possession in common oor Latyn

possession in common

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Piotr Szelma

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The awareness of this responsibility has had a constitutive relevance in the Church from the beginning: “All who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need” (Acts 2:44-5).
De C. Petronio pauca supra repetenda sunt.vatican.va vatican.va
For this gift, this possession, was granted to the Church by her Divine Founder, that she should be in the common society of men a bond of peace and the guardian of salvation.
hi pietate erga parentem et necessitudine rei publicae, in qua nullus tunc legibus locus ad arma civilia actum, quaeneque parari possent neque haberi per bonas artes.vatican.va vatican.va
Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live.
In mercatum iter feci ut pisces vinumque emerem.vatican.va vatican.va
These norms in fact represent the unshakable foundation and solid guarantee of a just and peaceful human coexistence, and hence of genuine democracy, which can come into being and develop only on the basis of the equality of all its members, who possess common rights and duties.
obiecta publice Cyzicenis incuria caerimoniarum divi Augusti, additis violentiae criminibus adversum civis Romanos.vatican.va vatican.va
36] Yet when the State brings private ownership into harmony with the needs of the common good, it does not commit a hostile act against private owners but rather does them a friendly service; for it thereby effectively prevents the private possession of goods, which the Author of nature in His most wise providence ordained for the support of human life, from causing intolerable evils and thus rushing to its own destruction; it does not destroy private possessions, but safeguards them; and it does not weaken private property rights, but strengthens them.
Silanus tamquam Naxum deveheretur Ostiam amotus, post municipio Apuliae, cui nomen Barium est, clauditur.vatican.va vatican.va
The Gospel teaching is almost entirely ignored by many; by others - what is worse - it is totally repudiated. They consider the faith incongruous in men of this progressive age, who possess all things on this earth without God, through their own natural abilities: their ingenuity, their talents, their strength. By these powers they live, with these they labor, with these they dominate nature and reduce it to servitude for the common use and prosperity of their fellow citizens.
ceteri venerantes regem Artaxiam consalutavere, quod illi vocabulum indiderant ex nomine urbis.vatican.va vatican.va
For this enactment they advance many reasons-lest seduced by long-continued custom, they may exchange their ardor in the waging of war for agriculture; lest they may be anxious to acquire extensive estates, and the more powerful drive the weaker from their possessions; lest they construct their houses with too great a desire to avoid cold and heat; lest the desire of wealth spring up, from which cause divisions and discords arise; and that they may keep the common people in a contented state of mind, when each sees his own means placed on an equality with [those of] the most powerful.
Inopinantes nostri re nova perturbantur, ac vix primum impetum cohors in statione sustinet.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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