repressed oor Latyn


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of repress.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Charlton T. Lewis

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn

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Soortgelyke frases

coercio · coercitio · coerctio · coertio · cohercitio
restraint|self-control|abstinence|holding back|repression
astringo · coerceo · coherceo · cohibeo · combibo · compesco · comprimo · confuto · contineo · deprimo · deterreo · devoro · prohibeo · refuto · reprimo · retardo · retineo · retundo · supprimo
coercio · coercitio · coerctio · coertio · cohercitio
astringo · coerceo · coherceo · cohibeo · combibo · compesco · comprimo · confuto · contineo · deprimo · deterreo · devoro · prohibeo · refuto · reprimo · retardo · retineo · retundo · supprimo


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While he hesitated and strove to repress their eagerness and desires, exclaiming that it was not his wish to commence the battle by a sudden sally, at the same time keeping back his army, on a sudden a trumpeter in the right wing, without Caesar's leave, but compelled by the soldiers, sounded a charge.
Dubitante Caesare atque eorum studio cupiditatique resistente sibique eruptione pugnari non placere clamitante, etiam atque etiam aciem sustentante, subito dextro cornu iniussu Caesaris tubicen a militibus coactus canere coepit.latin-ancient latin-ancient
On the opening day of the conference, U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher spoke out strongly against this notion, saying "We cannot let cultural relativism become the last refuge of repression."
Prima die conventi Warren Christopher, politicus Americanus contra hanc notionem reclamavit dicente "Non permitterre possumus ne relativismus culturalis fiat refugium ultimum repressionis."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hawthorne went on to write full-length "romances", quasi-allegorical novels that explore the themes of guilt, pride, and emotional repression in New England.
Hawthorne usitate longas romanticas scripsit, mythistorias quasi allegoricas, quae culpam, superbiam, repressionemque animi motus in sua Nova Anglia exquirunt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But our men, when the signal was given, rushed forward with their javelins ready to be launched, but perceiving that Pompey's men did not run to meet their charge, having acquired experience by custom, and being practiced in former battles, they of their own accord repressed their speed, and halted almost midway; that they might not come up with the enemy when their strength was exhausted, and after a short respite they again renewed their course, and threw their javelins, and instantly drew their swords, as Caesar had ordered them.
Sed nostri milites dato signo cum infestis pilis procucurrissent atque animum advertissent non concurri a Pompeianis, usu periti ac superioribus pugnis exercitati sua sponte cursum represserunt et ad medium fere spatium constiterunt, ne consumptis viribus appropinquarent, parvoque intermisso temporis spatio ac rursus renovato cursu pila miserunt celeriterque, ut erat praeceptum a Caesare, gladios strinxerunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All Our Christian brothers, We are sure will want to consolidate and expand their collaborative efforts to reduce man's immoderate self-love and haughty pride, to eliminate quarrels and rivalries, and to repress demagoguery and injustice—so that a more human way of living is opened to all, with each man helping others out of brotherly love.
Minime deinde dubitamus, quin omnes, qui christiano censentur nomine ac propterea fratres Nostri sunt, socia compositaque opera id magis magisque moliri velint, ut homines immodicum sui amorem animique arrogantiam coerceant, contentiones simultatesque deponant, ambitiones et iniquitates cohibeant, adeo ut omnibus viae patefiant humanioris vitae, in qua unusquisque sicut frater a fratribus diligatur atque
The ferocity of the barbarians was thus transformed to gentleness, woman was freed from subjection, slavery was repressed, order was restored in the due and reciprocal independence upon one another of the various classes of society, justice was recognized, the true liberty of souls was proclaimed, and social and domestic peace assured.
Fuit ista profecto vis quae barbaros homines ex ferocità te ad humanitatem transtulit, mulieris proiectam dignitatem vindicavit, servitutis iugum excussit, ordinem, remissis cum aequitate vinculis quibus variae civium conditiones invicem continentur, instauravit, iura restituit, veram animi libertatem promulgavit, domesticae ac publicae tranquillitati tuto
Agricola, by the repression of these abuses in his very first year of office, restored to peace its good name, when, from either the indifference or the harshness of his predecessors, it had come to be as much dreaded as war.
Haec primo statim anno comprimendo egregiam famam paci circumdedit, quae vel incuria vel intolerantia priorum haud minus quam bellum timebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The curse of usury was indeed of old standing in Rome and a most frequent cause of sedition and discord, and it was therefore repressed even in the early days of a less corrupt morality.
sane vetus urbi faenebre malum et seditionum discordiarumque creberrima causa eoque cohibebatur antiquis quoque et minus corruptis moribus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It became very well known, largely because it tackled subjects such as sexuality, repression, and the unconscious.
Quae notissima facta est, praesertim quia themata sicuti sexualitatem, repressionem et inconscium aggreditur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Herbert Marcuse wrote "Repressive Tolerance" in 1965 where he argued that the "pure tolerance" that permits all favors totalitarianism, democracy, and tyranny of the majority, and insisted the "repressive tolerance" against them.
Herbertus Marcuse in libro suo Repressive Tolerance (anno 1965), reprimentem tolerantiam purae tolerantiae opporsit ad pugnandum oppressorem.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kagame subsequently won elections in 2003 and 2010, although human rights organisations have criticised these elections as being "marked by increasing political repression and a crackdown on free speech".
Postea in comitiis anni 2003 et 2010 vicit, quamquam collegia civilia electiones vituperantes dixerunt, "insignes fuerunt iniuriis magistratuum et persecutione libertatis loquendi".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There remains, of course, the expedient of using force to repress popular risings; but what is the result?
Relinquitur sane, quod assolet, ut ad turbidos motus comprimendos vis adhibeatur: sed quo tandem fructu?
A more formidable movement broke out among the Aedui, proportioned to the greater wealth of the state and the distance of the force which should repress it.
Apud Aeduos maior moles exorta quanto civitas opulentior et comprimendi procul praesidium.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But to me Pompey seems to have acted without sufficient reason: for there is a certain impetuosity of spirit and an alacrity implanted by nature in the hearts of all men, which is inflamed by a desire to meet the foe. This a general should endeavor not to repress, but to increase; nor was it a vain institution of our ancestors, that the trumpets should sound on all sides, and a general shout be raised; by which they imagined that the enemy were struck with terror, and their own army inspired with courage.
Quod nobis quidem nulla ratione factum a Pompeio videtur, propterea quod est quaedam animi incitatio atque alacritas naturaliter innata omnibus, quae studio pugnae incenditur; hanc non reprimere, sed augere imperatores debent; neque frustra antiquitus institutum est, ut signa undique concinerent clamoremque universi tollerent; quibus rebus et hostes terreri et suos incitari existimaverunt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The more Gospel-inspired lay people there are engaged in these realities, clearly involved in them, competent to promote them and conscious that they must exercise to the full their Christian powers which are often repressed and buried, the more these realities will be at the service of the Kingdom of God and therefore at the service of salvation in Jesus Christ, without in any way losing or sacrificing their human content but rather pointing to a transcendent dimension which is often disregarded"(76).
Quo plures erunt laici homines spiritu evangelico imbuti, in quos harum rerum onus recidit quique iisdem rebus manifeste sunt addicti, et quo magis eas promovere valent et conscii erunt sibi efferendas esse omnes in se positas christianas vires, quae saepe latentes atque interclusae iacent, eo magis hae res omnes, nihil humanae efficientiae suae amittentes vel imminuentes, immo ad novos quosdam superioris ordinis campos saepe pandentes, aedificando Dei Regno inservient, ac proinde afferendae saluti in Iesu Christo” (PAULI VI Evangelii Nuntiandi, 70)
6. Lastly, the baseness of dueling is so evident, that in our time, despite theapproval and patronage of many, legislators have felt bound to repress it bypublic authority and published penalties.
Denique tam perspicua duelli turpitudo est, ut illud nostrae etiam aetatis legumlatores, tametsi multorum suffragio patrocinioque fultum, auctoritate publica poenisque propositis coercendum
The leading men of the Senate either suffered from the infirmities of age, or were enervated by a prolonged peace; the nobility were indolent and had forgotten how to fight; the Equestrian order knew nothing of service; and the more they endeavoured to hide and repress their alarm the more evident was their terror.
primores senatus aetate invalidi et longa pace desides, segnis et oblita bellorum nobilitas, ignarus militiae eques, quanto magis occultare et abdere pavorem nitebantur, manifestius pavidi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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