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of the emperor

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Charlton T. Lewis


[ imperiālis ]
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of the Emperor Hadrian
Year of the Five Emperors
Annus quinque imperatorum
chief physician and personal doctor of the emperor
Year of the Four Emperors
Annus quattuor imperatorum
Emperor of the French
Imperatores Franciae
title of the emperor
League of the Three Emperors
Foedus Trium Imperatorum
of|pertaining to the emperor's cabinet


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Based on the life of the Emperor Elagabalus.
Conatur tamen eos vallo fossaque circummunire, ut quam maxime repentinas eorum eruptiones demoretur; quo necessario descensuros existimabat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also edited with Petavius the Opera of Cyril of Alexandria and of the Emperor Julian (Leipzig, 1696).
quippe bellum habere quam gerere malebat, scripseratque Caesari proprio duce opus esse, qui Armeniam defenderet: Syriam ingruente Vologaese acriore in discrimine esse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The legates and tribunes always follow the character of the Emperor, and either imitate his strictness, or indulge in early conviviality.
vis nationum, virtus ducum in aequo; set Maroboduum regis nomen invisum apud popularis, Arminium pro libertate bellantem favor habebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Marcellus was saved from punishment rather than from disgrace by the memory of his ancestors and the intercessions of the emperor.
Cuius provinciae civitates omnis evocat Tarsum, quod oppidum fere totius Ciliciae nobilissimum fortissimumque est. Ibi rebus omnibus provinciae et finitimarum civitatium constitutis cupiditate proficiscendi ad bellum gerendum non diutius moratur, magnisque itineribus per Cappadociam confectis biduum Mazacae commoratus Comana venit, vetustissimum et sanctissimum in Cappadocia Bellonae templum, quod tanta religione colitur ut sacerdos eius deae maiestate, imperio, potentia secundus a rege consensu gentis illius habeatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The name of Lutatius Catulus, the dedicator, remained among all the vast erections of the Emperors, down to the days of Vitellius.
additum a Scipione Cornelio grates publice agendas, quod regibus Arcadiae ortus veterrimam nobilitatem usui publico postponeret seque inter ministros principis haberi sineret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A mention of the emperor Julian the Apostate († 363) can also show how essential the early Church considered the organized practice of charity.
ne Romanis quidem ingratum id bellum, cuius ambiguam fortunam Vespasiano imputaturos: victoriae rationem non reddi.vatican.va vatican.va
According to imperial traditions, the route of the Emperor's wedding procession had to pass through the Gate of Supreme Harmony, which was completely destroyed.
Post mutato consilio quibusdam de causis Caesar paulo ultra eum locum castra transtulit, paucisque intermissis diebus eadem Pompeius occupaverat et, quod eo loco plures erat legiones habiturus, relicto interiore vallo maiorem adiecerat munitionem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The vilest wretches used a growing freedom in exciting insult and obloquy against respectable citizens, and escaped punishment by clasping some statue of the emperor.
Hunc locum Pharnaces veteribus paternorum felicium castrorum refectis operibus copiis suis omnibus occupavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Epicharis accordingly said more, and began the history of all the emperor's crimes.
Cum omnes regiones Galliae togatae Caesar percucurrisset, summa celeritate ad exercitum Nemetocennam rediit legionibusque ex omnibus hibernis ad fines Treverorum evocatis eo profectus est ibique exercitum lustravit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The place of her confinement was the colony of Antium, where the emperor himself was born.
Cedere loco, dummodo rursus instes, consilii quam formidinis arbitrantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The agents of the deed were Publius Celer, a Roman knight, and Helius, a freedman, men who had the charge of the emperor's domains in Asia.
Id hoc facilius iis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur: una ex parte flumine Rheno latissimo atque altissimo, qui agrum Helvetium a Germanis dividit; altera ex parte monte Iura altissimo, qui est inter Sequanos et Helvetios; tertia lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano, qui provinciam nostram ab Helvetiis dividit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the same time, Agrippina availed herself of the emperor's fright to charge Narcissus, who had been the agent of the work, with avarice and peculation.
Cum id non impetrassent, petebant uti ad eos [equites] qui agmen antecessissent praemitteret eos pugna prohiberet, sibique ut potestatem faceret in Ubios legatos mittendi; quorum si principes ac senatus sibi iure iurando fidem fecisset, ea condicione quae a Caesare ferretur se usuros ostendebant: ad has res conficiendas sibi tridui spatium daret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The decline of Roman religion was relatively slow, and the temples themselves were not appropriated by the government until a decree of the Emperor Honorius in 415.
Quos impeditos integris viribus milites nostri consecuti magnum numerum eorum occiderunt; reliquos equites consectati paucos, qui ex fuga evaserant, reliquerunt. Sic uno tempore et de navali pugna Sabinus et de Sabini victoria Caesar est certior factus, civitatesque omnes se statim Titurio dediderunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The images of the Emperors were torn down; the standards were borne along without their usual honours, while the banners of the Gauls glittered on every side.
Igitur ad sollemnia pietatis profectus Agricola, nuntio adfectati a Vespasiano imperii deprehensus ac statim in partis transgressus est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The advanced years and childless condition of the Emperor furnished matter for such gossip, and the country never can refrain from naming many persons until one be chosen.
Nec deerant qui haec isdem verbis aut versa in deterius Senecae deferrent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We are not afraid of Vespasian; the age and moderation of the new Emperor reassure us.
Ausim contendere Marcellum hunc Eprium, de quo modo locutus sum, et Crispum Vibium (libentius enim novis et recentibus quam remotis et oblitteratis exemplis utor) non minores esse in extremis partibus terrarum quam Capuae aut Vercellis, ubi nati dicuntur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cornelius Martialis, Flavius Nepos, Statius Domitius were then deprived of the tribuneship, on the ground, not of actually hating the emperor, but of having the credit of it.
Quod ubi clamore cognitum, legiones a fronte incubuere, pulsique Germani Rhenum fuga petebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And although many of the emperor's household and knights and senators were said to have supported him with their wealth and helped him with their counsels, no inquiry was made.
illic paucos dies componendo animo insumit, violenta luctu et nescia tolerandi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meanwhile, a stepmother's treacherous schemes were convulsing the whole imperial house, with far greater disgrace than would have resulted from his concealment of the profligacy of the emperor's former wife.
et Radamistus, quasi iuris iurandi memor, non ferrum, non venenum in sororem et patruum expromit, sed proiectos in humum et veste multa gravique opertos necat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At the last largess of the Emperor you saw yourselves several old men who told you that they had actually shared once and again in the gifts of the divine Augustus.
"Tum praemissis paulum impedimentis atque in tumulo quodam collocatis ""Habetis,"" inquit, ""milites, quam petistis facultatem: hostem impedito atque iniquo loco tenetis: praestate eandem nobis ducibus virtutem, quam saepe numero imperatori praestitistis, atque illum adesse et haec coram cernere existimate."" Simul signa ad hostem converti aciemque dirigi iubet, et paucis turmis praesidio ad impedimenta dimissis reliquos equites ad latera disponit."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Graptus, one of the emperor's freedmen, whose age and experience had made him thoroughly acquainted with the imperial household from the time of Tiberius, quickened these apprehensions by the following falsehood.
Quibus rebus confectis, Caesar ad oppidum Avaricum, quod erat maximum munitissimumque in finibus Biturigum atque agri fertilissima regione, profectus est, quod eo oppido recepto civitatem Biturigum se in potestatem redacturum confidebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
So it pleases Bassus and Caecina, after robbing the Emperor of palaces, gardens, and money, to rob the soldiers of their Emperor.
Sequanorum prospera acie belli impetus stetit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order.
quorum adventu breve tempus petivit ut suprema mandata uxori Alliariae per litteras daret, cervicemque percussoribus obtulit; constantia mortis haud in dignus Sempronio nomine vita degeneraverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When the Consuls came to take the votes, Vulcatius Tertullinus, tribune of the people, put his veto on any resolution being adopted in so important a matter in the absence of the Emperor.
Verumtamen, quod iam principio monuimus, acceptissimam apud eum deprecatricem ac patronam adhibeamus Beatissimam Virginem; quandoquidem, ut divi Bernardi verbis utamur, « sic est voluntas eius (Dei), qui totum nos habere voluit per Mariam » (5).latin-ancient latin-ancient
"The first day after the downfall of a wicked Emperor is the best of opportunities."""
Post quae L. Arruntius haud multum discrepans a Galli oratione perinde offendit, quamquam Tiberio nulla vetus in Arruntium ira: sed divitem, promptum, artibus egregiis et pari fama publice, suspectabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
441 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.