passive oor Latyn


/ˈpæs.ɪv/ adjektief, naamwoord
Being subjected to an action without producing a reaction.

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verbum passivum

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verbum patiendi

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Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

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passive voice
Passivum · genus passivum · passivum
singular feminine perfect passive participle of abrípiō
of a verb which in passive has active meaning
in passive sense
a verb which in passive has active meaning


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In such a way, Gospel discernment gathers from the historical situation - from its events and circumstances - not just a simple "fact" to be precisely recorded yet capable of leaving a person indifferent or passive, but a "task," a challenge to responsible freedom - both of the individual person and of the community.
Hoc modo discretio evangelica in condicione historica et in eius eventibus non simplex «indicium» deprehenditur diligenter annotandum, ante quod liceat in neglegentia ac socordia manere, sed «officium», provocationem adversus consciam personae libertatem, tum singulorum tum
No Cardinal elector can be excluded from active or passive voice in the election of the Supreme Pontiff, for any reason or pretext, with due regard for the provisions of No. 40 of this Constitution.
Cardinalis elector nulla ratione vel causa a Summi Pontificis electione activa et passiva excludi potest, vigentibus tamen iis omnibus quae sub n. 40 huius Constitutionis
The Gospel is the negation of passivity in the face of suffering.
Evangelium adversatur socordiae respectu
In regard to this inheritance we cannot maintain a passive attitude, still less a defeatist one, as did the last of the servants described in the parable of the talents.(
Respectu huius hereditatis non licet nobis desides esse, nedum neglegentes, sicut ultimus servorum illorum fecit, qui in parabola de talentis recensentur (Cfr. Matth. 25, 14-30; Luc. 19, 12-26)
Economic science tells us that structural insecurity generates anti-productive attitudes wasteful of human resources, inasmuch as workers tend to adapt passively to automatic mechanisms, rather than to release creativity.
Est oeconomicae scientiae affirmare quod structuralis condicio incertitudinis formas generat antiproductionis et dissipationis humanarum opum, eo quod operarius propendet ad sese machinamentis automatariis passive aptandum, non vero ad propria incepta
"Many positively asserted that by Nero's order his throat was smeared with some poisonous drug under the pretence of the application of a remedy, and that Burrus, who saw through the crime, when the emperor paid him a visit, recoiled with horror from his gaze, and merely replied to his question, ""I indeed am well."" Rome felt for him a deep and lasting regret, because of the remembrance of his worth, because too of the merely passive virtue of one of his successors and the very flagrant iniquities of the other."
"plures iussu Neronis, quasi remedium adhiberetur, inlitum palatum eius noxio medicamine adseverabant, et Burrum intellecto scelere, cum ad visendum eum princeps venisset, adspectum eius aversatum sciscitanti hactenus respondisse: ""ego me bene habeo."" civitati grande desiderium eius mansit per memoriam virtutis et successorum alterius segnem innocentiam, alterius flagrantissima flagitia [adulteria]."latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the true nature of things, all bodies are passive.
In hoc statu omnes campi sunt non moventes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
General chapters and synaxes should explore ways is which members who are called "conversi," "cooperatores," or by any other such name, may gradually obtain an active vote in specified community actions and elections and also a passive vote in the case of certain offices. Thus indeed it will come about that they are closely joined with the life and works of the community and the priests will be freer to devote themselves to their own ministry.
Capitula generalia et Synaxes monum explorent, vi cuius sodales qui conversi, cooperatores vel alio nomine vocantur, gradatim in determinatis actibus communitatis et in electionibus votum obtineant activum et, in quibusdam muneribus, etiam passivum; ita revera fiet ut ipsi cum vita et communitatis operibus arcte coniungantur, et sacerdotes liberius in ministeria propria incumbere
"No Cardinal elector can be excluded from active or passive voice in the election of the Supreme Pontiff, for any reason or pretext, with due regard for the provisions of Nos. 40 and 75 of this Constitution."
Cardinalis elector nulla ratione vel causa a Summi Pontificis electione activa et passiva excludi potest, vigentibus tamen iis omnibus quae sub n. 40 et 75 huius Constitutionis
And so, passive resistance was born.
Simul vita religiosa oppressa erat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many people have such a general and confused idea of God that their religiosity becomes a religiosity without God, where God's will is seen as an immutable and unavoidable fate to which one has to bend and resign oneself in a totally passive manner.
Multi enim adeo de Deo genericam ac confusam habent notionem, ut incaute in religiositatis formas recidant a quibus Deus omnino abesse monstratur, quibus proinde nulla Dei voluntas unquam agnoscetur, cum Eum tantum habeant ut immutabile et ineluctabile fatum, cui homo patienter ac passive aptetur necesse
But now the duty imposed upon Us by our Apostolic charge will not allow Us to remain passive and silent when so serious a wound has been inflicted upon the rights and dignity of the Catholic religion.
Iamvero vulnus tam grave iuri et dignitati inustum religionis catholicae toleranter ferre ac praeterire silentio haudquaqum apostolici religio officii Nos
This parable witnesses to the fact that Christ's revelation of the salvific meaning of suffering is in no way identified with an attitude of passivity.
Testatur revelationem, a Christo factam, significationis salvificae doloris nullo modo idem esse ac
This expectation is anything but passive: although directed towards the future Kingdom, it expresses itself in work and mission, that the Kingdom may become present here and now through the spirit of the Beatitudes, a spirit capable of giving rise in human society to effective aspirations for justice, peace, solidarity and forgiveness.
111) Haec exspectatio minime quid iners est: quantumvis ad Regnum futurum dirigatur, un operam convertitur et industriam, ut etiamnum praesens adsit Regnum per Beatitudinum spiritus restitutionem qui etiam in hominum societate efficaces valeat excitare iustitiae, pacis, solidarietatis et veniae
Others are passive; they choose not to change their habits and thus become inconsistent.
Alii sunt inertes nec statuunt suos mores mutare et fiunt
How many are forced from childhood to live in an institution or hospital, condemned to a certain passivity which can make them begin to feel that they are of no use to humanity!
Quot usque ab infantia in aliquo instituto vel valetudinario vivere coguntur, ad quandam inertiam redacti, unde in iis persuasio possit oriri se hominum generi esse inutiles!
The role of evangelization is precisely to educate people in the faith in such a way as to lead each individual Christian to live the sacraments as true sacraments of faith- and not to receive them passively or reluctantly.
Nam proprium evangelizantis munus est ad fidem ita educare, ut per eam singuli christiani adducantur ad Sacramenta veluti vera fidei Sacramenta vivenda, non autem ad ea desidiose recipienda vel aegre
Consequently, it is quite natural that when the most elementary religious and civil liberties are attacked, Catholic citizens do not resign themselves passively to renouncing those liberties.
Consequens ergo est, ut, quum nativae libertates ordinis religiosi civilisque impugnentur, cives catholici id perferre patique non
Ex: (Menominee) paehtāwāēwesew "He is heard by higher powers" (paeht- 'hear', -āwāē- 'spirit', -wese- passivizer, -w third-person subject) or (Plains Cree) kāstāhikoyahk "it frightens us".
Exemplum: (Menominee) paehtāwāēwesew "A potestatibus superioribus auditur" (paeht 'audire' + āwāē 'spiritus' + wese passivizer + w subiectum personae tertiae) vel (Cree Planitiei) kāstāhikoyahk 'terrorem nobis inicit'.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite the complex nature of the problems you face: a strength that progressively diminishes, the insufficiencies of social organizations, official legislation that comes late, or the lack of understanding by a self-centered society, you are not to feel yourselves as persons underestimated in the life of the Church or as passive objects in a fast-paced world, but as participants at a time of life which is humanly and spiritually fruitful.
Non obstantibus vestrorum solvendorum problematum complexitate et viribus gradatim deficientibus, et quin ordinationum socialium insufficientiae, officialis legislationis morae, egoisticae societatis incomprehensiones obstent, non estis et vos ipsos considerare non debetis in vitae Ecclesiae marginibus, passiva elementa intra mundi motus excessum, sed activa subiecta periodi humane et spiritualiter fecundae existentiae
We cannot remain passive before certain processes of globalization which not infrequently increase the gap between the rich and the poor worldwide.
Inertes haerere non possumus quasdam ante processiones ita dictae « globalizationis » saepius quae distantiam inter divites ac pauperes per orbem
So do not be passive; take up your responsibilities-in all the fields open to you in our world!
Itaque ne sitis desides; officia vestra in vos recipite in quovis campo, qui vobis in mundo hoc nostro patescit!
In the place of creative initiative there appears passivity, dependence and submission to the bureaucratic apparatus which, as the only "ordering" and "decision-making" body - if not also the "owner"- of the entire totality of goods and the means of production, puts everyone in a position of almost absolute dependence, which is similar to the traditional dependence of the worker-proletarian in capitalism.
In efficientis singulorum operae locum passiva rerum succurrit acceptio necnon obnoxietas et subiectio ipsi apparatui grapheocratico, qui, veluti unicum officium quod « disponit » et « decidit », quamvis non ipsum « possideat », de tota summa bonorum efficiendique instrumentorum, reicit in condicionem omnes obnoxietatis ferme absolutae, quae haud dissimilis traditae est subiectioni opificum ac proletariatus ex ipsis opum et pecuniarum
Obviously, any firm which is concerned for the human dignity of its workers must also maintain a necessary and efficient unity of direction. But it must not treat those employees who spend their days in service with the firm as though they were mere cogs in the machinery, denying them any opportunity of expressing their wishes or bringing their experience to bear on the work in hand, and keeping them entirely passive in regard to decisions that regulate their activity.
(28) Nemo sane dubitat quin societas, quae hominis dignitati apprime consulat, tueri quidem debeat necessariam efficientemque sui regiminis unitatem; sed exinde nullo modo sequitur, ut qui in eam cotidie suam conferant operam, ii solummodo administrorum loco ducantur, ad iussa tacite exsequenda natorum, quibus optata sua rerumque usum interponere non liceat, sed inertes se gerere debeant, cum de ipsorum locanda moderandaque opera consilia sint
29 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.