ornamentally oor Latyn


In an ornamental way.

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The cavalry was augmented to three thousand, with costly ornaments and equipage: nor was any respite given to the province.
Complentur equitum III milia maximisque ornantur impensis: nec provinciae datur ulla requies.
Charlton T. Lewis

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Athenian hair ornament in shape of cicada
depriving of ornament
artificial ornament
calamister · cincinnus
ornament for the hair
adorno · aurum · condimentum · condio · convenusto · decor · decoramen · decus · descrobo · flos · flosculus · gloria · honoro · instrumentum · mundus · ornamenta · ornamenti · ornamentorum · ornamentum · ornamentum musicalis · ornatus · orno · ornāmentum · pigmentum · sidus · vestitus · vitare
with lack of ornament
little|small|light|ornamental chain
head ornament
ornament for the head|hair


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That the friendship of the Roman people ought to prove to him an ornament and a safeguard, not a detriment; and that he sought it with that expectation.
proximus dies causae destinatur; nec tam Musonius aut Publius quam Priscus et Marcellus ceterique, motis ad ultionem animis, expectabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"The Bituriges threw themselves at the feet of all the Gauls, and entreat that they should not be compelled to set fire with their own hands to the fairest city of almost the whole of Gaul, which was both a protection and ornament to the state; they say that ""they could easily defend it, owing to the nature of the ground, for, being inclosed almost on every side by a river and a marsh, it had only one entrance, and that very narrow."" Permission being granted to them at their earnest request, Vercingetorix at first dissuades them from it, but afterward concedes the point, owing to their entreaties and the compassion of the soldiers."
flagitatum ut vacationes praestari centurionibus solitae remitterentur; namque gregarius miles ut tributum annuum pendebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Need Wemention Queen Margaret, a light and ornament not only of Scotland, but of thewhole of Christendom, who, though she occupied the most exalted position inpoint of worldly dignity,sought only in her whole life things eternal and divine, and thus spread throughout the Church the luster of her virtues?
saevam vim morbi augebat persuasio veneni a Pisone accepti; et reperiebantur solo ac parietibus erutae humanorumcorporum reliquiae, carmina et devotiones et nomen Germanici plumbeis tabulis insculptum, semusti cineres ac tabo obliti aliaque malefica quis creditur animas numinibus infernis sacrari.vatican.va vatican.va
Rich presents, too, he sends for, saved of old / from Troy, a veil, whose saffron edges shone / fringed with acanthus, glorious to behold, / a broidered mantle, stiff with figures wrought in gold. / Fair Helen's ornaments, from Argos brought, / the gift of Leda, when the Trojan shore / and lawless nuptials o'er the waves she sought.
Hac multitudine disposita munitiones semotarum partium tuebantur; veteranas cohortis vacuas in celeberrimis urbis locis habebant, ut quacumque regione pugnaretur integris viribus ad auxilium ferendum opponi possent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The garment varied in fineness, colour and ornament.
Traditus posthac Mithridates vectusque Romam per Iunium Cilonem, procuratorem Ponti, ferocius quam pro fortuna disseruisse apud Caesarem ferebatur, elataque vox eius in vulgum hisce verbis: 'non sum remissus ad te, sed reversus: vel si non credis, dimitte et quaere.' vultu quoque interrito permansit, cum rostra iuxta custodibus circumdatus visui populo praeberetur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When trustworthy messengers brought into the theatre the news that Otho was dead, and that all the troops in the capital had taken the oath to Vitellius under the direction of Flavius Sabinus, prefect of the city, the spectators greeted the name of Vitellius with applause. The people carried round the temples images of Galba, ornamented with laurel leaves and flowers, and piled chaplets in the form of a sepulchral mound near the lake of Curtius, on the very spot which had been stained with the blood of the dying man.
sternunt inermos aut arma capientis et quosdam somno excitos, cum tenebris, pavore, sonitu tubarum, clamore hostili turbarentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
No use is made by them of stone or tile; they employ timber for all purposes, rude masses without ornament or attractiveness.
Qua in re summa felicitas celeritasque in recipiendis civitatibus Fabium consequitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The people were summoned as to a grand spectacle; the praetorian cohorts were drawn up under arms in the plain in front of their camp; then came a procession of the royal vassals, and the ornaments and neck-chains and the spoils which the king had won in wars with other tribes, were displayed.
eo notabilior caedes fuit, quia filius patrem interfecit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
There, roof and pinnacle the Dardans tear – / death standing near – and hurl them on the foe, / last arms of need, the weapons of despair; / and gilded beams and rafters down they throw, / ancestral ornaments of days ago.
His datis mandatis Brundisium cum legionibus VI pervenit, veteranis III et reliquis, quas ex novo dilectu confecerat atque in itinere compleverat; Domitianas enim cohortes protinus a Corfinio in Siciliam miserat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
There, roof and pinnacle the Dardans tear – / death standing near – and hurl them on the foe, / last arms of need, the weapons of despair; / and gilded beams and rafters down they throw, / ancestral ornaments of days ago.
Eosdem agros Ampsivarii occupavere, validior gens non modo sua copia, sed adiacentium populorum miseratione, qui pulsi a Chaucis et sedis inopes tutum exilium orabant.tatoeba tatoeba
The technical innovation was presented in Dezallier d'Argenville's La théorie et la pratique du jardinage (1709), which the architect John James (1712) translated into English: Grills of iron are very necessary ornaments in the lines of walks, to extend the view, and to show the country to advantage.
Quo facto conventus civium Romanorum, qui Lissum obtinebant, quod oppidum eis antea Caesar attribuerat muniendumque curaverat, Antonium recepit omnibusque rebus iuvit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That age indeed produced at one time two brilliant ornaments of peace. But while Labeo was a man of sturdy independence and consequently of wider fame, Capito's obsequiousness was more acceptable to those in power.
atque ille, quamquam prompto ad capessendos honores aditu, Maecenatem aemulatus sine dignitate senatoria multos triumphalium consulariumque potentia antiit, diversus a veterum instituto per cultum et munditias copiaque et affluentia luxu propior.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rich presents, too, he sends for, saved of old / from Troy, a veil, whose saffron edges shone / fringed with acanthus, glorious to behold, / a broidered mantle, stiff with figures wrought in gold. / Fair Helen's ornaments, from Argos brought, / the gift of Leda, when the Trojan shore / and lawless nuptials o'er the waves she sought.
Sostratus (sacerdotis id nomen erat) ubi laeta et congruentia exta magnisque consultis adnuere deam videt, pauca in praesens et solita respondens, petito secreto futura aperit.tatoeba tatoeba
For as the elephants are covered with trappings and ornaments, it was necessary to inform them what parts of the body remained naked, that they might direct their darts thither.
pacem sine dubio post haec, verum cruentam: Lollianas Varianasque clades, interfectos Romae Varrones, Egnatios, Iullos.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Paeonia rockii is cultivated as an ornamental plant in Asia and the west.
ille positus siderum ac spatia dimensus haerere primo, dein pavescere, et quantum introspiceret magis ac magis trepidus admirationis et metus, postremo exclamat ambiguum sibi ac prope ultimum discrimen instare.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All the more willingly did Tiberius commemorate his achievements in the Senate, and the Senators voted him the ornaments of triumph, an honour which Camillus, because of his unambitious life, enjoyed without harm.
Discedentibus his breviter sua in Aeduos merita euit, quos et quam humiles accepisset, compulsos in oppida, multatos agris omnibus ereptis copiis, imposito stipendio, obsidibus summa cum contumelia extortis, et quam in fortunam quamque in amplitudinem deduxisset, ut non solum in pristinum statum redissent, sed omnium temporum dignitatem et gratiam antecessisse viderentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Moon–Flower (Ipomoea alba, Convolvulaceae)—Medicine, Rubber Enabler, and Ornamental: A Review.
Quibus rebus confectis Caesar magis eos pro nomine et vetustate, quam pro meritis in se civitatis conservans duas ibi legiones praesidio relinquit, ceteras in Italiam mittit; ipse ad urbem proficiscitur.springer springer
Faced by cases of need, one cannot ignore them in favor of superfluous church ornaments and costly furnishings for divine worship; on the contrary it could be obligatory to sell these goods in order to provide food, drink, clothing and shelter for those who lack these things.59 As has been already noted, here we are shown a "hierarchy of values" - in the framework of the right to property - between"having" and "being," especially when the "having" of a few can be to the detriment of the "being" of many others.
exim Cyprii tribus [de] delubris, quorum vetustissimum Paphiae Veneri auctor Aesrias, post filius eius Amathus Veneri Amathusiae et Iovi Salaminio Teucer, Telamonis patris ira profugus, posuissent.vatican.va vatican.va
Those clothe with awe / the Senate; there they choose the judges for the law. / These delve the port; the broad foundations there / they lay for theatres of ample space, / and columns, hewn from marble rocks, prepare, / tall ornaments, the future stage to grace.
Hac re animadversa Caesar iubet signa converti et medio campo redintegrari proelium.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Those clothe with awe / the Senate; there they choose the judges for the law. / These delve the port; the broad foundations there / they lay for theatres of ample space, / and columns, hewn from marble rocks, prepare, / tall ornaments, the future stage to grace.
consisterent in acie, non pugnaturis militibus ubi Pisonem ab ipsis parentem quondam appellatum, si iure ageretur, potiorem, si armis, non invalidum vidissent tum pro munimentis castelli manipulos explicat colle arduo et derupto; nam cetera mari cinguntur.tatoeba tatoeba
It is an honour as well as a source of strength to be thus always surrounded by a large body of picked youths; it is an ornament in peace and a defence in war.
His igitur et honoribus et ornamentis et facultatibus refertas domos eorum videmus, qui se ab ineunte adulescentia causis forensibus et oratorio studio dederunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The cavalry was augmented to three thousand, with costly ornaments and equipage: nor was any respite given to the province.
nec illi segne aut corruptum luxu iter, sed lorica ferrea usus est et ante signa pedes ire, horridus, incomptus famaeque dissimilis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Then on the accuser asking her whether she had sold her bridal presents or stript her neck of its ornaments to raise money for the performance of magical rites, she at first flung herself on the ground and wept long in silence. After awhile, clasping the altar steps and altar, she exclaimed, ""I have invoked no impious deities, no enchantments, nor aught else in my unhappy prayers, but only that thou, Caesar, and you, senators, might preserve unharmed this best of fathers."
Nec quisquam adeo rerum humanarum immemor quem non commoveret illa facies, Romanum principem et generis humani paulo ante dominum relicta fortunae suae sede per populum, per urbem exire de imperio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Upon his approaching Pontus, and the frontiers of Gallograecia, Deiotarus, tetrarch of that province (whose title, however, was disputed by the neighboring tetrarchs) and king of Lesser Armenia, laying aside the regal ornaments, and assuming the habit not only of a private person, but even of a criminal, came in a suppliant manner to Caesar, to beg forgiveness for assisting Pompey with his army, and obeying his commands, at a time when Caesar could afford him no protection: urging, that it was his business to obey the governors who were present, without pretending to judge of the disputes of the people of Rome.
"Marcus Petronius, eiusdem legionis centurio, cum portam excidere conatus esset, a multitudine oppressus ac sibi desperans multis iam vulneribus acceptis manipularibus suis, qui illum secuti erant, ""Quoniam,"" inquit, ""me una vobiscum servare non possum, vestrae quidem certe vitae prospiciam, quos cupiditate gloriae adductus in periculum deduxi."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Therefore let the Religious Institutes avoid a too exquisite style and ornamentation in their buildings and in carrying out their functions, as well as anything else that savors of luxury, always bearing in mind the social condition of the people among whom they live.
eo pronior Tiberius res gestas apud senatum celebravit; et decrevere patres triumphalia insignia, quod Camillo ob modestiam vitae impune fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
29 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.