reception oor Latyn


/rɪ'sɛpʃn/ naamwoord
The act of receiving.

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[ receptiō ]
act of receiving
Another moment of the celebration needing to be mentioned is the distribution and reception of Holy Communion.
Aliud momentum celebrationis, quod memorare oportet, est distributio et receptio sanctae Communionis.




Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma


act of receiving

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force receptive male oral sex
inrumo · irrimo · irrumo
reception hall in a Roman house
get cold reception
reception desk
reception room
acceptatio · atrium
hospitable reception


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4] How great was the joy and goodwill with which the Roman Church welcomed the Ruthenian people on their reception into the unity of the fold may be seen also from the Apostolic Letter Benedictus sit Pastor, issued on 7th February 1596, in which the supreme pontiff informed the metropolitan and the other Ruthenian bishops of the happy establishment of the union of their whole Church with the Apostolic See.
ad hoc lamenta paventium feminarum, fessa aetate aut rudis pueritiae [aetas], quique sibi quique aliis consulebat, dum trahunt invalidos aut opperiuntur, pars mora, pars festinans, cuncta
The use of these instruments by professionals in communication and their reception by the public demand both a work of education in a critical sense, which is animated by a passion for the truth, and a work of defence of liberty, respect for the dignity of individuals, and the elevation of the authentic culture of peoples which occurs through a firm and courageous rejection of every form of monopoly and manipulation.
Adsensere atque omnium ignari fortuitum iter
For this reason I asked the Church, as a way of preparing for the Great Jubilee, to examine herself on the reception given to the Council.44 Has this been done?
Satisque constabat saevisse quosdam in coniuges ac liberos, tamquam
Young people, in particular, must be given a warm reception; more and more families and hostels must open their doors to them.
has ad copias nequaquam Vitellianis paris (quippe tres adhuc legiones erant) misit epistulas Caecina, temeritatem victa arma tractantium
And at the close of the first year marking the anniversary of Our reception of the triple Tiara, in the sermon which We delivered on that solemn occasion We mentioned as among the happiest events of Our Pontificate the day, October 10th, on which over four hundred missionaries gathered in the most holy Vatican Basilica to receive from Our hands the crucifix, image of Jesus Christ Crucified, before leaving for distant parts of the world to illumine them with the light of Christianity.
Clarum inde inter Germanos Frisium nomen, dissimulante Tiberio damna ne cui bellum
The report of the surrender and kind reception of Segestes, when generally known, was heard with hope or grief according as men shrank from war or desired it.
Etiam si bella externa et obitas pro re publica mortis tanta casuum similitudine memorarem, meque ipsum satias cepisset aliorumque taedium expectarem, quamvis honestos civium exitus, tristis tamen et continuos aspernantium: at nunc patientia servilis tantumque sanguinis domi perditum fatigant animum et maestitia restringunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
A number of aphasias have been described, but two are best known: expressive aphasia (Broca's aphasia) and receptive aphasia (Wernicke's or sensory aphasia).
viso milite quies et minoribus coloniis impunitas: Capuae legio tertia hiemandi causa locatur et domus inlustres adflictae, cum contra Tarracinenses nulla ope iuvarentur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A sign of the ecclesial reception of the Saint's teaching is the appeal to her doctrine in many documents of the Church's ordinary Magisterium, especially when speaking of the contemplative and missionary vocation, of trust in the just and merciful God, of Christian joy and of the call to holiness.
quod postquam Corbuloni cognitum est, ire praefectum cohortis Arrium Varum et reciperare obsides
I am confident that the proposal will find a ready and generous reception.
quocumque casu accidit, dum atrociora metuebantur, in levi habitum, reddita securitate, tamquam nihil gravius pati potuissent,
A good illustration of these two phases in the reception of events in France is found in two essays by Immanuel Kant in which he reflects on what had taken place.
Ad hunc modum distributis legionibus facillime inopiae frumentariae sese mederi posse
To be able to discover the actual will of the Lord in our lives always involves the following: a receptive listening to the Word of God and the Church, fervent and constant prayer, recourse to a wise and loving spiritual guide, and a faithful discernment of the gifts and talents given by God, as well as the diverse social and historic situations in which one lives.
At omnium impeditis animis Dumnorix cum equitibus Aeduorum a castris insciente Caesare domum discedere
And here it will be opportune to recall to mind on what occasion and in what manner Christ moved and prepared the hearts of men for the worthy and due reception of the living bread which He was about to give them.
Die constituta causae dictionis Orgetorix ad iudicium omnem suam familiam, ad hominum milia decem, undique coegit, et omnes clientes obaeratosque suos, quorum magnum numerum habebat, eodem conduxit; per eos ne causam diceret se
In schools in England and Wales, Year Eight is the eighth year after Reception.
Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur, pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et orientem solem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indeed, "only in adoration can a profound and genuine reception mature.
Caesar hac oratione Lisci Dumnorigem, Diviciaci fratrem, designari sentiebat, sed, quod pluribus praesentibus eas res iactari nolebat, celeriter concilium dimittit,
Another moment of the celebration needing to be mentioned is the distribution and reception of Holy Communion.
Magna di curant, parva
reception room, entrance hall
locus puerperio colonia Antium fuit, ubiipse generatus erat.langbot langbot
Therefore, not simply the words coming directly from him, but also those transmitted by the various departments of the Holy See call for a loving and receptive hearing by the lay faithful.
Erat autem in Caesare cum facultas atque elegantia summa scribendi, tum verissima scientia suorum consiliorum
There is no need to dwell at length on the universality of Thérèse's doctrine and on the broad reception of her message during the century since her death: it has been well documented in the studies made in view of conferring on her the title of Doctor of the Church.
Qui cum essent progressi, primaeque turmae insidias intravissent, ex fremitu equorum illata suspicione ad suos se recipere coeperunt, quique hos sequebantur celerem eorum receptum conspicati
We have all been able to note with pleasure the broad positive reception and wide dissemination of the Catechism in these years, especially in the particular Churches, which have had it translated into their respective languages, thus making it as accessible as possible to the various linguistic communities of the world.
[igitur qui filios genuerant] magna cum invidia senatum adeunt, ius naturae, labores educandi adversus fraudem et artes et brevitatem adoptionis
It is possible that an audience can be more receptive to some messages than others.
Augeas quidam, qui illo tempore regnum in Elide obtinebat, tria milia boum habebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each one will take great care to examine himself and to bring about that true freedom according to Christ which makes one receptive to the universal in the very midst of the most particular conditions.
et Nero quoque vos destituit, non vos
In order not to prolong the voting process unduly, the Infirmarii may complete their own ballots and place them in the receptable immediately after the senior Cardinal, and then go to collect the votes of the sick in the manner indicated above while the other electors are casting their votes.
Sic accensos et proelium poscentis in campum, cui Idistaviso nomen,
Receptivity to the wealth of the individual Church corresponds to a special sensitivity of modern man.
illic signa et aquilam amplexus religione sese tutabatur, ac ni aquilifer Calpurnius vim extremam arcuisset, rarum etiam inter hostis, legatus populi Romani Romanis in castris sanguine suo altaria deum
But the chief aim ofour efforts must be that the frequent reception of the Eucharist may beeverywhere revived among Catholic peoples.
Going from town to town, preaching to the poorest - and frequently the most receptive - the joyful news of the fulfillment of the promises and of the Covenant offered by God is the mission for which Jesus declares that He is sent by the Father.
Debere se suspicari simulata Caesarem amicitia, quod exercitum in Gallia habeat, sui opprimendi causa
53 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.