of the dead oor Latyn

of the dead

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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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festival of the dead
Ferale · feralis
vessel for the ashes of the dead
Day of the Dead
Dies Mortuorum
prison of the dead
ashes of the dead
abode of the dead
sacrifices in honor of the dead
shades of the dead
funus · manis
Isle of the Dead
Insula mortuorum


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Day of the Dead
Piso M. Crasso et Scribonia genitus, nobilis utrimque, vultu habituque moris antiqui et aestimatione recta severus, deterius interpretantibus tristior habebatur: ea pars morum eius quo suspectior sollicitis adoptanti placebat.langbot langbot
Isle of the Dead (painting)
Italiam utroque mari duae classes, Misenum apud et Ravennam, proximumque Galliae litus rostratae naves praesidebant, quas Actiaca victoria captas Augustus in oppidum Foroiuliense miserat valido cum remige.langbot langbot
Four of the women stand at the rear whilst a fifth, possibly the widow or mother of the dead soldier, lies at his side.
Hostes re cognita ab eis, qui Metiosedo fugerant, Lutetiam incendi pontesque eius oppidi rescindi iubent; ipsi profecti a palude ad ripas Sequanae e regione Lutetiae contra Labieni castra considunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Die Toteninsel (Isle of the Dead) is based on a painting of the same name that Böcklin made in five different versions between 1880 and 1886.
Remissis legatis, cum ad portam venissent, [constitit] Ti. Tullius, et cum introeuntem Catonem insecutus non esset, revertit ad portam et hominem adprehendit. Quod Tiberius cum fieri animadvertit, simul pugionem eduxit et manum eius incidit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This, would mean, however—to express it with positive and hence, for him, inadequate symbols—that there can be no justice without a resurrection of the dead.
obiit abruptis brachiorum venis.vatican.va vatican.va
Even with all of the Texians dead, Mexican soldiers continued to shoot, some killing each other in the confusion.
Qua in fuga Fabius Pelignus quidam ex infimis ordinibus de exercitu Curionis primus agmen fugientium consecutus magna voce Varum nomine appellans requirebat, uti unus esse ex eius militibus et monere aliquid velle ac dicere videretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then Boaz said, "On the day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi, you must buy it also from Ruth the Moabite, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead on his inheritance."
Acceptis mandatis Roscius cum L. Caesare Capuam pervenit ibique consules Pompeiumque invenit; postulata Caesaris renuntiat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The premiere of Dead Birds took place at the Loeb Drama Center at Harvard University in October 1963.
Neque ibi constitit, sed eadem celeritate, paucos suos ex fuga nactus, nocturno itinere non intermisso, comitatu equitum XXX ad mare pervenit navemque frumentariam conscendit, saepe, ut dicebatur, querens tantum se opinionem fefellisse, ut, a quo genere hominum victoriam sperasset, ab eo initio fugae facto paene proditus videretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Ascension, Christ was raised in glory to the right hand of the Father, while Mary herself would be raised to that same glory in the Assumption, enjoying beforehand, by a unique privilege, the destiny reserved for all the just at the resurrection of the dead.
et praebebat Caesar auris, accipiendis adversus generum suspicionibus caritate filiae promptior.vatican.va vatican.va
In this context, I wish, together with the Synod Fathers, to remind all the faithful of the importance of prayers for the dead, especially the offering of Mass for them, so that, once purified, they can come to the beatific vision of God.
tumque primum discreti a legionibus proprio vallo castra sua circumdant, obtestante Vocula non adeo turbatam civilibus armis rem Romanam ut Treviris etiam Lingonibusque despectui sit.vatican.va vatican.va
Both of the brothers are dead.
Ambiorix copias suas iudicione non conduxerit, quod proelio dimicandum non existimarit, an tempore exclusus et repentino equitum adventu prohibitus, cum reliquum exercitum subsequi crederet, dubium est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The queen of the witches is dead.
Quorum discessu liberam nacti milites colloquiorum facultatem vulgo procedunt, et quem quisque in castris notum aut municipem habebat conquirit atque evocat.tatoeba tatoeba
According to the common witness of the Gospels, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead took place on "the first day after the Sabbath" (Mk 16:2,9; Lk 24:1; Jn 20:1).
inducti posthac vocabulo indicum qui in Lepidam, Cassii uxorem, Silani amitam, incestum cum fratris fiiio et diros sacrorum ritus confingerent.vatican.va vatican.va
A life of shame leaves not to the dead even an honest place of rest.
Potuisse tunc opprimi legiones et voluisse Germanos, sed dolo a se flexos imputavit Civilis; neque abhorret vero, quando paucis post diebus deditio insecuta est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
There lay, singly or in heaps, the unnumbered dead, of every age and sex, the illustrious with the obscure.
illic miles cum armis, sine insignibus magistratus, populus per tribus concidisse rem publicam, nihil spei reliquum clamitabant, promptius apertiusque quam ut meminisse imperitantium crederes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is not the chief duty of friends to follow the dead with unprofitable laments, but to remember his wishes, to fulfil his commands.
an obpugnationem inchoaturos adempto omni prospectu, quis aequus locus, quanta altitudo moenium, tormentisne et telis an operibus et vineis adgredienda urbs foret? mox conversus ad singulos, num securis dolabrasque et cetera expugnandis urbibus secum attulissent, rogitabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The elephant, seeing him advance with his javelin in his hand, quitted the dead body of the sutler, and seizing him with his trunk, wheeled him round in the air.
Ad matres, ad conjuges vulnera ferunt; nec illae numerare, aut exigere plagas pavent; cibosque et hortamina pugnantibus gestant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meanwhile he conferred the praetorship on Libo and often invited him to his table, showing no unfriendliness in his looks or anger in his words (so thoroughly had he concealed his resentment); and he wished to know all his saying and doings, though it was in his power to stop them, till one Junius, who had been tampered with by Libo for the purpose of evoking by incantations spirits of the dead, gave information to Fulcinius Trio.
His Caesar imperat obsides quadraginta frumentumque exercitui Mandubraciumque ad eos mittit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And when the feast was sped, / their missing friends in converse they require, / doubtful to deem them, betwixt hope and dread, / alive or out of hearing with the dead.
mixta inter patrem filiumque coniurationis scientia fingitur, adsimilatis Lucani litteris: quas inspectas Nero ferri adeum iussit, opibus eius inhians.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And when the feast was sped, / their missing friends in converse they require, / doubtful to deem them, betwixt hope and dread, / alive or out of hearing with the dead.
Sed his rebus tantum temporis tribuit, quantum erat properanti necesse; timens Domitio, ne adventu Pompei praeoccuparetur, ad eum omni celeritate et studio incitatus ferebatur.tatoeba tatoeba
On this day Jesus of Nazareth "descended from David according to the flesh," as the Apostle Paul writes, is "designated Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his Resurrection from the dead."
Ab iis qui emerant capitum numerus ad eum relatus est milium LIII.vatican.va vatican.va
The Apostles themselves, in fact, exhorted their disciples to pray for the salvation of sinners.( 23) This very ancient usage of the Church has blessedly persevered,(24) particularly in the practice of penitents invoking the intercession of the entire commu-nity, (25) and when the dead are assisted with suffrages, particularly through the offering of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.(
"Ex his Pullo, cum acerrime ad munitiones pugnaretur, ""Quid dubitas,"" inquit, "" Vorene? aut quem locum tuae probandae virtutis exspectas ? hic dies de nostris controversiis iudicabit."" Haec cum dixisset, procedit extra munitiones quaque pars hostium confertissma est visa irrumpit."vatican.va vatican.va
And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, "Tell no one the vision, until the Son of man is raised from the dead" (Mt 17:1-9).
Dicam, inquit, si potuero.vatican.va vatican.va
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