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Piotr Szelma

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Like all other branches of formation, pastoral formation develops by means of mature reflection and practical application, and it is rooted in a spirit, which is the hinge of all and the force which stimulates it and makes it develop.
Hanc denuntiationem cum maiorem vim habituram existimaret, si propius eas regiones cum exercitu accessisset, ad legiones profectus unam ex tribus, XXXVI, secum ducit, duas in Aegyptum ad Caesarem mittit litteris eius evocatas; quarum altera bello Alexandrino non occurrit, quod itinere terrestri per Syriam erat missa.vatican.va vatican.va
His Prologus Orationum sive Meditationum, which he wrote for stimulating the disposition of reading for the love or fear of God, or for the discussion of the same, discloses how much of the meaning of Lectio divina as practised Anselm understood that it is the hinge of Benedictine life concerning which he recalls: They [the meditations] must not be read in commotion, but in quiet, and not hastily and quickly, but little by little with attentive and slow meditation (Orationes sive Meditationes, Prol., ed.
At Pharnaces liberaliter omnia pollicitus, cum festinantem ac praecurrentem Caesarem speraret libentius etiam crediturum suis promissis quam res pateretur, quo celerius honestiusque ad res magis necessarias proficisceretur--nemini enim erat ignotum plurimis de causis ad urbem Caesarem revocar --, lentius agere, decedendi diem postulare longiorem, pactiones interponere, in summa frustrari coepit.vatican.va vatican.va
2 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.