one-handed oor Latyn


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Using only one hand.

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Charlton T. Lewis

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For what is the good of soiling one's hands with a book the Church does not receive?"[
Quid enim necesse est in manus sumere quod Ecclesia non recipit?
On the one hand, if your opponents are holding point cards, you will collect them.
Se illos de aliqua re maximi momenti certiores facturum esse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the one hand, charity demands justice: recognition and respect for the legitimate rights of individuals and peoples.
Ex una parte caritas iustitiam secum fert: agnitionem scilicet et legitimorum iurium singulorum populorumque
One hand washes the other.
Manus manum lavat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
With this information on hand, The Campus heads to Romania.
Haec universitas Granatae, Septae et Rusadiri campos habet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Can you catch a ball with one hand?
Potesne pilam una manu captare?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
On the one hand, she beat the living crap out of me.
Qua de causa ibi mercatus boum exstitit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the one hand, the Church must assimilate and live ever more fully the message which the Lord has entrusted to her.
Hinc melius usque nuntio imbui debet Ecclesia, quem ei concredidit
On the one hand, we do not want to die; above all, those who love us do not want us to die.
Ex altera enim parte mori nolumus; at praecipue qui nos diligit mori nos non
In this regard, CAC is an integrator of specialized skills, on one hand, and an executor of common skills, on the other.
Mutualismus est coniunctio symbiotica inter duos organismos, ubi uterque beneficium habilitatis lucratur, exempli gratia habilitatem superesse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If on the one hand, dialogue depends on prayer, so, in another sense, prayer also becomes the ever more mature fruit of dialogue.
Si hinc precatio est dialogi condicio, hinc eius fit fructus
He came to restore on the one hand communication and relations between God and humanity, and on the other hand those of people with one another.
Venit enim ille hinc ut redintegraret communicationem et necessitudinem inter Deum atque homines, illinc vero coniunctionis rationes inter
On the one hand one is forced to note in the very heart of this contemporary world the phenomenon which is becoming almost its most striking characteristic: secularism.
Hinc enim animadvertendum est in ipso veluti centro mundi nostrae aetatis quiddam insidere, quod est quasi singularissima eius nota: saecularismum
(181) On the one hand, it is easy to appreciate the importance of these moments, especially when the Bishop himself celebrates, surrounded by his presbyterate and by the deacons.
181) Una ex parte facile agnosci potest momentum horum eventorum, praesertim cum praesidet eis Episcopus suo presbyterio circumdatus et
On the one hand, there is the example of some young Churches, which show how fervently Sunday can be celebrated, whether in urban areas or in widely scattered villages.
Ex una enim parte exemplum eminet iuniorum Ecclesiarum quarundam, quae quanto ardore Dominicalis celebratio animari possit tam in urbibus quam in dissitissimis oppidulis
For prayer to develop this power of purification, it must on the one hand be something very personal, an encounter between my intimate self and God, the living God.
Ut oratio hanc purificatoriam vim explicet, una ex parte ea sit oportet omnino personalis, collationem mei ipsius constituat cum Deo, cum Deo
They mark out the area of that mysterium pietatis that in human history is opposed to sin, to the mystery of iniquity.189 On the one hand, as St.
Eae spatium denotant illius mysterii pietatis, quod in historia hominis repugnat peccato, videlicet mysterio iniquitatis (189)
We, on the other hand, have on all sides abundant resources and loyal adherents.
multa bella impetu valida per taedia et moras evanuisse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the one hand they are subjecting to critical and radical examination the hitherto accepted knowledge about man, on the grounds that this knowledge seems either too empirical or too theoretical.
Ex altera parte, criticae investigationi radicitus subiciunt cognitiones, quae hucusque de homine receptae sunt, utpote quae appareant aut nimis in factis, aut nimis in cogitatis
At this point, we may pose the question of the link between, on the one hand, the truths of philosophy and religion and, on the other, the truth revealed in Jesus Christ.
Ibidem interrogandum est de habitudine quae inter veritates philosophico-religiosas intercedit et veritatem in Christo Iesu
On the one hand, especially among the young, one can detect a growing interest in the spiritual and transcendent dimension of the human person, with a consequent interest in religion, particularly in Christianity.
Ex altera parte notatur praesertim inter iuvenes crescens studium spiritualis et transcendentis naturae ipsius personae humanae unde derivatur consequens religionis cultus, potissimum christiani
On the one hand, it must be increasingly committed to the task entrusted to it by the Second Vatican Council, the task of renewing its specific methods in order to serve evangelization more effectively.
Altera ex parte opus explicet illa oportet quod Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum II suo tempore ei commisit: suas ut proprias renovaret docendi rationes quo evangelizationi efficacius
On the one hand, access to assistance and health care, recognized as a right of the citizen, has become generalized, consequently determining the broadening of the structures and of the various health care services.
Ex altera enim parte accessus ipse ad subsidia curasque valetudinis, qui iam civium prοprium ius est agnitum, passim percrebuit; unde factum est ut structurae etiam institutorum variaque opera pro eadem sanitate valde
Through her commitment she desires, on the one hand, to place herself at the service of the divine plan which is meant to order all things to the fullness which dwells in Christ (cf.
Pro suo munere ipsa cupit illinc divino optato servire eo spectanti ut omnia disponantur ad plenitudinem, quae omnis in Christo habitat (
534 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.