of the eyes oor Latyn

of the eyes

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


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Charlton T. Lewis

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Soortgelyke frases

in the blink of an eye
in ictu oculi
light of the eye
watering|tearing|weeping|running of the eyes
study of the eye
pupil of the eye
acies · cora · pupilla · pupula
apple of the eye
producing watering|running of the eyes
delachrimatorius · delacrimatorius
watering of the eyes
eye of the soul


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Play media A contact lens, or simply contact, is a thin lens placed directly on the surface of the eye.
Genus erat pugnae militum illorum, ut magno impetu primo procurrerent, audacter locum caperent, ordines suos non magnopere servarent, rari dispersique pugnarent; si premerentur, pedem referre et loco excedere non turpe existimarent cum Lusitanis reliquisque barbaris barbaro genere quodam pugnae assuefacti; quod fere fit, quibus quisque in locis miles inveteraverit, ut multum earum regionum consuetudine moveatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Against the background of the words Ave Maria the principal events of the life of Jesus Christ pass before the eyes of the soul.
Aegre portas nostri tuentur, reliquos aditus locus ipse per se munitioque defendit.vatican.va vatican.va
These are the features of Christ upon which the eyes of faith and love of Christians should be fixed.
haec Tiberius non mari, ut olim, divisus neque per longinquos nuntios accipiebat, sed urbem iuxta, eodem ut die vel noctis interiectu litteris consulum rescriberet, quasi aspiciens undantem per domos sanguinem aut manus carnificum.vatican.va vatican.va
Especially in the events of the Exodus, the centre of the Old Testament faith experience, Israel discovered the preciousness of its life in the eyes of God.
Ne Suetonius quidem in tanto discrimine silebat.vatican.va vatican.va
Hail, O Peter, gate of sinners, tongue of the disciples, voice of preachers, eye of the Apostles, guardian of heaven, the first-born of the keepers of the keys."[
Neque idcirco copias quamquam erant paucae tironumque, non educebat in aciem quod victoriae suorum diffideret, sed referre arbitrabatur cuiusmodi victoria esset futura; turpe enim sibi existimabat tot rebus gestis tantisque exercitibus devictis, tot tam claris victoriis partis, ab reliquis copiis adversariorum suorum ex fuga collectis se cruentam adeptum existimari victoriam.vatican.va vatican.va
He must even more clearly perceive what importance the youth of each one of you has in the eyes of Christ.
Catonem veteres inimicitiae Caesaris incitant et dolor repulsae.vatican.va vatican.va
The ciliary photoreceptor cells resemble molecularly and morphologically the rods and cones of the human eye.
Pecuniam omnem omniaque ornamenta ex fano Herculis in oppidum Gades contulit; eo sex cohortes praesidii causa ex provincia misit Gaiumque Gallonium, equitem Romanum, familiarem Domitii, qui eo procurandae hereditatis causa venerat missus a Domitio, oppido Gadibus praefecit; arma omnia privata ac publica in domum Gallonii contulit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The eyes of the Apostles are therefore fixed upon Jesus who is thinking of the Cross (cf.
Reperio apud scriptores senatoresque eorundem temporum Adgandestrii principis Chattorum lectas in senatu litteras, quibus mortem Arminii promittebat si patrandae neci venenum mitteretur, responsumque esse non fraude neque occultis, sed palam et armatum populum Romanum hostis suos ulcisci.vatican.va vatican.va
So when the ewes went first to ram, Jacob put the rods in the troughs of water before the eyes of the rams, and of the ewes, that they might conceive while they were looking upon them.
In 5 patients malreduction was seen without clinical consequences.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Such a way of thinking and acting compromises the authority of international bodies, especially in the eyes of those countries most in need of development.
Rarus ferri, frequens fustium usus.vatican.va vatican.va
Too sadly, alas, do the words of the Apostle St. John apply to our age, "all that is in the world, is the concupiscence of the flesh, and the concupiscence of the eyes and the pride of life."(
at Pomponius multa morum elegantia et ingenio inlustri, dum adversam fortunam aequus tolerat, Tiberio superstes fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Conscience is the only witness, since what takes place in the heart of the person is hidden from the eyes of everyone outside.
Eliguntur in iisdem conciliis et principes, qui jura per pagos vicosque reddunt.vatican.va vatican.va
The significant comparison in the Letter to the Ephesians gives perfect clarity to what is decisive for the dignity of women both in the eyes of God - the Creator and Redeemer - and in the eyes of human beings - men and women.
Nemo enim aut in provincia natus, ut vernaculae legionis milites, aut diuturnitate iam factus provincialis, quo in numero erat secunda legio, non cum omni provincia consenserat in odio Cassi: nam legionem XXX et XXI paucis mensibus in Italia scriptas Caesar attribuerat Longino, quinta legio nuper ibi erat confecta.vatican.va vatican.va
In this broad perspective of commitments, Mary Most Holy, the highly favoured daughter of the Father, will appear before the eyes of believers as the perfect model of love towards both God and neighbour.
Igitur nulla simulacra urbibus suis, nedum templis sistunt; non regibus haec adulatio, non Caesaribus honor.vatican.va vatican.va
The eyes of the mind were no longer able to see clearly: reason became more and more a prisoner to itself.
auxit invidiam editum illic a Caecina gladiatorum spectaculum eademque rursus belli sedes et praebiti in acie Vitellianis cibi, caesae quaedam feminae studio partium ad proelium progressae; tempus quoque mercatus ditem alioqui coloniam maiore opum specie complebat.vatican.va vatican.va
Listen to the song with understanding, and let not the weakness of the flesh distract your eyes from the splendour of his beauty."
Domitianus sperni a senioribus iuventam suam cernens modica quoque et usurpata antea munia imperii omittebat, simplicitatis ac modestiae imagine in altitudinem conditus studiumque litterarum et amorem carminum simulans, quo velaret animum et fratris <se> aemulationi subduceret, cuius disparem mitioremque naturam contra interpretabatur.vatican.va vatican.va
The outcome of the discourse on the eyes of faith is the discourse on credibility, of which Augustine often speaks, adducing the reasons for credibility as if to confirm the consciousness with which he himself had returned to the Catholic faith.
ego ut sinam, credisne passuros qui fratrem eius, qui patrem maioresque nostros in summis imperiis videre? vis tu quidem istum intra locum sistere: sed illi magistratus et primores, qui te invitum perrumpunt omnibusque de rebus consulunt, excessisse iam pridem equestre fastigium longeque antisse patris mei amicitias non occulti ferunt perque invidiam tui me quoque incusant.vatican.va vatican.va
65) Evangelical poverty reveals to the eyes of the human soul the perspective of the whole mystery, "hidden for ages in God."(
Haec Afranius Petreiusque et eorum amici pleniora etiam atque uberiora Romam ad suos perscribebant; multa rumor affingebat, ut paene bellum confectum videretur.vatican.va vatican.va
Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life.
Vitellium infestis mucronibus coactum modo erigere os et offerre contumeliis, nunc cadentis statuas suas, plerumque rostra aut Galbae occisi locum contueri, postremo ad Gemonias, ubi corpus Flavii Sabini iacuerat, propulere.vatican.va vatican.va
If, in fact, the Cross was to human eyes Christ's emptying of himself, at the same time it was in the eyes of God his being lifted up.
isdem quippe illis diebus Torquatus Silanus mori adigitur, quia super Iuniae familiae claritudinem divum Augustum abavum ferebat.vatican.va vatican.va
February 27, 1953 BC: A very close alignment of the naked-eye planets took place in which these planets are together in a span of 4.3 degrees.
universo cum exercitu secundis a Verona castris Bedriacum venit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They stood oppressed by the consciousness of guilt, their eyes fixed on the earth.
Accessit etiam quod illa pars equitatus Usipetum et Tencterorum, quam supra commemoravi praedandi frumentandi causa Mosam transisse neque proelio interfuisse, post fugam suorum se trans Rhenum in fines Sugambrorum receperat seque cum his coniunxerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
By the profession of the evangelical counsels the characteristic features of Jesus — the chaste, poor and obedient one — are made constantly "visible" in the midst of the world and the eyes of the faithful are directed towards the mystery of the Kingdom of God already at work in history, even as it awaits its full realization in heaven.
Praeerat Trebellius Maximus, per avaritiam ac sordis contemptus exercitui invisusque.vatican.va vatican.va
"The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life" are hidden within man as the inheritance of original sin, as a result of which the relationship with the world, created by God and given to man to be ruled by him,(49) was disfigured in the human heart in various ways.
dein metu ne ad perniciem ultro traherentur, desistunt, Pallas per ignaviam, Callistus prioris quoque regiae peritus et potentiam cautis quam acribus consiliis tutius haberi: perstitit Narcissus, solum id immutans ne quo sermone praesciam criminis et accusatoris faceret.vatican.va vatican.va
265 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.