prowess oor Latyn


/ˈpɹaʊəs/ naamwoord
Skillfulness and manual ability; adroitness or dexterity.

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They consider this the real evidence of their prowess, that their neighbors shall be driven out of their lands and abandon them, and that no one dare settle near them; at the same time they think that they shall be on that account the more secure, because they have removed the apprehension of a sudden incursion.
Singula quæque Apostolicæ Sedis instituta, ac præsertim Nuntiaturæ ac Delegationes Apostolicæ, præter Romanæ Curiæ Dicasteria, parata sunt adiutricem operam libentissime navare, ut Visitationes «ad limina» facile habeantur, apte comparentur et bene procedant.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Humanity has entered a new era in which our technical prowess has brought us to a crossroads.
Statue sex et quinquaginta annos, quibus mox divus Augustus rem publicam rexit; adice Tiberii tris et viginti, et prope quadriennium Gai, ac bis quaternos denos Claudii et Neronis annos, atque illum Galbae et Othonis et Vitellii longum et unum annum, ac sextam iam felicis huius principatus stationem, qua Vespasianus rem publicam fovet: centum et viginti anni ab interitu Ciceronis in hunc diem colliguntur, unius hominis
A grove stood in the city, rich in shade, / where storm-tost Tyrians, past the perilous brine, / dug from the ground, by royal Juno's aid, / a war-steed's head, to far-off days a sign / that wealth and prowess should adorn the line.
aucta laetitia quod quosdam e clade Variana quadragesimum post annum servitio exemerant.tatoeba tatoeba
"Could Troy be saved by mortal prowess, mine, / yea, mine had saved her."
prope eversum orbem etiam cum de principatu inter bonos certaretur, sed mansisse G. Iulio, mansisse Caeare Augusto victore imperium; mansuram fuisse sub Pompeio Brutoque rem publicam: nunc pro Othone an pro Vitellio in templa ituros? utrasque impias preces, utraque detestanda vota inter duos, quorum bello solum id scires, deteriorem fore qui vicisset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
To him Caesar had restored the position of his ancestors, in consideration of his prowess and attachment toward him, because in all his wars he had availed himself of his valuable services.
ea fraude captum senem, postquam convivium inierat, exceptum poculum Druso tradidisse; atque illo ignaro et inveniliter hauriente auctam suspicionem, tamquam metu et pudore sibimet inrogaret mortem quam patri struxerat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar at first determined to decline a battle, as well on account of the great number of the enemy as their distinguished reputation for valor: daily, however, in cavalry actions, he strove to ascertain by frequent trials, what the enemy could effect by their prowess and what our men would dare.
praetorianam militiam repetebant a Vitellio dimissi, pro Vespasiano congregati; et lectus in eandem spem e legionibus miles promissa stipendia flagitabat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Uprose the image of my father dear, / as there I see the monarch, bathed in blood, / like him in prowess and in age his peer. / Uprose Creusa, desolate and drear, / Iulus' peril, and a plundered home.
Fabius, ut erat imperatum, adhibita celeritate praesidium ex saltu deiecit magnisque itineribus ad exercitum Afrani contendit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And I do not know whether that ought much to be wondered at, as well for several other reasons, as particularly because they who ranked above all nations for prowess in war, most keenly regretted that they had lost so much of that reputation as to submit to commands from the Roman people.
ac praecipua Silurum pervicacia, quos accendebat vulgata imperatoris Romani vox, ut quondam Sugambri excisi aut in Gallias traiecti forent, ita Silurum nomen penitus extinguendum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And there was formerly a time when the Gauls excelled the Germans in prowess, and waged war on them offensively, and, on account of the great number of their people and the insufficiency of their land, sent colonies over the Rhine.
Nam fortasse inopiam excusare et calamitatem aut propriam suam aut temporum queri et difficultates auctionandi proponere etiam mediocris est animi; integras vero tenere possessiones, qui se debere fateantur, cuius animi aut cuius impudentiae est? Itaque, hoc qui postularet reperiebatur nemo.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And forth they bring the broidered tapestry, / with purple dyed and wrought full cunningly. / The tables groan with silver; there are told / the deeds of prowess for the gazer's eye, / a long, long series, of their sires of old, / traced from the nation's birth, and graven in the gold.
redde rationem villicationistatoeba tatoeba
For, on one side, the Bellovaci, a state which held the highest reputation for prowess in Gaul, were pressing on him; and Camulogenus, with a disciplined and well-equipped army, held the other side; moreover, a very great river separated and cut off the legions from the garrison and baggage.
"An non audistis ex eis, qui per causam valetudinis remanserunt, cohortes esse Brundisi factas? Hae copiae, quas videtis, ex dilectibus horum annorum in citeriore Gallia sunt refectae, et plerique sunt ex coloniis Transpadanis. Ac tamen quod fuit roboris duobus proeliis Dyrrachinis interiit."" Hace cum dixisset, iuravit se nisi victorem in castra non reversurum reliquosque, ut idem facerent, hortatus est."latin-ancient latin-ancient
A grove stood in the city, rich in shade, / where storm-tost Tyrians, past the perilous brine, / dug from the ground, by royal Juno's aid, / a war-steed's head, to far-off days a sign / that wealth and prowess should adorn the line.
At exercitus Afranii omnium rerum abundabat copia. Multum erat frumentum provisum et convectum superioribus temporibus, multum ex omni provincia comportabatur; magna copia pabuli suppetebat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
A practice, rare among the other German tribes, and simply characteristic of individual prowess, has become general among the Chatti, of letting the hair and beard grow as soon as they have attained manhood, and not till they have slain a foe laying aside that peculiar aspect which devotes and pledges them to valour.
Pridie idus Martias commendata patribus re publica reliquias Neronianarum sectionum nondum in fiscum conversas revocatis ab exilio concessit, iustissimum donum et in speciem magnificum, sed festinata iam pridem exactione usu sterile.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Uprose the image of my father dear, / as there I see the monarch, bathed in blood, / like him in prowess and in age his peer. / Uprose Creusa, desolate and drear, / Iulus' peril, and a plundered home.
segniter eae voces acceptae, non amore in maritum, sed ne Silius summa adeptus sperneret adulteram scelusque inter ancipitia probatum veris mox pretiis aestimaret.tatoeba tatoeba
My business is with those who approve of a sally: in whose advice the memory of our ancient prowess seems to dwell in the opinion of you all.
Caesar explorata re quaestione captivorum, si qui ad eos Eburones ex fuga convenissent, ad se ut reducerentur, imperavit; si ita fecissent, fines eorum se violaturum negavit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
And forth they bring the broidered tapestry, / with purple dyed and wrought full cunningly. / The tables groan with silver; there are told / the deeds of prowess for the gazer's eye, / a long, long series, of their sires of old, / traced from the nation's birth, and graven in the gold.
Cum hoc detrimento quid transitus fluminis viti difficultatisque haberet cognitum esset, Marcellus castra Baetim transfert, crebroque uterque legiones in aciem educit; neque tamen confligitur propter locorum difficultates.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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