party oor Latyn


/ˈphɑːɹ.ɾi/, /ˈpɑː.ti/, /ˈpɑːɹ.ti/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
(law) A person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn




This decree is to be communicated immediately to the parties and the defender of the bond.
Quod decretum partibus et vinculi defensori statim notificetur.
Charlton T. Lewis



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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn



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dinner party
caencenatio · coencenatio · concenatio · convictus
Political parties in Portugal
Factiones politicae Portugalliae
give|attend dinner party|banquet
party secretary
German National People's Party
Factio popularis Germanica nationalis
Political parties by ideology
Factiones politicae per ideologias digestae
Political parties in Switzerland
Factiones Politicae Helvetiae
Fascist parties
Factiones Fascisticae
Political parties in Sweden
Factiones Suecicae


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
UK Independence Party
caesi vigiles, perrupta castra, trepidatum apud navis, donec sidente paulatim metu, occupato iuxta colle defensi, mox inrupere.langbot langbot
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party
quae semper odio, tum et metu atrox, ne aut vulgi acrior vis ingrueret aut Nero inclinatione populi mutaretur, provoluta genibus eius: non eo loci res suas agi, ut de matrimonio certet, quamquam id sibi vita potius, sed vitam ipsam in extremum adductam a clientelis et servitiis Octaviae, quae plebis sibi nomen indiderint, ea in pace ausi, quae vix bello evenirent.langbot langbot
In order to assist validly and licitly at a marriage during the voyage, the chaplain of the Work of the Maritime Apostolate must be delegated by the Ordinary or by the parish priest of the place where one or other of the contracting parties has a domicile or quasi-domicile or has been staying for a least one month, or, if they are transients, by the parish priest of the port parish where they boarded the ship.
Eodem anno bellum inter Armenios Hiberosque exortum Parthis quoque ac Romanis gravissimorum inter se motuum causa
In the first place, attention must be paid to the obligations that faith imposes on the Catholic party with regard to the free exercise of the faith and the consequent obligation to ensure, as far as is possible, the Baptism and upbringing of the children in the Catholic faith.[ 178]
primum enim aliter utimur propriis, aliter commodatis, longeque interesse manifestum est, possideat quis quae profert an
7. We trust solely in Him Who can illuminate the minds of men with His heavenly light and incline their incited wills to those more temperate counsels by which right order among nations may be established, to their common advantage and with certainty that the legitimate rights of all interested parties are being secured.
namque Otho pueritiam incuriose, adulescentiam petulanter egerat, gratus Neroni aemulatione
b) Christian charitable activity must be independent of parties and ideologies.
mox crebris prolationibus spem ac metum iuxta gravatus Vitellius petito per speciem studiorum scalpro levem ictum venis intulit vitamque aegritudine animi
Libertarian Party (United States)
Post Muciani orationem ceteri audentius circumsistere, hortari, responsa vatum et siderum motus referre.langbot langbot
He sought to acquire a reputation for clemency by sparing a distinguished man opposed to his own party.
Vim praefecturae modicam antea intendit, dispersas per urbem cohortis una in castra conducendo, ut simul imperia acciperent numeroque et robore et visu inter se fiducia ipsis, in ceteros metus oreretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Multi-party system
Praeterea Sancti Cyrillus et Methodius, sui ipsorum opera nos docent omnes humani cultus formas, quae bonum, veritatem etpulchritudinem intendunt, Revelationis et Evangelii Christi lumine sollicitari, ut eiusmodi bona magis in dies foveantur.langbot langbot
Upon his arrival, C. Decimus the quaestor, who, with a strong party of his own domestics, had charge of the magazines erected there, went on board a small vessel and fled.
Illic, plerique ut arbitra[ba]ntur, triste, ut ipse, providum potius et secundis numinibus evenit: nam egresso qui adfuerat populo vacuum et sine ullius noxa theatrum collapsum est.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Swedish Social Democratic Party
Itaque comparatis equitum magnis peditumque copiis subsidio sociis egressus e regno ire contendit.langbot langbot
If the parties to cooperation on the side of economically developed countries — as occasionally happens — fail to take account of their own or others' cultural identity, or the human values that shape it, they cannot enter into meaningful dialogue with the citizens of poor countries.
Iam Stertinius, ad accipiendum in deditionem Segimerum fratrem Segestis praemissus, ipsum et filium eius in civitatem Vbiorum
But a party of horse, that had been sent by Sabura, had already got possession of them.
deicitur familiaritate sueta, post congressu et comitatu Otho, et ad postremum, ne in urbe aemulatus ageret, provinciae Lusitaniae praeficitur; ubi usque ad civilia arma non ex priore infamia, sed integre sancteque egit, procax otii et potestatis temperantior.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Communist Party of Greece
Illi sub murum se recipiunt ibique musculum turrimque latericiam libere incendunt.langbot langbot
Bührer presided the Free Democratic Party (FDP/PRD) in 2001/2002.
Erat ob has causas summa difficultas, quod naves propter magnitudinem nisi in alto constitui non poterant, militibus autem, ignotis locis, impeditis manibus, magno et gravi onere armorum oppressis simul et de navibus desiliendum et in auctibus consistendum et cum hostibus erat pugnandum, cum illi aut ex arido aut paulum in aquam progressi omnibus membris expeditis, notissimis locis, audacter tela coicerent et equos insuefactos incitarent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Second Protocol has 82 States Parties.
igitur extructis monimentis, quibus opes suas testabatur nec cuiquam ante Arsacidarum tributa illis de gentibus parta, regreditur ingens gloria atque eo ferocior et subiectis intolerantior; qui dolo ante composito incautum venationique intentum interfecere, primam intra iuventam, sed claritudine paucos intersenum regum, si perinde amorem inter popularis quam metum apud hostis quaesivisset.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Communist Party of Austria
Nam quod existimabat eos posse conata efficere, nocta tota ultra stabat flumen Salsum in acie.langbot langbot
Since the sacraments are the same for the entire Church, the supreme authority of the Church alone is competent to approve or define what is required for their validity and to determine the rites to be observed in their celebration (cf. can. 841). All this is equally applicable to the form to be observed in the celebration of marriage, if at least one of the parties has been baptized in the Catholic Church (cf. cann. 11 and 1108).
nomen tamen matrimonii concupivit ob magnitudinem infamiae cuius apud prodigos novissima voluptas
There are no formal parties in Tuvalu.
neque aciem aut proelium dici decuerit in quo semermi ac palantes trucidati sunt sine nostro sanguine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Socialist Unity Party of Germany
Nec multo post legiones venere.langbot langbot
Pompey's party were so elated with confidence and spirit at this success, that they thought no more of the method of conducting the war, but thought that they were already conquerors.
simul in ferocissimos, qui ante vallum more gentis cum carminibus et tripudiis persultabant, mittit delectos sagittariorum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But since so many temptations arise to wean you from this religious unity - both from party strife connected with public life, and from distractions among your domestic circles - you will find your great defence from these evils in that loyal reverence and subjection of spirit, which is so conspicuous among you, towards the head of the Ottoman Empire, whose fairness of feeling, desire for peace, and good-will, evidenced on so many occasions towards Us, have been matters of universal observation.
quattuor centuriones duetvicensimae legionis, Nonius Receptus, Donatius Valens, Romilius Marcellus, Calpurnius Repentinus, cum protegerent Galbae imagines, impetu militum abrepti
"For these Divitiacus the Aeduan spoke and told him: ""That there were two parties in the whole of Gaul: that the Aedui stood at the head of one of these, the Arverni of the other."
profecto Caecina scripsit Fabius Valens exercitui, quem ipse ductaverat, ut in itinere opperiretur: sic sibi cum Caecina convenisse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In such cases, the desire to annihilate the enemy, limit his freedom, or even force him into total dependence, becomes the fundamental motive for action; and this contrasts with the essence of justice, which by its nature tends to establish equality and harmony between the parties in conflict.
Ille interritus et parte copiarum apud Syriam relicta, ut munimenta Euphrati imposita retinerentur, qua proximum et commeatibus non egenum, regionem Commagenam, exim Cappadociam, inde Armenios
The close array of the legions, and the skirmishing parties of auxiliaries assailed with showers of arrows and stones the loftier parts of the walls, attacking them at close quarters where they were undefended, or old and decayed.
Tamen Senones, quae est civitas in primis firma et magnae inter Gallos auctoritatis, Cavarinum, quem Caesar apud eos regem constituerat, cuius frater Moritasgus adventu in Galliam Caesaris cuiusque maiores regnum obtinuerant, interficere publico consilio conati, cum ille praesensisset ac profugisset, usque ad fines insecuti regno domoque expulerunt et, missis ad Caesarem satisfaciendi causa legatis, cum is omnem ad se senatum venire iussisset, dicto audientes non fuerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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