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Charlton T. Lewis


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Many a man has behaved in a province quite otherwise than was hoped or feared of him.
neque posse principem sua scientia cuncta complecti neque expedire ut ambitione aliena trahatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
68. But we rejoice - and Rome with us - that the Saint's desire has been fulfilled, though far otherwise than he hoped for.
Sanctissimi viri optatum, alia ratione atque ipse intellegebat, perfectum esse, est cur Nos gaudeamus et Romani civesvatican.va vatican.va
It is precisely because sin exists in the world, which "God so loved...that he gave his only Son,"115 that God, who "is love,"116 cannot reveal Himself otherwise than as mercy.
Idcirco sane, quod peccatum in mundo invenitur, quem « sic ... dilexit Deus ... , ut Filium suum unigenitum daret » (115); Deus nempe, qui « caritas est » (116), aliter se quam ut misericordiam revelare non valet.vatican.va vatican.va
No country on earth, no political system can think of its own future otherwise than through the image of these new generations that will receive from their parents the manifold heritage of values, duties and aspirations of the nation to which they belong and of the whole human family.
Nulla enim mundi natio nullaque constitutio politica aliter cogitare potest venturam suam aetatem nisi mente contemplando has generationes novas, quae a parentibus suis accipient multiplex patrimonium praestantium bonorum, officiorum, optatorum ipsius Civitatis, ad quam pertinent, et universae hominum familiae.vatican.va vatican.va
Then he went out into a colonnade, where he was found by the quaestor, joyful rather than otherwise, as he had learnt that Helvidius, his son-in-law, was merely excluded from Italy.
Tum progressus in porticum illic a quaestore reperitur, laetitiae propior, quia Helvidium generum suum Italia tantum arceri cognoverat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Otherwise, it would be nothing more than romantic individualism dressed up in ecological garb, locking us into a stifling immanence.
Hoc quidam individualismus romanticus esset, oecologica specie indutus, et artissima in immanentia interclusio.vatican.va vatican.va
The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.
Legitima nominis impuberis definitio plerumque ad minorem spectat, aliter agnotum ut persona aetate maioritatis iunior.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since our Redeemer is the Son of Mary, he could not do otherwise, as the perfect observer of God's law, than to honor, not only his eternal Father, but also his most beloved Mother.
Cum Redemptor noster Mariae Filius sit, haud poterat profecto, utpote divinae legis observator perfectissimus, praeter Aeternum Patrem, Matrem quoque suam dilectissimam non honorare.vatican.va vatican.va
Along these lines, families should grow in awareness of being "protagonists" of what is known as "family politics" and assume responsibility for transforming society; otherwise families will be the first victims of the evils that they have done no more than note with indifference.
Ita profecto familiae magis consciae debent fieri se « primas partes agere » in « re politica familiari », quae vocatur, in seque recipere officium transformandae societatis: alioquin erunt familiae illorum malorum veluti victimae primae, quae indifferenti animo solum aspicere voluerunt.vatican.va vatican.va
9 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.