past oor Latyn


/pæst/, /pɑːst/ adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord, pre / adposition
The period of time that has already happened, in contrast to the present and the future.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


pre / adposition
I wake up at half past six in the morning.
Triginta minutis post sextam horam antemeridianam expergiscor.


Let the same be applied to all directives of a pastoral nature, past and recent.
Idem pro omnibus pastoralis rationis valet dispositionibus, praeteritis recentibusque.
Charlton T. Lewis


En 9 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

Praeteritum · anteactus · antiquus · effluxus · praeter · praeteritum · saeculum · superior · ultra

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Soortgelyke frases

past participle
participium perfectum
straight past
wash|flow past|near|against
adluo · alluo
driving past
Walked (past tense)
past perfect
plus quam perfectum · plusquamperfectum · tempus
travel past or along
past bearing
praiser of time past
laudator temporis acti


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In 1985, legislative elections were held which followed past procedures; all nominations were approved by PDG, which then presented a single list of candidates.
Anno 1985, post plus quam duo decennia summus reipublicae magistratus, potestatem successori reliquit quem ipse elegerat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
14. Today, on the contrary, although the world enjoys a light so full of Christian civilization and in this respect cannot for a moment be compared with the times of Gregory, yet it seems as though it were tired of that life, which has been and still is the chief and often the sole fount of so many blessings - and not merely past but present blessings.
At nostra aetas, etsi tanta christianae humanitatis luce fruatur, ut nulla ratione possit cum aevo Gregoriano comparari, videtur tamen eam vitam fastidire, a qua praecipue, saepe unice, quasi a fonte, tot, nedum praeterita, sed etiam praesentia bona sunt
But it is shown especially in the common prayer by which we are all united to carry out the will of our Lord expressed in his prayer: "Father... that they may be one" (Jn 17:11), The ecumenical work of our day, that is, that striving after mutual fellowship and communion, especially between the Churches of the West and East, cannot overlook or lessen the importance and usefulness of each of the attempts at restoring the unity of the Church which were made in the past and which—even if only partially—had happy results.
Industria oecumenica dierum nostrorum, id est propensio illa ad mutuam appropinquationem et communionem – maxime inter Ecclesias orbis occidentalis et orientalis – non potest nec omittere nec minuere momentum et utilitatem singulorum conatuum restituendae unitatis Ecclesiae qui superioribus facti sunt saeculis quique felicem – etsi partim tantum – eventum
It also appeared necessary to eliminate election per compromissum, not only because of the difficulty of the procedure, evident from the unwieldy accumulation of rules issued in the past, but also because by its very nature it tends to lessen the responsibility of the individual electors who, in this case, would not be required to express their choice personally.
Necessarium pariter putamus electionem per compromissum aboleri non modo quia difficile agitur, quemadmodum normarum cumulus inextricabilis demonstrat quae praeteritis temporibus hac de re latae sunt, sed etiam quia talis est natura, ut quandam electorum officii conscientiam imminutam secum ferat, quippe qui, hoc si ita evenit, ad sua suffragia ferenda non ipsi
Culture is more than what we have inherited from the past; it is also, and above all, a living, dynamic and participatory present reality, which cannot be excluded as we rethink the relationship between human beings and the environment.
Agitur de cultura intellecta non solum veluti monumentis praeteriti temporis, sed peculiariter eius in viva, dynamica et activa notione, quae excludi non potest tempore quo iterum cogitatur de necessitudine inter hominem et
It is essential to go back to the past in order to understand, in the light of the past, the present reality and in order to discern tomorrow.
Prorsus necesse est praeterita tempora repetere ut, eorum affulgente lumine, res huius aetatis comprehendantur et futurum
The great concern of our contemporaries for historicity and for culture has led some to call into question the immutability of the natural law itself, and thus the existence of "objective norms of morality" 96 valid for all people of the present and the future, as for those of the past.
Hominis aetatis nostrae celsus sensus de historia et de humano cultu, nonnullos inducit ut de ipsius legis naturalis immutabilitate ambigant, idcirco “de moralitatis regulis obiectivis” (
A resolution was being framed to bring the guilty under the law of extortion, when Suilius and Cossutianus and the rest, who saw themselves threatened with punishment rather than trial, for their guilt was manifest, gathered round the emperor, and prayed forgiveness for the past.
talia dicente consule designato, consentientibus aliis, parabatur sententia qua lege repetundarum tenerentur, cum Suillius et Cossutianus et ceteri qui non iudicium, quippe in manifestos, sed poenam statui videbant, circumsistunt Caesarem ante acta deprecantes.latin-ancient latin-ancient
This was his public answer to the Ampsivarii; to Boiocalus his reply was that in remembrance of past friendship he would cede the lands in question.
haec an in publicum Ampsivariis respondit, ipsi Boiocalo ob memoriam amicitiae daturum agros.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is consoling for me to note that, despite past and present difficulties, the Bishops, priests, consecrated persons and lay faithful have maintained a profound awareness of being living members of the universal Church, in communion of faith and life with all the Catholic communities throughout the world.
Nobis quidem solacio est reperiri Episcopos, sacerdotes, personas consecratas et fideles laicos, qui, praeter difficultates praeteriti praesentisque temporis firmam servant, conscientiam se viva esse Ecclesiae universalis membra, in communione fidei vitaeque cum omnibus catholicis communitatibus per mundum universum
But those who were blockaded at Alesia, the day being past, on which they had expected auxiliaries from their countrymen, and all their corn being consumed ignorant of what was going on among the Aedui, convened an assembly and deliberated on the exigency of their situation.
At ei, qui Alesiae obsidebantur praeterita die, qua auxilia suorum exspectaverant, consumpto omni frumento, inscii quid in Aeduis gereretur, concilio coacto de exitu suarum fortunarum consultabant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Other cultures, however, especially in the wake of disordered industrial and urban development, have both in the past and in the present set the elderly aside in unacceptable ways. This causes acute suffering to them and spiritually impoverishes many families.
Aliae ex contrario cultus humani formae praesertim ob confusam progressionem machinalis industriae et urbium densati incolatus perduxerunt atque etiamnunc senes perducunt ad intolerandas exclusionis formas, quae simul pariunt iis ipsis acerbos dolores, simul inferunt tot familiis spiritalem quandam
You often ask me, Justus Fabius, how it is that while the genius and the fame of so many distinguished orators have shed a lustre on the past, our age is so forlorn and so destitute of the glory of eloquence that it scarce retains the very name of orator. That title indeed we apply only to the ancients, and the clever speakers of this day we call pleaders, advocates, counsellors, anything rather than orators.
Saepe ex me requiris, Iuste Fabi, cur, cum priora saecula tot eminentium oratorum ingeniis gloriaque floruerint, nostra potissimum aetas deserta et laude eloquentiae orbata vix nomen ipsum oratoris retineat; neque enim ita appellamus nisi antiquos, horum autem temporum diserti causidici et advocati et patroni et quidvis potius quam oratores vocantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the midst of the grave difficulties with which the Church must contend today, the heart of the Supreme Pastor is greatly comforted, Venerable Brothers, when We see that virginity, which is flourishing throughout the world, is held in great honor and repute in the present as it was in past centuries, even though, as We have said, it is being attacked by errors which, We trust, will soon be dispelled and pass away.
In gravibus difficultatibus, quas hodie Ecclesia eluctari debet, Noster Supremi Pastoris animus magno solacio afficitur, Venerabiles Fratres, cum cernimus virginitatem, quae ubique terrarum floret, nostra quoque ut superioribus aetatibus, magna in aestimatione magnoque in honore esse, quamvis, ut diximus, erroribus impugnetur, quos tamen, ut evanidos, quam primum dilapsuros
Spiritually the event of Pentecost does not belong only to the past: the Church is always in the Upper Room that she bears in her heart.
Quare, si pietatis oculo consideres, Pentecostes eventus non solum ad praeteritum tempus pertinet: Ecclesia enim semper est in Cenaculo, quod in animo
The articles on specific referendums are linked with dates in the table on past referendums.
Has ad portas Iudaei in tabulas referendi erant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, some are inclined to replace exaggerated attitudes of the past with other exaggerations: From seeing sin everywhere they pass to not recognizing it anywhere; from too much emphasis on the fear of eternal punishment they pass to preaching a love of God that excludes any punishment deserved by sin; from severity in trying to correct erroneous consciences they pass to a kind of respect for conscience which excludes the duty of telling the truth.
Quidam enim, ut exempla afferamus, pro intemperato modo se gerendi, qui praeteritis temporibus obtinebat, substituere student novas enormitates; qui quidem a iudicio, ex quo ubique peccatum animadvertebant, transgrediuntur ad sententiam, ex qua id nullibi esse affirmant; a nimio momenta, timori poenarum aeternarum tributo, ad talem amorem Dei praedicandum, quo omnis poena negetur, quam quis pro peccato mereatur; a severitate, in corrigendis conscientiis erroneis posita, ad reverentiam, quam sibi asserunt, erga conscientiam adeo ut officium tollant veritatis
The Past (film)
Le Passélangbot langbot
The sting was possibly fatal in the past but availability of antidote today makes this very rare.
Fieri potest ex quolibet lacte, sed hodie saepissime ex vaccino.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saved beyond hope and glad the land is won, / and lustral rites, with blazing altars, pay / to Jove, and make the shores of Actium gay / with Ilian games, as, like our sires, we strip / and oil our sinews for the wrestler's play. / Proud, thus escaping from the foemen's grip, / past all the Argive towns, through swarming Greeks, to slip.
Ergo insperata tandem tellure potiti, / lustramurque Jovi, votisque incendimus aras, / Actiaque Iliacis celebramus litora ludis. / Exercent patrias oleo labente palæstras / nudati socii: juvat evasisse tot urbes / Argolicas, mediosque fugam tenuisse per hostes.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Today, as in the past, to proclaim the Gospel means to preach and bear witness to Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, the new Man, conqueror of sin and death.
Hodie, haud secus atque heri, Evangelium annuntiare idem significat quod est Iesum Christum crucifixum et resuscitatum proclamare et testari, Hominem videlicet novum peccati mortisque
Today humanity appears much more interactive than in the past: this shared sense of being close to one another must be transformed into true communion.
Hodie plus quam antea homines inter se agunt: haec maior propinquitas oportet in veram mutetur
Going beyond our own frailties, we must turn to him, the one Teacher, sharing in his death so as to purify ourselves from that jealous attachment to feelings and memories, not of the great things God has done for us, but of the human affairs of a past that still weighs heavily on our hearts.
Ultra omnes nostras debilitates ad illum, unicum scilicet Magistrum, dirigere nos debemus eiusque participes fieri mortis, ut nos surgamus a studioso cultu adfectionum et recordationum, non de mirabilibus quae pro nobis effecit Deus, verum de humanis eventibus transacti temporis quod graviter adhuc nostros comprimit
Now, Venerable Brethren, you know the times in which we live; they are scarcely less deplorable for the Christian religion than the worst days, which in time past were most full of misery to the Church.
Piarum autem precationum positaeque in divina bonitate spei serius ocius fructus apparet. — Iamvero nostis tempora, Venerabiles Fratres: quae sane christianae reipublicae haud multo minus calamitosa sunt, quam quae fuere unquam
The words of Mary's Magnificat have a prophetic content that concerns not only the past of Israel but also the whole future of the People of God on earth.
Voces enim marialis « Magnificat » propheticam amplectuntur doctrinam, quae non praeteritum dum tax at Israelis respicit tempus sed futurum etiam Populi Dei in
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