passionately oor Latyn


In a passionate manner.

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Indeed, his actions, and in particular his Passion and Death on the Cross, are the living revelation of his love for the Father and for others.
Hae namque Eius actiones et, praecipue, Eius passio et in cruce mors, Eius in Patrem inque homines amoris sunt viva
More than an experience of physical pain, his Passion is an agonizing suffering of the soul.
Primum iam, et antequam in corpore, passio eius atrox est animae
All this was known to Tiberius, and, to silence popular talk, he reminded the people in a proclamation that many eminent Romans had died for their country and that none had been honoured with such passionate regret.
Gnarum id Tiberio fuit; utque premeret vulgi sermones, monuit edicto multos inlustrium Romanorum ob rem publicam obisse, neminem tam flagranti desiderio celebratum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is still more necessary to inculcate properly on the minds of all the moral maxims taught by Jesus Christ, so that everybody may learn to conquer himself, to curb the passions of the mind, to stifle pride, to live in obedience to authority, to love justice, to show charity towards all, to temper with Christian love the bitterness of social inequalities, to detach the heart from the goods of the world, to live contented with the state in which Providence has placed us, while striving to better it by the fulfillment of our duties, to thirst after the future life in the hope of eternal reward.
Oportet insuper omnibus apte inculcentur tradita a Christo morum documenta, ut discant sui imperium exercere, motus animi appetentes regere, tumentem superbiam deprimere, parere auctoritati, iustitiam colere, omnes caritate complecti, disparis in civili convictu fortunae acerbitatem christiana dilectione temperare, a terrenis bonis avocare mentem, quam Providentia dederit sortem ea esse contentos, suisque tuendis officiis benigniorem efficere, ad futuram vitam contendere spe sempiternae
"Libo came and made an apology for Bibulus, ""that he was a man of strong passion, and had a private quarrel against Caesar, contracted when he was aedile and praetor; that for this reason he had avoided the conference, lest affairs of the utmost importance and advantage might be impeded by the warmth of his temper."
Prodit Libo atque excusat Bibulum, quod is iracundia summa erat inimicitiasque habebat etiam privatas cum Caesare ex aedilitate et praetura conceptas: ob eam causam colloquium vitasse, ne res maximae spei maximaeque utilitatis eius iracundia impedirentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
I believe, however, that to bring out fully the Christological depth of the Rosary it would be suitable to make an addition to the traditional pattern which, while left to the freedom of individuals and communities, could broaden it to include the mysteries of Christ's public ministry between his Baptism and his Passion.
Nihilominus ut christologica Rosarii substantia augeatur, consentaneam esse arbitramur aliquam perfectionem quae, libero singulorum atque communitatum iudicio relictam, eam sinat etiam mysteria publicae vitae Christi Baptismum inter et Passionem
Still, there was a latent dread when they remembered how unfortunate in the case of Drusus, his father, had been the favour of the crowd; how his uncle Marcellus, regarded by the city populace with passionate enthusiasm, had been snatched from them while yet a youth, and how short-lived and ill-starred were the attachments of the Roman people.
sed suberat occulta formido, reputantibus haud prosperum in Druso patre eius favorem vulgi, avunculum eiusdem Marcellum flagrantibus plebis studiis intra inventam ereptum, brevis et infaustos populi Romani amores.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This was the height to which he was led by his passion for the truth.
Eius veritatis studium hanc ad metam eum
You, Treveri, and other enslaved creatures, what reward do you expect for the blood which you have shed so often? What but a hateful service, perpetual tribute, the rod, the axe, and the passions of a ruling race? See how I, the prefect of a single cohort, with the Batavians and the Canninefates, a mere fraction of Gaul, have destroyed their vast but useless camps, or are pressing them with the close blockade of famine and the sword.
vos autem Treviri ceteraeque servientium animae, quod praemium effusi totiens sanguinis expectatis nisi ingratam militiam, immortalia tributa, virgas, securis et dominorum ingenia? en ego praefectus unius cohortis et Canninefates Batavique, exigua Galliarum portio, vana illa castrorum spatia excidimus vel saepta ferro fameque premimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Indeed, if the first word of Christ's teaching, the first phrase of the Gospel Good News, was "Repent, and believe in the gospel" (metanoeite),172 the Sacrament of the Passion, Cross and Resurrection seems to strengthen and consolidate in an altogether special way this call in our souls.
Etenim, si prima Christi doctrinae sententia primaque Evangelii — id est « Boni Nuntii » — locutio fuit : « paenitemini et credite Evangelio » (metanoeite),(172) Sacramentum Passionis, Crucis, Resurrectionis videtur peculiari prorsus modo roborare et confirmare in animis nostris istam
A faithful disciple of St Francis of Assisi, Bl. John contemplated and preached assiduously the Incarnation and the saving Passion of the Son of God.
Tamquam fidelis assecla sancti Francisci Assisiensis, beatus Ioannes assidue contemplatus est et praedicavit Filii Dei incarnationem et passionem
The use of these instruments by professionals in communication and their reception by the public demand both a work of education in a critical sense, which is animated by a passion for the truth, and a work of defence of liberty, respect for the dignity of individuals, and the elevation of the authentic culture of peoples which occurs through a firm and courageous rejection of every form of monopoly and manipulation.
In communicationis mediis adhibendis et recipiendis, labor tam ad sensum criticum ardenti veritatis amore animatum educans, quam ad libertatem defendendam, ad dignitatem personalem observandam, ad authenticam populorum culturam elevandam urgens est, omnem monopolii et manipulationis formam firmo et forti reiiciens
When therefore on the eve of his Passion Jesus Christ speaks of the sin of those who "do not believe in him," in these words of his, full of sorrow, there is as it were a distant echo of that sin which in its original form is obscurely inscribed in the mystery of creation.
Cum igitur in pervigilio passionis suae Iesus Christus loquitur de eorum peccato, qui « non credunt in eum », hisce in vocibus eius dolore plenis quasi longinqua imago repercussa habetur illius peccati, quod primigenia sua forma obscure in ipsum mysterium creationis
In her daily preparation for Calvary, Mary experienced a kind of “anticipated Eucharist” – one might say a “spiritual communion” – of desire and of oblation, which would culminate in her union with her Son in his passion, and then find expression after Easter by her partaking in the Eucharist which the Apostles celebrated as the memorial of that passion.
Dum cotidie ad eventum Calvariae paratur, Maria veluti "anticipatae Eucharistiae" speciem vivit, id est "communionem spiritalem" desiderii et oblationis, quae consummabitur per comunicationem cum Filio in passione, ac deinde, postpaschali tempore, illustrabitur per eius participationem eucharisticae Celebrationis, cui, veluti passionis "memoriae", praesederunt
Indeed, it has already been burned away through Christ's Passion.
Ceterum sordes hae in Christi passione sunt iam
For it is a sacred ordinance that whoever shall have first subjected himself to God will, by the aid of divine grace, be glad to subject to himself his own passions and concupiscence; while he who is a rebel against God will, to his sorrow, experience within himself the violent rebellion of his worst passions.
Nam firma lex est, ut quicumque se Deo subiecerit, gaudeat ille subici sibi, divina gratia opitulante, concupiscentiam animique sui motus; qui vero rebellis Deo fuerit, illatum sibi a violentis cupiditatibus intestinum bellum experiatur ac
Formerly rich or highly distinguished noble families often sank into ruin from a passion for splendour.
dites olim familiae nobilium aut claritudine insignes studio magnificentiae prolabebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thérèse knew Jesus, loved him and made him loved with the passion of a bride.
Fervore quodam sponsae cognovit Iesum Teresia, eum dilexit fecitque ut et alii
The Eucharist, while commemorating the passion and resurrection, is also in continuity with the incarnation.
Eucharistia, dum passionem resurrectionemque attingit, eodem tempore Incarnationis continuationem secum
In these or similar words the Church, while pointing to Christ in the mystery of his passion, also reveals her own mystery: Ecclesia de Eucharistia.
His similibusve verbis suum etiam proprium recludit mysterium Ecclesia, dum in ipsius Passionis mysterio indicat Christum: Ecclesia de
Muse, recount to me the reasons; what deity was offended, or what was the queen of the gods grieving, that she should drive a man extraordinary in his piety to undergo so many misfortunes, to endure so many hardships. Do the heavenly spirits have such passions?
Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso, / quidve dolens regina deum tot volvere casus / insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores / impulerit. Tantaene animis coelestibus irae?tatoeba tatoeba
Our predecessor John Paul I brought this principle to mind quite admirably when he addressed the cardinals about the agencies of the Roman Curia: "[They] provide the Vicar of Christ with the concrete means of giving the apostolic service that he owes the entire Church. Consequently, they guarantee an organic articulation of legitimate autonomies, while maintaining an indispensable respect for that unity of discipline and faith for which Christ prayed on the very eve of his passion."
Quod principium Decessor Noster Ioannes Paulus I optime commemoravit, cum Patres Cardinales allocutus hæc de Romanæ Curiæ institutis asseveravit: eadem «Christi Vicario id præstant ut apostolico ministerio, cuius Ipse universæ Ecclesiæ debitor est, certe ac definite fungi possit, atque hac ratione provident ut legitimæ agendi libertates sese organico modo explicent, servato tamen necessario obsequio erga illam disciplinæ immo etiam fidei unitatem, ad Ecclesiæ naturam pertinentem, pro qua Christus antequam pateretur oravit»
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on 31 March, Palm Sunday and the Sunday of the Lord's Passion, in the year 1985, the seventh of my Pontificate.
Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, die XXXI mensis Martii, Dominica in Palmis de Passione Domini, anno MCMLXXXV, Pontificatus Nostri
Something however of popular favour was bequeathed to him from the remembrance of Germanicus, whose only male descendant he was, and the pity felt for his mother Agrippina was increased by the cruelty of Messalina, who, always her enemy, and then more furious than ever, was only kept from planning an accusation and suborning informers by a new and almost insane passion.
Verum inclinatio populi supererat ex memoria Germanici, cuius illa reliqua suboles virilis; et matri Agrippinae miseratio augebatur ob saevitiam Messalinae, quae semper infesta et tunc commotior quo minus strueret crimina et accusatores novo et furori proximo amore distinebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Prophetic witness requires the constant and passionate search for God's will, for self-giving, for unfailing communion in the Church, for the practice of spiritual discernment and love of the truth.
Assiduam fervidamque Dei voluntatis inquisitionem postulat prophetica testificatio, magnanimam ac necessariam Ecclesiae communionem, exercitationem spiritalis discretionis nec non veritatis
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