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/ˈpɹɑ.məl.ɡeɪt/, /ˈpɹɒml̩.ɡeɪt/ werkwoord
(transitive) To make known or public.

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[ edō ]
Charlton T. Lewis


These Norms take effect on the very day when they are promulgated.
Ipsae Normae vim legis exserunt eadem die qua promulgatae sunt.
Charlton T. Lewis

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The application of the Constitution is committed to the Congregation for Catholic Education, which has the duty to promulgate the necessary directives that will serve towards that end.
Constitutionis exsecutio demandata est Congregationi de Institutione Catholica, cuius erit prospicere et necessarias ad id normas
With today's promulgation of the Latin typical edition, therefore, the task of composing the Catechism, begun in 1986, is brought to a close and the desire of the aforementioned Extraordinary Synod of Bishops is happily fulfilled.
Typica Latina editione hodie foras data, totum perficitur Catechismi componendi opus, anno MCMLXXXVI incohatum, feliciterque impletur optatum memoratae extraordinariae consessionis Synodi
Drawn up by the special Commission of Cardinals and Bishops established in 1986, the Catechism was approved and promulgated by me in the aforementioned Apostolic Constitution, which today retains all its validity and timeliness, and finds its definitive achievement in this Latin typical edition.
Enucleatus a Cardinalium Episcoporumque Consilio ad hoc ipsum anno MCMLXXXVI constituto, Catechismus a Nobis est comprobatus atque prolatus dicta superius Apostolica Constitutione, quae omnem suam etiamnum servat vim atque utilitatem quaeque extremam hac typica Latina editione recipit
I therefore strongly urge my Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate, for whom the Catechism is primarily intended, to take the excellent opportunity afforded by the promulgation of this Latin edition to intensify their efforts to disseminate the text more widely and to ensure that it is well received as an outstanding gift for the communities entrusted to them, which will thus be able to rediscover the inexhaustible riches of the faith.
Vehementer ergo cohortamur Venerabiles Fratres Nostros in Episcopatu, quibus praecipue Ecclesiae Catholicae concreditur Catechismus ut, praestabilem hanc promulgatae editionis typicae occasionem complectentes, sese impensius voveant ad textum latius diffundendum nec non ad eius promptam receptionem obsecundandam veluti praestans quoddam donum pro Communitatibus sibi commissis, quae inexhaustas sic fidei divitias iterum detegere
It is therefore from the very nature of things that administrative organs have come into being, i.e. the Curia: to them was entrusted the task of facilitating the government of the Church by supervising the observance of laws promulgated, by promoting initiatives in order to realize the Church's proper finality, and by resolving any controversies that might arise.
Ex rerum igitur natura instituta administrationis seu Curiae ortum duxerunt: quibus id muneris est attributum, ut expeditiorem redderent Ecclesiae gubernationem, legum conditarum tuendo observantiam, inceptis favendo, quae ad Ecclesiae finem adipiscendum conducerent, controversias forte subortas
What I have established with this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, I wish to be observed fully, now and in the future, anything to the contrary notwithstanding, even if worthy of special mention, and I order it to be promulgated by publication in the daily newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, taking effect fifteen days after promulgation.
Quae per Litteras Apostolicas Motu proprio datas deliberavimus, nunc et in posterum firma et efficacia esse et fore volumus, non obstantibus quibusvis contrariis rebus, etiam peculiari mentione dignis, ac decernimus ut ipsae per editionem in actis diurnis “L’Osservatore Romano” promulgentur atque vigere incipient XV post dies quam promulgatae
But We must not omit to say that this desire of Ours is especially stimulated by a sort of secret instinct which leads Us to regard as not far distant the fulfillment of those great hopes to which, certainly not rashly, the solemn promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception opened the minds of Pius, Our predecessor, and of all the Bishops of the universe.
Attamen id etiam non diffitebimur, desiderium hoc Nostrum inde vel maxime commoveri quod, arcano quodam instinctu, praecipere posse Nobis videmur, expectationes illas magnas brevi esse explendas, in quas et Pius decessor et universi sacrorum antistites, ex asserto solemniter immaculato Deiparae Conceptu, non sane temere fuerunt
The time has come to renew that spirit which inspired the Church at the moment when the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium was prepared, discussed, voted upon and promulgated, and when the first steps were taken to apply it.
Tempus venisse videtur rursus reperiendi vehementem illum afflatum qui Ecclesiam incitavit cum Constitutio “Sacrosanctum Concilium” est praeparata, agitata, decretata, promulgata primisque est adhibita
The reform of the rites and the liturgical books was undertaken immediately after the promulgation of the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium and was brought to an effective conclusion in a few years thanks to the considerable and selfless work of a large number of experts and bishops from all parts of the world(16).
Rituum vero librorumque refectio liturgicorum continuo post Constitutionem Sacrosanctum Concilium promulgatam est suscepta ac paucis quidem inde annis perfecta maximam ob operam multorum sui oblitorum hominum in re exercitatorum et omnibus ex orbis partibus pastorum (Cfr. Sacrosanctum Concilium, 25)
To meet their desire, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on March 18, 1966, promulgated an instruction on mixed marriages, entitled Matrimonii Sacramentum,(3) which provided that, if the norms laid down therein stood the test of experience, they should be introduced in a definite and precise form into the Code of Canon Law which is now being revised.(
Ut huic satisfieret voto, die 18 mensis Martii anno MCMLXVI, a S. Congregatione pro Doctrina Fidei Instructio de matrimoniis mixtis promulgata est, a verbis incipiens Matrimonii sacramentum (Cf AAS 58 (1906), pp. 235-239), qua cautum est, ut normae ibidem statutae, si experientia comprobatae essent, in Codicem Iuris Canonici, qui nunc recognoscitur, certa ac definita ratione insererentur (Cf ibid., l.c.,
Prompted by this same purpose and fulfilling at last the expectations of the whole Catholic world, I order today, January 25, 1983, the promulgation of the revised Code of Canon Law.
Non alio ducti proposito Nos, exspectationem totius catholici orbis tandem explentes, hac die XXV mensis Ianuarii, anno MCMLXXXIII, Codicem Iuris Canonici recognitum foras dari
If we ask ourselves why John XXIII considered it necessary to reform the existing Code, the answer can perhaps be found in the Code itself which was promulgated in the year 1917.
Quod si quaestio ponatur cur Ioannes XXIII necessitatem persenserit vigentis Codicis reformandi, responsio fortasse in eodem Codice, anno MCMXVII promulgato,
Therefore, in promulgating the Code today, I am fully aware that this act is an expression of pontifical authority and, therefore, it is invested with a "primatial" character.
Codicem itaque hodie promulgantes, Nos plane conscii sumus hunc actum a Nostra quidem Pontificis auctoritate proficisci, ac proinde induere naturam
These prescriptions which, by way of exception, are promulgated by means of L'Osservatore Romano, become effective on Ash Wednesday of this year, that is to say on the 23rd of the present month.
Haec praescripta, quae, praeter consuetudinem, per acta diurna, quibus L'Osservatore Romano est index, promulgantur, vigere incipient a feria IV Cinerum huius anni, hoc est a die XXIII huius
I am pleased to entrust to all with a confident spirit these considerations of mine in the moment in which I promulgate this fundamental body of ecclesiastical laws for the Latin Church.
Placet considerationes has Nostras fidenti animo omnibus committere, dum princeps legum ecclesiasticarum Corpus pro Ecclesia latina
On 21 April 1923, a new liberal constitution was promulgated.
Die 25 Aprilis 1919 nova constitutio democratica ratificata est.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our predecessor Paul VI quickly complied with the wishes of the Council and put into effect the reorganization of the Curia with the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution Regimini Ecclesiæ universæ on 15 August 1967.
Hisce igitur Concilii optatis satisfaciens, Paulus VI, Decessor Noster, novam Curiæ ordinationem ad effectum alacriter adduxit, data Constitutione apostolica Regimini Ecclesiæ universæ, die XV mensis Augusti anno
In Masses celebrated without a congregation, any Catholic priest of the Latin rite, whether secular or regular, may use either the Roman Missal published in 1962 by Blessed Pope John XXIII or the Roman Missal promulgated in 1970 by Pope Paul VI, and may do so on any day, with the exception of the Easter Triduum.
In Missis sine populo celebratis, quilibet sacerdos catholicus ritus latini, sive saecularis sive religiosus, uti potest aut Missali Romano a beato Papa Ioanne XXIII anno 1962 edito, aut Missali Romano a Summo Pontifice Paulo VI anno 1970 promulgato, et quidem qualibet die, excepto Triduo
I decree that what has been set out in this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio have the force of law, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, even if worthy of special mention, and that it be promulgated by publication in L’Osservatore Romano, therefore published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, entering into force on 1 January 2017.
Quaecumque vero hisce Litteris Apostolicis Motu Proprio datis decreta sunt, ea omnia firma ac rata esse iubemus, contrariis quibuslibet non obstantibus, peculiari etiam mentione dignis, atque decernimus ut promulgentur per editionem in actis diurnis L’Osservatore Romano et deinde in Actis Apostolicae Sedis edantur ac vim suam exserant a die I mensis Ianuarii anno
For who does not know that, when the Republican form of Government was adopted in that country, there immediately began to be promulgated measures breathing the most implacable hatred of the Catholic religion?
Nam, ubi status eius civitatis in formam conversus est reipublicae, continuo coepisse, aliud ex alio, sanciri talia quae inexpiabile religionis catholicae spirent odium, quis ignorat?
This is the reason that has led me to promulgate the present Letter, which concerns two issues.
Haec quidem est ratio ad promulgationem Nos movens praesentium Litterarum, quae duas respiciunt
7. If We now proceed to examine in itself the law that has just been promulgated, We find, therein, fresh reason for protesting still more energetically.
Sed iam ipsam in se legem considerantibus, quae modo promulgata est, novae Nobis multoque gravioris querelae nascitur
2. A similar object is aimed at by some, in those matters which concern the New Law promulgated by Christ our Lord.
Rem haud dissimilem in iis, quae invectam a Christo Domino Novae Legis ordinationem respieiunt, efficere quidam
Paul VI himself, in 1963, two years before he promulgated the Decree Christus Dominus, defined the Roman Curia "as an instrument of immediate adhesion and perfect obedience," an instrument the Pope uses to fulfill his universal mission.
Ipse enim Paulus VI , iam duobus annis antequam Decretum Christus Dominus promulgaretur, scilicet anno MCMLXIII, Romanam Curiam definivit instrumentum immediatæ adhæsionis et absolutæ obœdientiæ, quo Summus Pontifex ad suam universalem missionem explendam
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