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of the enemy

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of the first soldier to scale an enemy rampart
enemy of the human race
hostis humani generis
in the manner of an enemy
as the enemy of


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The cavalry charged, but, received by the orderly array of the enemy, fled to their own lines.
actaeque ei grates apud senatum ab inlustribus famaque apud populum, quia sine ambitione aut proximorum precibus ignotos etiam et ultro accitos munificentia iuverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Anubis features in Gex 3 as one of the enemies in the Ancient Egyptian level(s).
Erat C. Crastinus evocatus in exercitu Caesaris, qui superiore anno apud eum primum pilum in legione X duxerat, vir singulari virtute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was a marsh of no great extent between our army and that of the enemy.
At praeterea Mariale Rosarium non modo ad Dei osores Religionisque inimicos debellandos maximopere valet, sed evangelicas quoque virtutes excitat, fovet, omniumque animis conciliat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He himself, having advanced by night about twelve miles, espied the forces of the enemy.
Horum corpora mirifica specie amplitudineque caesa toto campo ac prostrata diverse iacebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At daybreak the cavalry of the enemy approaches to the camp and joins battle with our horse.
Itaque ab Arimino M. Antonium cum cohortibus V Arretium mittit; ipse Arimini cum duabus subsistit ibique delectum habere instituit;Pisaurum,Fanum, Anconam singulis cohortibua occupat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Two of the enemy ships have been destroyed.
Scipio biduum castris stativis moratus ad flumen, quod inter eum et Domitii castra fluebat, Aliacmonem, tertio die prima luce exercitum vado traducit et castris positis postero die mane copias ante frontem castrorum instruit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The same night we took of the enemy's spies, three slaves and one Spanish soldier.
Ex eo loco IIII cetratorum cohortes in montem, qui erat in conspectu omnium excelsissimus, mittit. Hunc magno cursu concitatos iubet occupare, eo consilio, uti ipse eodem omnibus copiis contenderet et mutato itinere iugis Octogesam perveniret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
By day-break all our soldiers were brought across, and the army of the enemy was in sight.
Namque eo missus aestate cum duabus legionibus Q. Cornificius, Caesaris quaestor, pro praetore, quamquam erat provincia minime copiosa ad exercitus alendos et finitimo bello ac dissensionibus confecta et vastata, tamen prudentia ac diligentia sua.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Camulogenus, the general of the enemy, was present and encouraged his troops.
Sed is quoque mutato consilio quibusdam de causis, quas commemorari necesse non est, eo loco excesserat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When he saw Strathbogie arrayed for battle Douglas halted, as if hesitating in the face of the enemy's preparedness.
Neque multo post missis ad senatum litteris Tiberius motam rursum Africam incursu Tacfarinatis docuit, iudicioque patrum deligendum pro consule gnarum militiae, corpore validum et bello suffecturum. quod initium Sex.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Flash your lightening and you will scatter them; shoot your arrows and confound all these phantoms of the enemy.
Quo facto statuisse Commius dicebatur numquam in conspectum cuiusquam Romani venire.Literature Literature
Upon this, many persons of rank fled to his camp, complaining of the barbarity and cruelty of the enemy.
Certas sibi deposcit naves Domitius atque has colonis pastoribusque, quos secum adduxerat, complet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Our horse, with the slingers and archers, having passed the river, commenced action with the cavalry of the enemy.
ipse placita maiorum colebat, habitu severo, casta et secreta domo, quantoque metu occultior, tanto plus famae adeptus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus prepared, and being apprised of the enemy's approach, they put out from the harbor, and engaged the Massilians.
Qui cum anima nondum exspirata concidisset, [et] impetu facto in cubiculum ex suspicione medicus familiaresque continere atque volnus obligare coepissent, ipse suis manibus vulnus crudelissime divellit atque animo praesenti se interemit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A great amount of cattle was found there, and many of the enemy were taken and slain in their flight.
qua gloria aequabat se Tiberius priscis imperatoribus qui venenum in Pyrrum regem vetuerant prodiderantque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There was some little delay in the ascent, while the troops were passing through the range of the enemy's missiles.
Dumnorigem ad se vocat, fratrem adhibet; quae in eo reprehendat ostendit; quae ipse intellegat, quae civitas queratur proponit; monet ut in reliquum tempus omnes suspiciones vitet; praeterita se Diviciaco fratri condonare dicit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Corbulo however had more to struggle against in the supineness of his soldiers than in the treachery of the enemy.
Nero autem metuentior in posterum milites sibi et plerosque gladiatores circumdedit, qui rixarum initia modica et quasi privata sinerent; si a laesis validius ageretur, arma inferebant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar was unmoved by the appearance of the enemy's forces, and encouraged his men to go on with the work.
Spem vero bonorum immortalium vividiorem reddit, cum Iesu Christi eiusque Matris triumphus, quem in extrema recitationis parte meditamur, caelum nobis apertum demonstret, et ad sempiternam adipiscendam patriam invitet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All fought with equal valor; the place was covered with arrows and darts, and great numbers of the enemy fell.
sed creditores in solidum appellabant nec decorum appellatis minuere fidem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
For a select body of the enemy's light-armed foot, coming unexpectedly upon our horse, they alighted to sustain the charge.
Hoc et ad timorem novarum tabularum tollendum minuendumve, qui fere bella et civiles dissensiones sequi consuevit, et ad debitorum tuendam existimationem esse aptissimum existimavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The most arduous struggle was the storming of the camp, which the bravest of the enemy still held as a last hope.
Gladiatores non eisdem armis pugnantlatin-ancient latin-ancient
The soldiers had not anticipated the assault of the enemy; even had they done so, they had not strength to repulse it.
urgebatur maxime septima legio, nuper a Galba conscripta.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Yet, trusting to the valor of his soldiers, and being acquainted with the strength of the enemy, he prepared for an engagement.
actum et de sacris Aegyptiis Iudaicisque pellendis factumque patrum consultum ut quattuor milia libertini generis ea superstitione infecta quis idonea aetas in insulam Sardiniam veherentur, coercendis illic latrociniis et, si ob gravitatem caeli interissent, vile damnum; ceteri cederent Italia nisi certam ante diem profanos ritus exuissent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This being perceived, the legionaries immediately halted; and the cavalry, though few in number, boldly charged the vast multitude of the enemy.
Burrus iis mandatis Seneca coram fungebatur; aderant et ex libertis arbitri sermonis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A great part of these arrangements was prevented by the shortness of time and the sudden approach and charge of the enemy.
si numerus militum potius quam legionum putetur, plus hinc roboris, nihil libidinum; et profuisse disciplinae ipsum pudorem: equites vero ne tum quidem victos, sed quamquam rebus adversis disiectam Vitellii aciem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
740 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.