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Oxford: One World.
Oxoniae: One World.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
23 November – Britain's Lewis Hamilton wins the 2014 Formula One world title after finishing first in the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
23 Novembris — Ludovicus Hamilton, ille autocinetorum formulae primae gubernator Britannicus, in Abu Dhabi campionatum mundanum iterum vicit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Subsurface life may be widespread on other bodies in the solar system and throughout the universe, even on worlds unaccompanied by other stars.
Sol est una ex stellis in galaxia Via Lactea, et Systema Solare, Tellurem, et omnes alias res comprehendit quae circa Solem moventur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
New peoples appear on the world scene, and they too have a right to receive the proclamation of salvation.
Novi populi in mundi scaenam irrumpunt, qui et ipsi ius habent nuntium salutis
If, on the contrary, people try to achieve it in only one part, or in only one world, they do so at the expense of the others; and, precisely because the others are ignored, their own development becomes exaggerated and misdirected.
Si contra opera datur, ut id una in orbis parte ad effectum adducatur, tunc cum damno perficitur ceterorum magno; ibique, ubi rei fit initium, ceteris neglectis, eo ipso res corrumpitur vel in peius
Metoprolol is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.
Metronidazolum in ordinis mundi sanitarii indicem exemplarem medicamentorum principalium receptum est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the modern era, the idea of the Last Judgement has faded into the background: Christian faith has been individualized and primarily oriented towards the salvation of the believer's own soul, while reflection on world history is largely dominated by the idea of progress.
Nova aetate mens de Iudicio finali obsolescit: fides christiana ad individuum reducitur et praesertim ad personalem animae salutem vertitur; consideratio de historia universali autem magna ex parte progressionis cogitatione
Gentamicin is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, which lists the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.
Calcium in ordinis mundi sanitarii indicem exemplarem medicamentorum principalium receptum est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a treatment for otitis externa, it is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.
Acidum valproicum in ordinis mundi sanitarii indicem exemplarem medicamentorum principalium receptum est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Through our worship of God, we are invited to embrace the world on a different plane.
Per sacrum cultum invitamur ad mundum diversa ratione
It's pretty good, but don't expect it to set your world on fire."
Bonum erat ei, si natus non fuisset homo ille."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Interreligious dialogue, especially on behalf of world peace
Inter religiones dialogus, potissimum pro mundi
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Pro dolorosa Eius passione, miserere nobis et totius mundi.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
But whereas Adam and Eve were the source of evil which was unleashed on the world, Joseph and Mary arc the summit from which holiness spreads all over the earth.
Verum, licet Adami Evaeque fuerit par malorum fons quae orbem obruerunt, culmen efficiunt Josephus ac Maria unde diffunditur universa in terras
How could one proclaim Christ on that immense Continent while forgetting that it is one of the world's poorest regions?
Quomodo Christus hac in amplissima continenti enuntiari potest, si obliviscimur eam esse inter pauperrimas mundi plagas?
Let her learn the Psalter first, and find her recreation in its songs; let her learn from Solomon's Proverbs the way of life, from Ecclesiastes how to trample on the world.
Discat primum psalterium, his se canticis avocet, et in Proverbiis Salomonis erudiatur ad
In his prayers the monk utters an epiklesis of the Spirit on the world and is certain that he will be heard, for this is a sharing in Christ's own prayer.
In sua precatione monachus Spiritus epiclesim super mundum dicit et pro certo habet se exauditum iri, quandoquidem illa ipsam Christi precationem
The entire Catholic world looked on and was filled with admiration at the course of events.
Quid tunc evenerit, ipsi scitis; vidit universus catholicus orbis et admiratione prosecutus
Baikal alone contains over one-fifth of the world's fresh surface water.
Baical circa 1/5 aquae dulcis superficialis mundi habet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The world rests on the back of a great turtle.
Mundus super dorsum immanis testudinis jacet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
World Conference on Human Rights
Conventus mundanus de iuribus humanislangbot langbot
Pope Paul VI eloquently expressed this when he canonized the Ugandan Martyrs in Saint Peter's Basilica on World Mission Day, 1964: "These African Martyrs add a new page to that list of victorious men and women that we call the martyrology, in which we find the most magnificent as well as the most tragic stories. The page that they add is worthy to take its place alongside those wonderful stories of ancient Africa ...
Paulus VI diserte quidem hanc rem significavit, cum in Petriana Basilica martyres Ugandenses in sanctorum catalogum rettulit, Missionali Die Universali contingente anno MCMLXIV: “Hi igitur Martyres Africani albo victorum, quod est martyrologium, paginam addunt, qua res simul funestissimae et magnificae perhibentur: paginam dicimus, sane dignam, quae adiungatur egregiis illis narrationibus veteris Africae.
It works to form among peoples a mentality which fosters peace, especially on the occasion of World Peace Day.
Operam impendit ut inter populos sentiendi ratio de pace fovenda formetur, præsertim occasione oblata Diei Pacis in mundo provehendæ
By doing so, every wish that is born manifests in one of these parallel worlds at that very moment.
Hoc esse dicitur in tota Germania expressionismi pictura parietalis maximi momenti.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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