owe oor Latyn


/əʊ/, /oʊ/ werkwoord
To be under an obligation to give something back to someone or to perform some action for someone.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


to be in debt
But indirectly we can speak of the "honour" owed to children by their parents.
At oblique, de “honore” quoque loqui possumus quem filiis tribuere debent parentes.
Charlton T. Lewis


[ dēbēre ]
These "perfect women" are owed much by their families, and sometimes by whole nations.
His demum “mulieribus perfectis” plurimum earum familiae debent ac nonnumquam nationes integrae.
Glosbe Research


Piotr Szelma

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Soortgelyke frases

owing to
a · ab · abs · cum · propter · quia · quod · quoniam
What the Day Owes the Night
Ce que le jour doit à la nuit
owe by fate
a · ah · ai · hei · hem · heu
state|fact of owing
what is owing
balance owed
relicum · relicuum · reliquum
owe life to favor


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
But the exercise of such governing power is difficult, and leaves room for numberless conflicts, inasmuch as the Church rules peoples scattered through every portion of the earth, differing in race and customs, who, living under the sway of the laws of their respective countries, owe obedience alike to the civil and religious authorities.
illo locum et proelium referente, quodnam praemium recepisset exquirit.vatican.va vatican.va
He had also exacted from the tax-gatherers, two years' rents that they owed; and enjoined them to lend him the amount of the next year, and demanded a supply of horse from the whole province.
quietum inde iter, fidensque recentibus ac priorum oblitus miles in hibernis locatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And if Catholics, who may differ on all other matters, are found united in marvellous concord in the faith, there can be no doubt that this is chiefly owing to the authority and power of the "magisterium."
cuicumque mortalium, nedum veteri et provido duci, barbarae astutiae patuissent: ideo artum inde numerum finiri et hinc maiorem offerri, ut dolus pararetur; nam equiti sagittarum usu exercito si detecta corpora obicerentur, nihil profuturam multitudinem.vatican.va vatican.va
"The Bituriges threw themselves at the feet of all the Gauls, and entreat that they should not be compelled to set fire with their own hands to the fairest city of almost the whole of Gaul, which was both a protection and ornament to the state; they say that ""they could easily defend it, owing to the nature of the ground, for, being inclosed almost on every side by a river and a marsh, it had only one entrance, and that very narrow."" Permission being granted to them at their earnest request, Vercingetorix at first dissuades them from it, but afterward concedes the point, owing to their entreaties and the compassion of the soldiers."
paucis decus publicum curae, plures tuta disserunt: omne scelus externum cum laetitia habendum; semina etiam odiorum iacienda, ut saepe principes Romani eandem Armeniam specie largitionis turbandis barbarorum animis praebuerint: poteretur Radamistus male partis, dum invisus infamis, quando id magis ex usu quam si cum gloria adeptus foret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And it was not owing to his having any doubts of gaining the victory that he did not lead his troops to action, although they were raw and few, but he thought that it was a matter of great importance, what sort the victory should be: for he thought that it would disgrace him, if after so many noble exploits, and defeating such powerful armies, and after gaining so many glorious victories, he should appear to have gained a bloody victory over the remnants who had rallied after their flight.
Cuius adventu cognito Sotiates magnis copiis coactis, equitatuque, quo plurimum valebant, in itinere agmen nostrum adorti primum equestre proelium commiserunt, deinde equitatu suo pulso atque insequentibus nostris subito pedestres copias, quas in convalle in insidiis conlocaverant, ostenderunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Accordingly, as the emperor's wife persistently affirmed that faction was rife among these cohorts through the rivalry of the two officers, and that there would be stricter discipline under one commander, the appointment was transferred to Burrus Afranius, who had a brilliant reputation as a soldier, but knew well to whose wish he owed his promotion.
Legionem Caesar, quam equis devexerat, passibus CC ab eo tumulo constituit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The great Slav nations of Eastern Europe owe their faith to this event, as do the peoples living beyond the Ural Mountains and as far as Alaska.
Sensibilisatio contra Pyralginum habet.vatican.va vatican.va
In the town there was a multitude of people, ignorant of war, owing to the length of the peace; some of them Uticans, very well inclined to Caesar, for his favors to them; the Roman population was composed of persons differing widely in their sentiments.
Ibaturque in caedes, nisi Afranius Burrus et Annaeus Seneca obviam issent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
11. But the Catholic Church, particularly in the countries to the East, was facing an extremely grave crisis owing to the efforts of the schismatics, who were striving by every device to draw the faithful away from the unity of the Church into their own errors. Andrew went, therefore, into those regions on the instruction and command of his Superiors, and by public sermons and private instruction through their cities, towns, and villages, and most of all by the fervor of his exceptional holiness and the burning zeal of his apostolate, he freed the wavering faith of a multitude of Christians from beguiling falsehood, brought them back to sound principles, and joyfully invited all he could to return to the one fold of Jesus Christ.
Huius est civitatis longe amplissima auctoritas omnis orae maritimae regionum earum, quod et naves habent Veneti plurimas, quibus in Britanniam navigare consuerunt, et scientia atque usu rerum nauticarum ceteros antecedunt et in magno impetu maris atque aperto paucis portibus interiectis, quos tenent ipsi, omnes fere qui eo mari uti consuerunt habent vectigales.vatican.va vatican.va
We don't owe Tom anything.
Erat eodem tempore et materiari et frumentari et tantas munitiones fieri necesse deminutis nostris copiis quae longius ab castris progrediebantur: ac non numquam opera nostra Galli temptare atque eruptionem ex oppido pluribus portis summa vi facere conabantur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
11. Now for you who are subject to the house of Hapsburg. Diligently recall how much you owe to that august emperor for his great zeal for the Catholic religion.
Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurretvatican.va vatican.va
And therefore indeed such pleadings are still extant, and thus the men too who pleaded, owe their fame to no other speeches more than these.
Pompeius annuum spatium ad comparandas copias nactus, quod vacuum a bello atque ab hoste otiosum fuerat, magnam ex Asia Cycladibusque insulis, Corcyra, Athenis, Ponto, Bithynia, Syria, Cilicia, Phoenice, Aegypto classem coegerat, magnam omnibus locis aedificandam curaverat; magnam imperatam Asiae, Syriae regibusque omnibus et dynastis et tetrarchis et liberis Achaiae populis pecuniam exegerat, magnam societates Carum provinciarum, quas ipse obtinebat, sibi numerare coegerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The day was now fast drawing to a close, and the Senate could not be convened, owing to the panic of the magistrates and Senators, who had stolen out of the city, or were concealing themselves in the houses of dependants.
Disputatur in consilio a Petreio atque Afranio et tempus profectionis quaeritur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Our predecessor John Paul I brought this principle to mind quite admirably when he addressed the cardinals about the agencies of the Roman Curia: "[They] provide the Vicar of Christ with the concrete means of giving the apostolic service that he owes the entire Church. Consequently, they guarantee an organic articulation of legitimate autonomies, while maintaining an indispensable respect for that unity of discipline and faith for which Christ prayed on the very eve of his passion."
ille nihil ex his sponte susceptum, sed principi paruisse defendebat, donec eam orationem Caesar cohibuit, compertum sibi referens ex commentariis patris sui nullam cuiusquam accusationem ab eo coactam.vatican.va vatican.va
Whence it followed that the Word of God was subjected to Joseph, he obeyed him and rendered to him that honor and reverence that children owe to their father."(
Plauto parari necem non perinde occultum fuit, quia pluribus salus eius curabatur, et spatium itineris ac maris tempusque interiectum moverat famam.vatican.va vatican.va
It was not owing to being influenced by the fear of the enemy or their numerical strength, that he allowed himself to appear daunted in their estimation.
Ita fuga timoris simul calliditatisque plena sine ullo detrimento milia non amplius decem progressi hostes loco munitissimo castra posuerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
If some dependence is discovered in the work process, it is dependence on the Giver of all the resources of creation, and also on other human beings, those to whose work and initiative we owe the perfected and increased possibilities of our own work.
tradit C. Plinius Germanicorum bellorum scriptor, stetisse apud principium ponti laudes et grates reversis legionibus habentem.vatican.va vatican.va
In this way too, when you leave, each one of you remains: the inheritance that you receive links you permanently with those who passed it on to you and to whom you owe so much.
Neque idcirco copias quamquam erant paucae tironumque, non educebat in aciem quod victoriae suorum diffideret, sed referre arbitrabatur cuiusmodi victoria esset futura; turpe enim sibi existimabat tot rebus gestis tantisque exercitibus devictis, tot tam claris victoriis partis, ab reliquis copiis adversariorum suorum ex fuga collectis se cruentam adeptum existimari victoriam.vatican.va vatican.va
Indeed, a person normally comes into the world within a family, and can be said to owe to the family the very fact of his existing as an individual.
idem Africae obsequium, initio Carthagine orto neque expectata Vipstani Aproniani proconsulis auctoritate: Crescens Neronis libertus (nam et hi malis temporibus partem se rei publicae faciunt) epulum plebi ob laetitiam recentis imperii obtulerat, et populus pleraque sine modo festinavit.vatican.va vatican.va
'There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.
In pedite robur; quaedam nationes et curru proeliantur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
26) Moreover, it is owing to the wisdom and exertions of the Church that there has always been continued from century to century that cultivation of Holy Scripture which has been so remarkable and has borne such ample fruit.
vis nationum, virtus ducum in aequo; set Maroboduum regis nomen invisum apud popularis, Arminium pro libertate bellantem favor habebat.vatican.va vatican.va
Particular appreciation is owed to those who tirelessly seek to resolve the tragic effects of environmental degradation on the lives of the world’s poorest.
sed praecipuus Muciano metus e Primo Antonio Varoque Arrio, quos recentis clarosque rerum fama ac militum studiis etiam populus fovebat, quia in neminem ultra aciem saevierant.vatican.va vatican.va
Does Maria not owe you?
Eating disorders in patiënts with and without a history of psychotrauma: a comparative follow–up study This study explores whether eating disorder patients with a history of trauma have a worse therapeutic outcome compared to patients without a history of trauma. 62 women with an eating disorder were admitted to an inpatient behavior therapeutic unit and were assessed at admission, discharge (after 6 months) and one year follow–up on the variables: eating disorder symptoms, comorbidity, body experience and dissociative symptoms. 21 patients reported a trauma experience, 41 women had no trauma history.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Truly the Church owes them much.
Quo secundo equestri proelio facto Scipio laetus in castra nocte copias reduxit.vatican.va vatican.va
Owing, however, to the vast distances, the advice came only after the matter was decided.
Res sacra miser.latin-ancient latin-ancient
126 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.