessions of the Synod of Bishops.
Vicos locant, non in nostrum morem, connexis et cohaerentibus aedificiis: suam quisque domum spatio circumdat, sive adversus casus ignis remedium, sive inscitia aedificandi.vatican.va vatican.va
Much has also been done since the Second Vatican Council for the reform of the Roman Curia, the organization of Synods and the functioning of Episcopal Conferences.
Passim et sine custode transeunt: et, cum ceteris gentibus arma modo castraque nostra ostendamus, his domos villasque patefecimus non concupiscentibus.vatican.va vatican.va
Consequently, since the mission of the Roman Curia is ecclesial, it claims the cooperation of the whole Church to which it is directed.
Hic belli status erat cum Petilius Cerialis Mogontiacum venit.vatican.va vatican.va
As I have written, ''Much has been done since the Second Vatican Council for the reform of the Roman Curia, the organization of Synods and the functioning of Episcopal Conferences.
Quod postquam Scipio Labienusque animadverterant, equitatu omni ex castris educto acieque equestri instructa a suis munitionibus circiter passus mille progrediuntur pedestremque copiam in secunda acie minus passus CCCC a suis castris constituunt.vatican.va vatican.va
They may also be proposed by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, by other departments of the Roman Curia, by the Synod of Bishops, by episcopal conferences.
Vibidiam depellere nequivit quin multa cum invidia flagitaret ne indefensa coniunx exitio daretur.vatican.va vatican.va
Our predecessor Paul VI quickly complied with the wishes of the Council and put into effect the reorganization of the Curia with the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution Regimini Ecclesiæ universæ on 15 August 1967.
Est animadveraum ab legionibus, qui dextram partem operis administrabant, ex crebris hostium eruptionibus magno sibi ease praesidio posse, si ibi pro castello ac receptaculo turrim ex latere sub muro fecissent Quam primo ad repentinos incursus humilem parvamque fecerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The fullness of this power resides in the head, in the very person of the Vicar of Christ, who imparts it to the dicasteries of the Curia according to the competence and scope of each one.
Hunc Marcellus insequitur et quam proxime potest Uliam castra castris confert locorumque cognita natura, quo maxime rem deducere volebat, necessitate est deductus ut neque confligeret--cuius si rei facultas esset, resistere incitatis militibus non poterat--neque vagari Cassium latius pateretur, ne plures civitates ea paterentur quae passi erant Cordubenses.vatican.va vatican.va
30 — The ad limina visits also concern the dicasteries of the Roman Curia.
vera prorsus de Druso seniores locutos: displicere regnantibus civilia filiorum ingenia, neque ob aliud interceptos quam quia populum Romanum aequo iure complecti reddita libertate agitaverint.vatican.va vatican.va
Other Institutes of the Roman Curia
eos codicillos Nero properanter accepit, spe exterritum Thraseam scripsisse, per quae claritudinem principis extolleret suamque famam dehonestaret.vatican.va vatican.va
The Congregation for Borders (Congregazione dei Confini) was a congregation of the Roman curia.
tot a maioribus repertae leges, totquas divus Augustus tulit, illae oblivione, hae, quod flagitiosius est, contemptu abolitae securiorem luxum fecere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To this end, I provide forthwith that the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia conform to the situations of our time and adapt to the needs of the universal Church.
Flaccus interim cognito castrorum obsidio et missis per Gallias qui auxilia concirent, lectos e legionibus Dillio Voculae duoetvicensimae legionis legato tradit, ut quam maximis per ripam itineribus celeraret, ipse navibus <invadit> invalidus corpore, invisus militibus.vatican.va vatican.va
2. in consultation with the competent dicasteries of the Roman Curia, to represent the Holy See at international organizations and meetings concerning questions of a public nature;
Non excessisse enim Ponto Pharnacen audiebat neque excessurum putabat, cum secundo proelio vehementer esset inflatus quod contra Domitium Calvinum fecerat.vatican.va vatican.va
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