original cause oor Latyn

original cause

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initium et causa

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For that matter, it is known how often the illness which is manifested in the body has its origins and its true cause in the recesses of' the human psyche.
Patet ceteroquin aegrotationem in corpore comparentem interdum suam ducere originem veramque causam ex animae humanae recessibus.vatican.va vatican.va
The reason, I suppose, is that lands and mountains, which are the cause and origin of storms, are here comparatively rare, and also that the vast depths of that unbroken expanse are more slowly set in motion.
Sed mare pigrum et grave remigantibus perhibent ne ventis quidem perinde attolli, credo quod rariores terrae montesque, causa ac materia tempestatum, et profunda moles continui maris tardius impellitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Suddenly fortune deranged everything; the emperor became a cruel tyrant, as well as an abettor of cruelty in others. Of this the cause and origin was Aelius Sejanus, commander of the praetorian cohorts, of whose influence I have already spoken.
initium et causa penes Aelium Seianum cohortibus praetoriis praefectum cuius de potentia supra memoravi: nunc originem, mores, et quo facinore dominationem raptum ierit expediam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
These truths are decisive for man from the very beginning, and at the same time they trace out the main lines of his earthly existence, both in the state of original justice and also after the breaking, caused by sin, of the Creator's original covenant with creation in man.
Rae sunt veritates, quae inde ab initio de homine statuunt atque cursum eius vitae in terra, quasi magnis lineamentis ductis, adumbrant sive in statu iustitiae primigeniae sive post fractum peccato foedus originale, quod Creator cum creatura sua in ipso homine iniit.vatican.va vatican.va
2. But the boldness of these bad men, which day by day more and more threatens civil society with destruction, and strikes the souls of all with anxiety and fear, finds its cause and origin in those poisonous doctrines which, spread abroad in former times among the people, like evil seed bore in due time such fatal fruit.
Haec autem perfidorum hominum audacia, quae civili consortio graviores in dies ruinas minitatur, et omnium animos sollicita trepidatione percellit, causam et originem ab iis venenatis doctrinis repetit, quae superioribus temporibus tamquam vitiosa semina medios inter populos diffusae, tam pestíferos suo tempore fructus dederunt.vatican.va vatican.va
As the conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate states: ''All nations are one community and have one origin, because God caused the whole human race to dwell on the whole face of the earth. They also have one final end, God, whose providence, manifest goodness and plan of salvation extend to all, until the elect be gathered together in the holy city which the glory of God will illuminate and where the peoples will walk in his light''.285
Sicut namque in conciliari Declaratione Nostra aetate affirmatur, « una enim communitas sunt omnes gentes, unam habent originem, cum Deus omne genus hominum inhabitare fecerit super universam faciem terrae, unum etiam habent finem ultimum, Deum, cuius providentia ac bonitatis testimonium et consilia salutis ad omnes se extendunt, donec uniantur electi in Civitate Sancta quam claritas Dei illuminabit, ubi gentes ambulabunt in lumine eius ».285vatican.va vatican.va
Not only is it not restricted to sensory knowledge, from the moment that it can reflect critically upon the data of the senses, but, by discoursing on the data provided by the senses, reason can reach the cause which lies at the origin of all perceptible reality.
Hominis rationi ergo illa adsignatur facultas quae excedere videtur ipsos eius naturae limites: non tantum intra sensuum cognitionem non circumscribitur, quoniam de iis critico iudicio meditari valet, sed de sensuum notitiis ratiocinando causam etiam tangere potest quae omnium rerum sensibilium subiacet origini.vatican.va vatican.va
We believe that in Adam all have sinned, which means that the original offense committed by him caused human nature, common to all men, to fall to a state in which it bears the consequences of that offense, and which is not the state in which it was at first in our first parents—established as they were in holiness and justice, and in which man knew neither evil nor death.
Credimus in Adam omnes peccavisse; ex quo fieri, ut propter originalem culpam ab illo commissam natura humana, universis hominibus communis, ad eam adducatur condicionem, in qua damna inde secuta patiatur; hanc vero non eam esse, in qua primi parentes nostri sint versati, utpote in sanctitate et iustitia constituti et in qua homo expers fueri mali et mortis.vatican.va vatican.va
And indeed Our Predecessor of happy memory, Leo XIII, admiring the timely opportuneness of the devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, said very aptly in his Encyclical Letter, "Annum Sacrum," "When in the days near her origin, the Church was oppressed under the yoke of the Caesars the Cross shown on high to the youthful Emperor was at once an omen and a cause of the victory that speedily followed.
Siquidem apposite f. r. decessor Noster Leo XIII, in Litteris Encyclicis « Annum Sacrum », tantam cultus Sacratissimi. Cordis Iesu opportunitatem admiratus, edicere non dubitavit: « Cum Ecclesia per proxima originibus tempora caesareo iugo premeretur, conspecta sublime adolescenti imperatori crux amplissimae victoriae, quae mox est consecuta, auspex simul atque effectrix.vatican.va vatican.va
The biblical and evangelical message sheds light on this cause, which is the object of much attention today, by safeguarding the truth about the "unity" of the "two", that is to say the truth about that dignity and vocation that result from the specific diversity and personal originality of man and woman.
Hoc propositum, constanter enuntiatum multimodisque commemoratum, illustrando, nuntius biblicus et evangelicus custodit veritatem de “unitate duorum”, id est de illa dignitate illaque vocatione, quae oriuntur ex peculiari diversitate et personali proprietate viri et mulieris.vatican.va vatican.va
2. Whoso turns his attention to the bitter strifes of these days and seeks a reason for the troubles that vex public and private life must come to the conclusion that a fruitful cause of the evils which now afflict, as well as those which threaten, us lies in this: that false conclusions concerning divine and human things, which originated in the schools of philosophy, have now crept into all the orders of the State, and have been accepted by the common consent of the masses.
Si quis in acerbitatem nostrorum temporum animum intendat, earumque rerum rationem, quae publice et privatim geruntur, cogitatione complectatur, is profecto comperiet, fecundam malorum causam, cum eorum quae premunt, tum eorum quae pertimescimus, in eo consistere, quod prava de divinis humanisque rebus scita, e scholis philosophorum iampridem profecta, in omnes civitatis ordines irrepserint, communi plurimorum suffragio recepta.vatican.va vatican.va
While Nero was reclining at dinner in his house named Sublaqueum on the Simbruine lake, the table with the banquet was struck and shattered, and as this happened close to Tibur, from which town Plautus derived his origin on his father's side, people believed him to be the man marked out by divine providence; and he was encouraged by that numerous class, whose eager and often mistaken ambition it is to attach themselves prematurely to some new and hazardous cause.
nam quia discumbentis Neronis apud Simbruina stagna [in villa], cui Sublaqueum nomen est, ictae dapes mensaque disiecta erat, idque finibus Tiburtum acciderat, unde paterna Plauto origo, hunc illum numine deum destinari credebant, fovebantque multi, quibus nova et ancipitia praecolere avida et plerumque fallax ambitio est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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