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Underlying every form of work is a concept of the relationship which we can and must have with what is other than ourselves.
Quaelibet forma operis notionem praesumit de necessitudine quam homo potest aut debet cum alio constituere.
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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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STIs other than HIV resulted in 142,000 deaths in 2013.
Effectus adversi in anno 2013 > 142.000 mortes effecerunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Germany permitted additives in drinks other than beer, so its policy was inconsistent.
Ita non sensu vocabuli Germanici alt cervesiam veterem significat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Few people, other than the scribes, considered it necessary to learn to read or write.
Communes dictae, quia multi eis in commune utuntur, ut scribere et legere.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other than the alterations noted above, they are as they were when originally built.
Itaque neuter alterorum recordati sunt, cum iterum convenirent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The duo had wanted to write something other than the revues they had been doing.
Omnia igitur quae in viis tam iens quam rediens viderit describem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To recite the Rosary is nothing other than to contemplate with Mary the face of Christ.
Persolvere enim Rosarium Mariale nihil aliud plane est nisi Christi vultum una cum Maria contueri.vatican.va vatican.va
Mansfield also has a small percentage of residents who speak first languages other than English at home (4.02%).
In quo comitatu minima pars incolarum (4.7 %) alia aliqua lingua quam Anglica domi loquitur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On this hinges human civilization, which cannot be defined as anything other than a "civilization of love".
Hi sunt humani civilisque cultus cardines, qui aliter definiri potest ac “amoris civilis cultus”.vatican.va vatican.va
What is important, other than love?
Quid momenti est, nisi amor?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Some did nothing other than vomit.
Quidam nihil aliud quam vomebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
It is again the Fathers who teach us this: “To believe is nothing other than to think with assent...
Patrum rursus doctrina in hanc nos persuasionem perducit: « Et ipsum credere, nihil aliud est, quam cum assensione cogitare [...]vatican.va vatican.va
We may bear with the defence put forward by men who thought it better to destroy others than to come into peril themselves.
'hoc certe' inquit 'Nero non coegit, nec dignitatem aut salutem illa saevitia redemisti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Underlying every form of work is a concept of the relationship which we can and must have with what is other than ourselves.
Quaelibet forma operis notionem praesumit de necessitudine quam homo potest aut debet cum alio constituere.vatican.va vatican.va
As children got older, parents could go for days on end without seeing their offspring, other than through chance encounters somewhere in the grounds.
Ultimis annis in choris huius foederationis et puellae, non iam pueri tantum inveniuntur, quod novissima res contra diuturnum usum videtur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She too was loved, and by none other than the supreme “Paron”, before whom all other masters are themselves no more than lowly servants.
Ipsa quoque amabatur ab hoc supremo « Paron », in cuius conspectu omnes ceteri domini nonnisi miseri servi sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Thus he strove to do nothing other than show the consonance of all truths, natural and supernatural, that come from one and the same Source.
Quapropter nihil reliqui fecit quominus veritates omnes, et naturales et supernaturales, quae ex uno eodemque Fonte promanant, in consonantiam deduceret.vatican.va vatican.va
Without eternal life, temporal existence, however rich, however highly developed in all aspects, in the end brings man nothing other than the ineluctable necessity of death.
Sine ea homini temporalitas, quamvis sit uberrima omnique ex parte optime constituta, ad extremum nihil aliud affert quam necessitatem ineluctabilem mortis.vatican.va vatican.va
First, there is a certain relationship between love and the Divine: love promises infinity, eternity—a reality far greater and totally other than our everyday existence.
Ante omnia inter amorem et Divinum existit quaedam quasi necessitudo: infinitatem enim aeternitatemque promittit amor — rem scilicet maiorem et aliam omnino atque cotidianam vitae nostrae condicionem.vatican.va vatican.va
Now what is the Church other than a legitimate society, founded by the will and ordinance of Jesus Christ for the preservation of morality and the defence of religion?
Quid autem est Ecclesia aliud, nisi societas legitima, voluntate iussuque Iesu Christi conservandae morum sanctitati tuendaeque religioni condita?vatican.va vatican.va
Here too Saint Paul's irrefutable statement applies: "no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Cor 3:11).
Etiam hic firma valet sancti Pauli adfirmatio: « Fundamentum enim aliud nemo potest ponere praeter id, quod positum est, qui est Iesus Christus » (1 Cor 3,11).vatican.va vatican.va
If the Chancellor is someone other than the local Ordinary, the statutory norms are to establish how the Ordinary and the Chancellor carry out their respective offices in mutual accord.
Si Magnus Cancellarius sit alius ab Ordinario loci, normae statuantur, quibus uterque proprium munus concorditer implere valeat.vatican.va vatican.va
Questioned by the Commission in 1862, head master Edward Balston came under attack for his view that in the classroom little time could be spared for subjects other than classical studies.
Iam anno 1862 fondata est a Leonard Magnus Waern, cum vidit quantam veritatem in sententia non vitae sed scholae discimus esse.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mt 15:37). What moved Jesus in all of these situations was nothing other than mercy, with which he read the hearts of those he encountered and responded to their deepest need.
Iesum in omnibus rerum adiunctis nihil aliud movebat nisi misericordia, qua in colloquentium cordibus legebat obviamque eorum verissimis necessitatibus procedebat.vatican.va vatican.va
A person who produces something other than for his own use generally does so in order that others may use it after they have paid a just price, mutually agreed upon through free bargaining.
Qui aliquid efficit praeterquam in usum suum, id facit plerumque ut alii eadem re utantur iusto pretio soluto communibus consiliis definito per liberam pactionem.vatican.va vatican.va
It follows that certain scientists, lacking any ethical point of reference, are in danger of putting at the centre of their concerns something other than the human person and the entirety of the person's life.
Inde factum est ut quidam scientiae periti, ethica mente omnino carentes, in periculo versati sint ne amplius persona eiusque tota vita medium teneret studii locum.vatican.va vatican.va
257 sinne gevind in 29 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.