pray for us oor Latyn

pray for us

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ora pro nobis

"Sancta Maria, mater Dei, ora pro nobis pecatoribus"

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Let us pray, one for the other; let us pray for each other
oremus pro invicem


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Pray for us to God.
Ora pro nobis Deum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Let us pray for families throughout the world.
Pro totius orbis precemur
Christ is present in His Church when she prays, since He is the one who "prays for us and prays in us and to whom we pray: He prays for us as our priest, He prays in us as our head, He is prayed to by us as our God" (31); and He is the one who has promised, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them."
Praesens adest Christus Ecclesiae suae oranti, cum ipse sit qui «et oret pro nobis, et oret in nobis, et oretur a nobis: orat pro nobis ut sacerdos poster, orat in nobis ut caput nostrum, oratur a nobis ut Deus noster» (S. AUGUSTIN., In Ps 85,1; PL 37, 1081), quique ipse promiserit: ubi sunt duo vel tres congregati in nomine meo, ibi sum in medio eorum (Cf Mt 18,20)
In the fellowship of prayer Christ is truly present; he prays "in us", "with us" and "for us".
In communione orationis Christus vere adest; precatur “in nobis”, “nobiscum” et “pro nobis”
Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace.
Sustine nos, quaesumus, in nostro certamine pro iustitia, amore et
Knowing that Jesus himself prayed this psalm makes it even more important for us as Christians, challenging us to take up the refrain in our daily lives by praying these words of praise: “for his mercy endures forever.”
Scientes ipsum Iesum hoc Psalmo oravisse, is nobis christianis potior fit nosque compellit ut in nostra cotidiana precatione versum intercalarem adhibeamus: « Quoniam in aeternum misericordia eius »
Let us pray, therefore, for greater religious freedom in every nation, so that Christians, as well as the followers of other religions, can freely express their convictions, both as individuals and as communities.
Exinde optamus ut religiosae libertatis amplificentur spatia unaquaque in Civitate, ut haud secus atque aliarum etiam religionum fideles valeant christiani libere suas complere opinationes, tum singillatim tum etiam
Nay, We rather believe that her intervention will be the more marvellous as she has permitted Us to pray to her, for so long a time, with special appeals.
Immo tanto mirabilius credimus adfuturam, quanto se diutius obsecrari
I remind you, moreover, of the commandment that Jesus gave us, to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us, as well as the invitation of the Apostle Saint Paul: "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.
In memoriam proinde reducimus amoris mandatum, quod Iesu nobis dedit, nostros scilicet inimicos amandi et pro iis item orandi qui nos persequuntur, suasum pariter sancti Pauli Apostoli memorantes: « Obsecro igitur primo omnium fieri obsecrationes, orationes, postulationes, gratiarum actiones pro omnibus hominibus, pro regibus et omnibus, qui in sublimitate sunt, ut quietam et tranquillam vitam agamus in omni pietate et
Prayer likewise enables us continually to rediscover the dimensions of that kingdom for whose coming we pray every day, when we repeat the words that Christ taught us.
Oratione praeterea sine intermissione perspicimus rationes illius Regni pro quo, ut veniat, cotidie ipsis quae Christus nos docuit verbis
May the tribes, I pray, ever retain if not love for us, at least hatred for each other; for while the destinies of empire hurry us on, fortune can give no greater boon than discord among our foes.
Maneat, quaeso, duretque gentibus, si non amor nostri, at certe odium sui: quando, urgentibus imperii fatis, nihil jam praestare fortuna majus potest, quam hostium discordiam.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And let us not forget the spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead.
Et ne obliviscamur opera misericordiae spiritualis, quae praecipiunt: dubitantibus consilia dare, ignorantes instruere, peccatores monere, afflictos solari, offensas remittere, molestos patienter sustinere, pro vivis et defunctis Deum
7. Meanwhile, We implore a most merciful God on behalf especially of all those who have been tragically slain in the course of these unhappy events. May they find eternal life and unending peace in heaven. We desire that all Christians join Us in praying to God for them.
Interea vero, pro iis omnibus praesertim, qui in luctuosissimis hisce rerum adiunctis miserrime interfecti sunt, lucem aeternam sempiternamque requietem in Caelo a miserentissimo Deo imploramus; atque cupimus ut christiani omnes hac etiam de causa supplicantes una Nobiscum
Say, therefore, I pray thee, that thou art my sister, that I may be well used for thee, and that my soul may live for thy sake.
Dic ergo, obsecro te, quod soror mea sis, ut bene sit mihi propter te, et vivat anima mea ob gratiam tui.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This has increased our respect and has frequently enabled us to pray to the one Lord together and to pray for one another, on a path of love that is already a pilgrimage of unity.
Auxit ipsa aestimationem sivitque ut una simul unum Dominum precaremur, alii etiam pro aliis, iter facientes caritatis, quod iam est unitatis
So when my mother had prayed with me and had kissed me good-night, I used to add silently a prayer that I composed myself for all living creatures.
Postquam Matrem Mumin convenit, cum eam nocte procellosa ex mari servaret, vitam tranquilliorem agere coepit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The importance given by Nicaea II to the argument of tradition, and more specifically the unwritten tradition, constitutes for us Catholics as well as for our Orthodox brethren an invitation to travel again together the road of the undivided Church, and to re-examine in her light the differences between us that the centuries of separation have accentuated, in order to rediscover that for which Jesus prayed to the Father (cf.
At pondus ipsum, quod Concilium Nicaenum II argumento traditionis assignavit, immo potius traditionis non scriptae, prae se fert catholicis nobis perinde ac fratribus nostris orthodoxis vehemens quidem invitamentum ut rursus iter traditionis Ecclesiae non divisae coniunctim percurramus, cuius lumine affulgente discrepantias iterum inspiciamus, quas tot inter nos seiunctionis saecula auxerunt ut, quemadmodum est Iesus Patrem precatus (
By its nature as an insistent choral petition in harmony with Christ's invitation to “pray ceaselessly” (Lk 18:1), the Rosary allows us to hope that, even today, the difficult “battle” for peace can be won.
Sua namque repetitionis constantis et choralis proprietate, dum Christo obsequitur hortanti ut «semper oremus et non deficiamus» (cfr Lc 18, 1), permittit nobis ut etiam hodie speremus victoriam de “proelio” tam difficili, quam est pacis ipsius reportari
For this reason the liturgy, in one of its most ancient collects, has us pray: “O God, who reveal your power above all in your mercy and forgiveness ...”[6] Throughout the history of humanity, God will always be the One who is present, close, provident, holy, and merciful.
Hac de re liturgia sua in perantiqua collecta precationem inducit dicens: « Deus, qui omnipotentiam tuam parcendo maxime et miserando manifestas ... ».[ 6] In hominum historia Deus erit semper Is qui adest, proximus, providus, sanctus et
For He who motivated Us to undertake this mission will in His providence certainly supply the strength and the resources to complete it. And this is what We implore from Him, and We exhort all the faithful to also pray earnestly for this.
Qui enim rei mentem Nobis et initia providus dedit, vires ipse opemque ad perficiendum summa cum benignitate certe sufficiet; atque hoc est quod enixis precibus ab ipso implorare contendimus, idemque ut fideles omnes implorent vehementer
After praying to the Lord, we feel the need of your prayers to gain that indispensable, heavenly strength that will make it possible for us to take up the work of our predecessors from the point where they left off.
Post Nostras ad Deum factas precationes, vestris etiam precationibus Nos indigere sentimus, ut illud pernecessarium impetremus adiumentum supernum, quo opus Decessorum Nostrorum pergere valeamus eo loco, quo ab eodem
For this reason, it is necessary for us to meditate upon the mysterious design of the provident and good God, not indeed in order to understand, but, rather, that we may worship and pray.
Hac de causa considerandum est Nobis arcanum consilium Dei providentis atque benigni, non quidem ut intellegamus, sed potius ut adoremus precesque
For this communion Jesus prays: "that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me" (Jn 17: 21).
Pro hac communione precem Iesus effundit: “Ut omnes unum sint, sicut tu, Pater, in me et ego in te, ut et ipsi in nobis unum sint: ut mundus credat quia tu me misisti” (Ibid. 17, 21)
At the same time let us pray that all those throughout the world who are offered the grace of a priestly vocation will respond to this gift, so that there will be no lack of labourers for the great harvest (cf.
Eodem autem tempore precamur ut multi toto orbe terrarum gratia vocationis arcessiti huic respondeant dono, ne messi, quae multa est, operarii desint (
20. In declaring, dearly Beloved Sons and Venerable Brothers, that the existence of Diocesan Associations can only be permitted by Us, We must frankly avow that by this statement We have wished to abstain from commanding you in a formal manner to create and to establish them. However, We desire their existence, and We pray you in Jesus Christ, inspired by that feeling of filial love which you have for Us and by the ardent desire which consumes you to protect the discipline, unity, and peace of the Church, to give a trial to these Diocesan Associations. In doing this, you will demonstrate that you are filled with the selfsame spirit of generosity and of filial deference for us that you had for Our Predecessor of saintly memory, Pius X.
Quod autem, Dilecti Filii Nostri, Venerabiles Fratres, Consociationes Dioecesanas permitti tantummodo posse declaravimus, idcirco, ut candide fateamur, abstinendum censemus ne condi eas atque institui prorsus iubeamus; at cupimus fidenterque rogamus in visceribus Christi, ne gravemini, qua estis erga Nos pietate et quo ardetis disciplinae et unitatis concordiaeque studio, earundem Consociationum experimentum agere eandemque praestare Nobis magnanimitatem atque observantiam quam s. m. decessori Nostro Pius X praestitistis: propitius enim erit vobis Deus omnibus simul id facientibus et petentibus ab eo misericordiam [6] fidelis quippe est Deus, qui non patietur vos tentari supra id quod potestis, sed faciet etiam cum tentatione proventum ut possitis sustinere [7]
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