pray and work oor Latyn

pray and work

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ora et labora

This principle of the Benedictine monasteries reads in full: "Ora et labora |et lege|, Deus adest sine mora." "Pray and work |and read|, God is there without delay" |or to keep the rhyme: "Work and pray, and God is there without delay"|

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Pray and work!
Ora et labora!tatoeba tatoeba
Pray and work.
Ora et labora.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
The wound of disunity still existing between believers in Christ and the urgent need to pray and work for the promotion of Christian unity were deeply felt at the Synod.
Disiunctionis vulnus quod inter christifideles adhuc exsistit atque ipsa necessitas precandi et operandi ut omnium christianorum unitas propellatur in Synodo maxime notata
They should pray and work for priestly vocations; they should help priests wholeheartedly, with filial love and ready collaboration; they should have the firm intention of offering them the consolation of a joyous response to their pastoral labors.
Omnes igitur preces Deo admoveant; nitantur eos iuvare, qui divinitus ad sacerdotium sunt vocati; sacerdotibus obsequio et studio, quae filios decent, opitulentur, ac sociam docilemque navent operam, eo permoti consilio, ut solacium iis afferant, eorundem pastoralibus curis libenter
In this way the kingdom of God comes to be fulfilled: the kingdom prepared for in the Old Testament, brought about by Christ and in Christ, and proclaimed to all peoples by the Church, which works and prays for its perfect and definitive realization.
Ita Regnum Dei efficitur, iam ab Antiquo Foedere praeparatum, a Christo et in Christo ad effectum adductum, ab Ecclesia, quae agit et precatur ut ad perfectum exitum adducatur
The Christian communities of Africa ardently prayed for the success of the work of the Special Synod, and it was abundantly blessed by the Lord.
Christianae Africae communitates pro exitu laborum Coetus Specialis fervide oraverunt; cui Coetui large Dominus
Thus armed for the fray, go forth fearlessly for the defense of the Church; but take care that your trust is placed entirely in God, for whose cause you are working, and never cease to pray to Him for help.
Auspicem divinorum munerum, ac testem praecipue benevolentiae Nostrae, vobis, Venerabiles Fratres ac dilecti Filii, Apostolicam benedictionem amantissime in Domino
And let us not forget the spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead.
Et ne obliviscamur opera misericordiae spiritualis, quae praecipiunt: dubitantibus consilia dare, ignorantes instruere, peccatores monere, afflictos solari, offensas remittere, molestos patienter sustinere, pro vivis et defunctis Deum
Here the words of the Encyclical Laborem Exercens are extremely appropriate: "It must be stressed that the constitutive element in this progress and also the most adequate way to verify it in a spirit of justice and peace, which the Church proclaims and for which she does not cease to the continual reappraisal of man's work, both in the aspect of its objective finality and in the aspect of the dignity of the subject of all work, that is to say, man."
Et hac de re in mentem peropportuna illa dicta redeunt quae Litterae Nostrae Encyclicae Laborem Exercens complectuntur: « Necesse autem est moneatur partem constitutivam simulque comprobationem maxime consentaneam illius progressionis in spiritu iustitiae ac pacis, quam profitetur Ecclesia quamque flagitare haud cessat ( ... ), novam esse continuamque laboris humani aestimationem, tum ratione obiectivi eius finis tum causa dignitatis subiecti omnis laboris, quod idem est homo »
It must be stressed that the constitutive element in this progress and also the most adequate way to verify it in a spirit of justice and peace, which the Church proclaims and for which she does not cease to pray to the Father of all individuals and of all peoples, is the continual reappraisal of man's work, both in the aspect of its objective finality and in the aspect of the dignity of the subject of all work, that is to say, man.
Necesse autem est moneatur partem constitutivam simulque comprobationem maxime consentaneam illius progressionis in spiritu iustitiae ac pacis, quam profitetur Ecclesia quamque flagitare haud cessat a Patre cunctorum hominum ac populorum, novam esse continuamque laboris humani aestimationem, tum ratione obiectivi eius finis turn causa dignitatis subiecti omnis laboris, quod idem est
I, the Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the universal Church, kneel with you before the relics of Saint Casimir, with you I give thanks to God, the Giver of all good thìngs, for the gift of your "Baptism", and for you I pray that he "may make you worthy of his call, and may fulfil every good resolve and work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him" (2 Thess 1:11-12).
Episcopus Nos Romanus atque universalis Ecclesiae Pastor, vobiscum una flectimus genua coram Sancti Casimiri reliquiis; vobiscum Deo grates referimus omnium bonorum largitori ob vestri “Baptismi” donum; pro vobis obsecramus “ut dignetur vos vocatione sua Deus noster et impleat omnem voluntatem bonitatis et opus fidei in virtute, ut glorificetur nomen Domini nostri Iesu Christi in vobis, et vos in illo” (2 Thess. 1, 11-12)
In the name of Jesus Christ crucified and risen, in the spirit of His messianic mission, enduring in the history of humanity, we raise our voices and pray that the Love which is in the Father may once again be revealed at this stage of history, and that, through the work of the Son and Holy Spirit, it may be shown to be present in our modern world and to be more powerful than evil: more powerful than sin and death.
In Iesu Christi crucifixi resuscitatique nomine, in operis messianici eius spiritu, quod in generis humani permanet historia, vocem nostram precemque attollimus, ut hoc in tempore historiae rursus adhuc ille reveletur amor, qui in Patre est, per Filiumque ac Spiritum Sanctum praesens demonstretur in mundo hodierno et potentior omni malo: peccato videlicet potentior ac
21. That all things may work out for the glory of God, for the salvation of souls, for the increase of peace which all so ardently look forward to - an intention for which We pray to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Virgin with great instancy - We bestow from the depths of Our heart upon you, dearly Beloved Sons and Venerable Brothers, upon your clergy, upon your faithful people, and upon France herself the Apostolic Blessing.
Ut autem omnia in Dei gloriam, animarum salutem optatissimaeque pacis incrementum cedant — quod a Sacratissimo Corde Iesu et Deipara Immaculata vehementer exposcimus —, vobis, Dilecti Filii Nostri, Venerabiles Fratres, clero fidelibusque uniuscuiusque vestris et Galliae universae apostolicam benedictionem peramanter
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