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The Gambia is tied for fourth place in the world for the DTP3 immunisation for one-year-old children.
Gambia quarto loco in Mundo propter immunizationem DTP3 inter pueros natos unum annum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The genus is estimated to be 28 million years old using cytochrome oxidase nucleotide sequences, and more than 20 million years old based on a fossil in amber from the Dominican Republic.
Genus vixisse aestimatur abhinc annorum circa 28 milliones secundum sequentias nucleotidorum oxidasium cytochromaticarum?, et annorum plus quam 20 milliones secundum fossile in sucino a Republica Dominicana observatum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The vacant channel is filled by a new children's channel Kadet from December 19, 2015, which focuses primarily on boys between 8 and 12 years old.
Canal J est Francica televisio die 23 Decembris 1985 condita, quae pueris inter annos 7 et 14 dicata est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the basis of this principle, the words which Mary spoke to the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple take on their full significance: "Your father and I...have been looking for you."
Hoc ex principio rectum suum sensum verba consequuntur a Maria adulescenti dicta Iesu duodecim annorum in templo: “Pater tuus et ego . . . quaerebamus te”
The First Nation is adjacent to a 4,500-year-old wooden stake fishing weir system which at one time sustained many Native peoples but, it is not clear who actually built this structure.
Anno 1915 primo bello mundano miles conscriptus erat nec tamen pugnis interfuit, sed etiam hoc tempore aedificia exstruxit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Only one episode from this "hidden time" is described in the Gospel of Luke: the Passover in Jerusalem when Jesus was twelve years old.
Unum dumtaxat subducitur momentum huic “occultationi” atque in Lucae Evangelio describitur: Pascha Hierosolymitanum, cum duedecimum agebat Iesus
More than forty years later, we must acknowledge how difficult this journey has been, both because of new forms of colonialism and continued dependence on old and new foreign powers, and because of grave irresponsibility within the very countries that have achieved independence.
Post quadraginta elapsos annos et ultra, agnoscere tenemur quam difficilis hic percursus fuerit, sive propter novas formas constituendi colonias et formas subiectionis antiquis et recentibus Nationibus imperantibus, sive ob graves inconscientiae sensus intra easdem Nationes iam sui iuris
It would be very significant if in the Year 2000 it were possible to visit the places on the road taken by the People of God of the Old Covenant, starting from the places associated with Abraham and Moses, through Egypt and Mount Sinai, as far as Damascus, the city which witnessed the conversion of Saint Paul.
Praeclarum quiddam erit si volvente anno mm, invisere licuerit universa ea loca quae Populi Electi Veteris Foederis signaverunt iter, a regionibus Abrahami et Moysis per Aegyptum Montemque Sinai ad urbem Damascum quae sancti Pauli cognovit
That same year Nero was believed to have destroyed by poison two of his most powerful freedmen, Doryphorus, on the pretext of his having opposed the marriage with Poppaea, Pallas for still keeping his boundless wealth by a prolonged old age.
Eodem anno libertorum potissimos veneno interfecisse creditus, Doryphorum quasi adversatum nuptiis Poppaeae, Pallantem, quod immensam pecuniam longa senecta detineret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
As I did then, so again I address myself to the Christians of the young Churches in order to remind them of their responsibilities: "Today, you are the hope of this two-thousand-year-old Church of ours: being young in faith, you must be like the first Christians and radiate enthusiasm and courage. In a word, you must set yourselves on the path of holiness.
Nunc quoque, sicut tunc, christianos alloquimur novarum Ecclesiarum, ut eos suorum officiorum commonefaciamus: “Vos his diebus spem prae vobis fertis nostrae huius Ecclesiae, quae duo milia iam vivit annorum: cum fide iuvenes sitis, primos imitari debetis christianos et circum vos fervorem diffundere et magnanimitatem in alacri quadam donatione Deo facta atque proximo; brevi in viam dare vos oportet
By broadening certain aspects that already belonged to the Old Testament, Christianity brought about a fundamental change of ideas in this field, taking the whole content of the Gospel message as its point of departure, especially the fact that the one who, while being God, became like us in all things11 devoted most of the years of his life on earth to manual work at the carpenter's bench.
Christiana vero religio, quasdam rei facies, Antiqui Testamenti proprias, amplificans, hac in causa notiones radicitus mutavit, a toto thesauro nuntii evangelici proficiscens ac praesertim a veritate, ex qua Is qui, cum in forma Dei esset, in omnibus similis factus est nobis (11); qui maiorem partem vitae suae labori impendit, ad fabri mensam sese
12 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.