provocator oor Latyn


One who engages in provocation.

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provocative woman
exacerbatio · fermentum · indignatio · inritamen · inritamentum · ira · irritatio · provocatio
exacerbatio · fermentum · indignatio · inritamen · inritamentum · ira · irritatio · provocatio


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After this engagement, Caesar considered that neither ought embassadors to be received to audience, nor conditions be accepted by him from those who, after having sued for peace by way of stratagem and treachery, had made war without provocation. And to wait until the enemy's forces were augmented and their cavalry had returned, he concluded, would be the greatest madness; and knowing the fickleness of the Gauls, he felt how much influence the enemy had already acquired among them by this one skirmish.
ab exilio retractus inluvieque ac squalore obsitus et tum catena vinctus pater oranti filio comparatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
From the introduction of the Book it is apparent that God permitted this testing as a result of Satan's provocation.
Quorum cognita sententia Octavius quinis castris oppidum circumdedit atque uno tempore obsidione et oppugnationibus eos premere
When however he heard of the change of emperor, he let loose bands of freebooters and razed the fortresses, as a provocation to war.
Caesar, quo facilius equitatum Pompeianum ad Dyrrachium contineret et pabulatione prohiberet, aditus duos, quos esse angustos demonstravimus, magnis operibus praemunivit castellaque his locis posuit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is not necessary to turn to the philosophers of the absurd or to the provocative questioning found in the Book of Job in order to have doubts about life's meaning.
Sed Plautum ea non movere, sive nullam opem providebat inermis et exul, seu taedio ambiguae spei, an amore coniugis et liberorum, quibus placabiliorem fore principem rebatur nulla sollicitudine
Has the talk of ill-natured people no effect in deterring you, Maternus, from clinging to your Cato with its provocations? Or have you taken up the book to revise it more carefully, and, after striking out whatever has given a handle for a bad interpretation, will you publish, if not a better, at least a safer, Cato?
Itaque, cum castra castris collata essent et Marcellus locum idoneum castello cepisset quo prohibere aqua Cassianos posset, Longinus, veritus ne genere quodam obsidionis clauderetur in regionibus alienis sibique infestis, noctu silentio ex castris proficiscitur celerique itinere Uliam contendit, quod sibi fidele esse oppidum credebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
With Us was in harmony the immense multitude not only of the clergy both secular and regular, but likewise of the Catholic laity, or, rather, the great majority of the Spanish people, who, notwithstanding their personal opinions and provocations and vexations by adversaries of the Church, kept themselves aloof from acts of violence and reprisals, in tranquil subjection to the constituted power, without having to resort to disorder and much less to civil war.
quartadecumani paulum dubitaverant: pecunia et missio quamvis non flagitantibus oblata
At the same time they lauded or vituperated Otho and Vitellius, but found indeed a more fruitful source of mutual provocation in invective than in praise.
Isdem consulibus gravitate annonae iuxta seditionem ventum multaque et pluris per dies in theatro licentius efflagitata quam solitum adversum imperatorem.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Assuredly, could Vitellius have bridled his luxurious tastes, no one need have dreaded his rapacity. He had a scandalous and insatiable passion for feasts; the provocatives of gluttony were conveyed to him from the capital and from Italy, till the roads from both seas resounded with traffic; the leading men of the various states were ruined by having to furnish his entertainments, and the states themselves reduced to beggary; the soldiers fast degenerated from their old activity and valour, through habitual indulgence and contempt of their leader.
"quod si maxime continentia tua laudetur, non tamen sapienti viro decorum fuerit, unde amico infamiam paret, inde gloriam sibi recipere."" his adicit complexum et oscula, factus natura et consuetudine exercitus velare odium fallacibus blanditiis."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Two female singers on lead vocals make the video even more provocative, but it did not brought much attention.
adnotatusque miles, qui fascem lignorum gestabat, ita praeriguisse manus, ut oneri adhaerentes truncis brachiis deciderent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finding both inspiration and provocation in the poetry of T. S. Eliot, Crane wrote modernist poetry that was difficult, highly stylized, and ambitious in its scope.
pro Plancina cum pudore et flagitio disseruit, matrispreces obtendens, in quam optimi cuiusque secreti questus magis ardescebant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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