others oor Latyn


/ˈʌðəz/, /ˈʌðɚz/ naamwoord
Plural form of other.

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[ aliī ]
conjunction adjective nounm-p
other people
The things in which you glory you must not consider a crime in others!
Quibus rebus ipse gloriaris, aliis crimini dare non debes!


The things in which you glory you must not consider a crime in others!
Quibus rebus ipse gloriaris, aliis crimini dare non debes!


other people

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As the centuries passed and historical outlooks and world conditions were transformed, certain changes and refinements were brought in, especially when the commissions of cardinals were set up in the nineteenth century to give the Pope assistance beyond that of the other dicasteries of the Roman Curia.
creatique primum Valerius Potitus et Aemilius Mamercus sexagesimo tertio anno post Tarquinios exactos, ut rem militarem comitarentur.vatican.va vatican.va
110 — The Congregation has competence also regarding eremetical life, the order of virgins and their associations as well as other forms of consecrated life.
amicitias dum magnitudine munerum, non constantia morum contineri putat, meruit magis quam habuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Mankind can no more be saved without His power, than it could be redeemed without His mercy. "Neither is there salvation in any other.
exercitum reduxit nomenque imperatoris auctore Tiberio accepit.vatican.va vatican.va
He who is a father in the spirit, if he really is such -- and the people of God have always shown their ability to recognize him -- will not make others equal to himself, but will help them find the way to the Kingdom.
Inventis nonnullis civitatibus iureiurando inter se confirmant obsidibusque de pecunia cavent: Ambiorigem sibi societate et foedere adiungunt.vatican.va vatican.va
Lorentz worked on the film with composer Virgil Thomson, who shared Lorentz's enthusiasm for folk music and incorporated many folk melodies, along with other popular and religious music, into the soundtrack.
profectique Romam, dum aliis curis intentum Neronem opperiuntur, inter ea, quae barbaris ostentantur,intravere Pompei theatrum, quo magnitudinem populi viserent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indeed, his actions, and in particular his Passion and Death on the Cross, are the living revelation of his love for the Father and for others.
Struebat iam fortuna in diversa parte terrarum initia causasque imperio, quod varia sorte laetum rei publicae aut atrox, ipsis principibus prosperum vel exitio fuit.vatican.va vatican.va
Relations between states must be respectful of each other’s sovereignty, but must also lay down mutually agreed means of averting regional disasters which would eventually affect everyone.
Ipse cum Casilinum venisset, uno que tempore signa eius militaria atque arma Capuae essent comprensa et familia Neapoli visa, quae proditionem oppidi appararet, patefactis consiliis exclusus Capua et periculum veritus, quod conventus arma ceperat atque eum hostis loco habendum existimabat, consilio destitit atque eo itinere sese avertit.vatican.va vatican.va
Meanwhile Caesar, being distressed by want of corn, recalled all his forces to the camp; and having left garrisons at Leptis, Ruspina, and Acilla, ordered Cispius and Aquila to blockade with their fleets, the one Adrumetum, the other Thapsus, and setting fire to his camp at Uzita, he set out, in order of battle, at the fourth watch, disposed his baggage on the left, and came to Agar, which had been often vigorously attacked by the Getulians, and as valiantly defended by the inhabitants.
non in effigies mutas divinum spiritum transfusum: se imaginem veram, caelesti sanguine ortam, intellegere discrimen, suscipere sordis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
3. The terrible storm which swept over the Church in the sixteenth century,deprived the vast majority of the Scottish people, as well as many other peoplesof Europe, of that Catholic Faith which they had gloriously held for over onethousand years.
Sed haec eius diei praefertur opinio, ut se utrique superiores discessisse existimarent: Afraniani, quod, cum esse omnium iudicio inferiores viderentur, comminus tam diu stetissent et nostrorum impetum sustinuissent et initio locum tumulumque tenuissent, quae causa pugnandi fuerat, et nostros primo congressu terga vertere coegissent; nostri autem, quod iniquo loco atque impari congressi numero quinque horis proelium sustinuissent, quod montem gladiis destrictis ascendissent, quod ex loco superiore terga vertere adversarios coegissent atque in oppidum compulissent.vatican.va vatican.va
Such remuneration can be given either through what is called a family wage-that is, a single salary given to the head of the family fot his work, sufficient for the needs of the family without the other spouse having to take up gainful employment outside the home-or through other social measures such as family allowances or grants to mothers devoting themselves exclusively to their families. These grants should correspond to the actual needs, that is, to the number of dependents for as long as they are not in a position to assume proper responsibility for their own lives.
Non de otiosa et quieta re loquimur et quae probitate et modestia gaudeat, sed est magna illa et notabilis eloquentia alumna licentiae, quam stulti libertatem vocitant, comes seditionum, effrenati populi incitamentum, sine obsequio, sine severitate, contumax, temeraria, adrogans, quae in bene constitutis civitatibus non oritur.vatican.va vatican.va
STIs other than HIV resulted in 142,000 deaths in 2013.
Quonam haec omnia nisi ad suam perniciem pertinere? Sed tamen ad omnia se descendere paratum atque omnia pati rei publicae causa. Proficiscatur Pompeius in suas provincias, ipsi exercitus dimittant, discedant in Italia omnes ab armis, metus e civitate tollatur, libera comitia atque omnis res publica senatui populoque Romano permittatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this way therefore we learn to know other human beings, in order to become more fully human through our capacity for "self- giving": for becoming men and women "for others" .
ad quintum ferme lapidem coorti Germani incautum agmen adgrediuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
25) May God grant that no one of Us ever lets that terrible sentence that the parish priest of Ars once used in rebuking his flock fall on him: "There are many people keeping their money hidden away while many others are dying of hunger."(
Ac postremo, quandoquidem nuperrime, per publicam prelo editam scriptionem, Beatissimae Virgini summa iniuria temerario ausu illata est, contineri non possumus quin, hanc opportunitatem nacti, una cum illius NationisEpiscopis ac populo, quae Mariam « Reginam Regni Poloniae » veneratur, et eidem Augustae Reginae, Nostrae quoque pietatis officio, debitam satisfactionem adhibeamus, et universo catholico orbi sacrilegum hoc facinus, quod apud gentem civili urbanitate excultam impune patratum sit, conquerendo indignandoque denuntiemus.vatican.va vatican.va
e) to plan other activities and initiatives necessary for attaining the goals of the institution.
Ubi id a Caesare negatum et, palam si colloqui vellent, concessum est, datur obsidis loco Caesari filius Afranii.vatican.va vatican.va
In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the ship.
Ac primo impetum nostrorum pariter sustinuerunt: uno enim tempore et ex tectis aedificiorum propugnabant et litora armati defendebant, quo propter asperitatem loci non facilis nostris aditus dabatur, et scaphis navibusque longis quinque mobiliter et scienter angustias loci tuebantur.vatican.va vatican.va
"A thousand troopers, Tiridates said, ""would be his escort; what force of every kind was to be with Corbulo, he did not prescribe, provided they came in peaceful fashion, without breastplates and helmets."" Any human being, to say nothing of an old and wary general, would have seen through the barbarian's cunning, which assigned a limited number on one side and offered a larger on the other, expressly with a treacherous intent; for, were they to be exposed to a cavalry trained in the use of arrows, with the person undefended, numbers would be unavailing."
Digressum a Luguduno Vitellium Cluvius Rufus adsequitur omissa Hispania, laetitiam et gratulationem vultu ferens, animo anxius et petitum se criminationibus gnarus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In their hearts they heard resound Saint Gregory Nazianzen's admonition: ''First be purified and then purify others, first allow yourself to be instructed by wisdom and then instruct others, first become light and then enlighten others, first draw close to God and then guide others to him, first be holy yourself and then make others holy''.50
Hoc accedebat ut locus illa planitie aequitate ornaretur, et diei solisque serenitate ut mirificum, ut optandum tempus prope ab diis inmortalibus illud tributum esset ad proelium committendum.vatican.va vatican.va
In an extreme radicalization of the Old Testament prohibition of images, he speaks of a “longing for the totally Other” that remains inaccessible—a cry of yearning directed at world history.
Deinde Visitatio «ad limina» significationem personalem indicat, quoniam singuli Episcopi cum Petri successore congrediuntur atque os ad os cum illo loquuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
Since the Liturgy is totally permeated by the word of God, any other word must be in harmony with it, above all in the homily, but also in the various interventions of the minister and in the hymns which are sung.
Nihil agis, dolor! Quamvis sis molestus, numquam te esse confitebor malum.vatican.va vatican.va
This man, though an offender against the law, and convicted of fraud in the reign of Nero, had, among the other calamities of war, recovered his rank as a Senator.
sit ante oculos Nero quem longa Caesarum serie tumentem non Vindex cum inermi provincia aut ego cum una legione, sed sua immanitas, sua luxuria cervicibus publicis depulerunt; neque erat adhuc damnati principis exemplum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Today, the reality is that these resources are used to enable each of the two blocs to overtake the other and thus guarantee its own security.
igitur incolumi Maecenate proximus, mox praecipuus, cui secreta imperatorum inniterentur, et interficiendi Postumi Agrippae conscius, aetate provecta speciem magis in amicitia principis quam vim tenuit.vatican.va vatican.va
He charges him to visit the Remi and the other Belgians, and to keep them in their allegiance and repel the Germans (who were said to have been summoned by the Belgae to their aid,) if they attempted to cross the river by force in their ships.
inritaverant turbidum ingenium Helvetii, Gallica gens olim armis virisque, mox memoria nominis clara, de caede Galbae ignari et Vitellii imperium abnuentes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The re-opening ceremony, in which he appeared with Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and other officials, marked Kili's last public appearance.
mox Varro invalidus senecta vigenti Silio concessit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moreover, we recall that our predecessor Paul VI in the year 1969 was the first of the supreme pastors of the Church to go to Africa, and indeed to Uganda, to attend the episcopal conference of that Continent, to honour the above-mentioned martyrs in their own country, and to attend to other matters relating to religion.
Reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt.vatican.va vatican.va
There is no Vanuatu High Commission or other Vanuatu Government office in Britain, but the British Friends of Vanuatu, based in London, provides support for Vanuatu visitors to the UK, and can often offer advice and contacts to persons seeking information about Vanuatu or wishing to visit, and welcomes new members (not necessarily resident in the UK) interested in Vanuatu.
Alacrior omnium clamor, quis vel ex longa pace proelii cupido vel fessis bello pacis amor, praemiaque et quies in posterum sperabatur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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