of the far north oor Latyn

of the far north

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Piotr Szelma

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Regardless, migrants settled in many locations on the continent, from the Inuit of the far north to the Mayans and Aztecs of the south.
Compluribus his proeliis pulsis ab Ocelo, quod est oppidum citerioris provinciae extremum, in fines Vocontiorum ulterioris provinciae die septimo pervenit; inde in Allobrogum fines, ab Allobrogibus in Segusiavos exercitum ducit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1871, Holger Drachmann and Karl Madsen visited Skagen in the far north of Jutland where they quickly built up one of Scandinavia's most successful artists' colonies specialising in Naturalism and Realism rather than in the traditional approach favoured by the Academy.
ita sine congressu dux Romanus abscedere militem sua quemque in castra iubet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Argentina possesses a wide variety of climatic regions ranging from subtropical in the north to subantarctic in the far south.
Reliquae propinquam fugam ad oppidum capiunt; quas protexerunt ex molibus atque aedificiis imminentibus et nostros adire propius prohibuerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The northernmost Uto-Aztecan language is Shoshoni, which is spoken as far north as Salmon, Idaho, while the southernmost is the Pipil language of El Salvador.
repertum est aedem esse apud Antium quae sic nuncuparetur, cunctasque caerimonias Italicis in oppidis templaque et numinum effigies iuris atque imperii Romani esse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Similarly, the Far North (when contrasted to the North) may refer to the Canadian Arctic: the portion of Canada north of the Arctic Circle and lies east of Alaska and west of Greenland.
Quorum orationem celeriter veritas comprobavit: namque postero die ex legionibus his quas Gaetuli nominarunt, milites legionarii complures ab Scipione in castra Caesaris perfugerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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