rising again oor Latyn

rising again

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Piotr Szelma

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rise|appear again
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She bore His dead body to the tomb, but never for a moment doubted that He would rise again.
cuncta eo die munia consulis impleverat conviviumque celebra[ba]t, nihil metuens an dissimulando metu, cum ingressi milites vocari eum a tribuno dixere.vatican.va vatican.va
Every day in the East the sun of hope rises again, the light that restores life to the human race.
Cuius rei magnam partem laudis atque existimationis ad Libonem perventuram,si illo auctore atque agente ab armis sit discessum.vatican.va vatican.va
Suns can set and rise again; but when at once our brief light falls, one perpetual night must be slept by us.
nec grave manu missis per idem obsequium retinendi libertatem, per quod adsecuti sint: at criminum manifestos merito ad servitutem retrahi, ut metu coerceantur, quos beneficia non mutavissent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Accepting death on the Cross, Christ at the same time reveals and gives life, because he rises again and death no longer has power over him.
Subsequitur has V. Cum duae legiones reliquae essent in castris, secundani, veriti ne soli relinquerentur atque ex eo quid sensissent iudicaretur, secuti sunt factum superiorum.vatican.va vatican.va
A cypress tree of remarkable height on his estate had suddenly fallen, and rising again the following day on the very same spot, had flourished with majestic beauty and even broader shade.
ceterum ut largitionibus adfectae iam imperii opes sufficerent, amputari legionum auxiliorumque numeros iubet vetitis supplementis; et promiscae missiones offerebantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Surely from them the rolling years should see / new sons of ancient Teucer rise again, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea. / So swar'st thou; Father, say, why changed is thy decree?"
Quo die senatum ingressus est Domitianus, de absentia patris fratrisque ac iuventa sua pauca et modica disseruit, decorus habitu; et ignotis adhuc moribus crebra oris confusio pro modestia accipiebatur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Surely from them the rolling years should see / new sons of ancient Teucer rise again, / the Romans, rulers of the land and sea. / So swar'st thou; Father, say, why changed is thy decree?"
iam primum publica negotia et privatorum maxima apud patres tractabantur, dabaturque primoribus disserere et in adulationem lapsos cohibebat ipse; mandabatque honores, nobilitatem maiorum, claritudinem militiae, iniustris domi artes spectando, ut satis constaret non alios potiores fuisse.tatoeba tatoeba
If men quarrel, and the one strike his neighbour with a stone, or with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth his bed: If he rise again and walk abroad upon his staff, he that struck him shall be quit, yet so that he make restitution for his work, and for his expenses upon the physicians.
Mox iter L. Lucullo quondam penetratum, apertis quae vetustas obsaepserat, pergit.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Her presence brings about the rebirth, the resurrection, of each individual in Christ; and the man who is reborn and rises again in Christ never feels himself constrained from without. He feels himself free in the very depth of his being, and freely raised up to God. And thus he affirms and develops that side of his nature which is noblest and best.
at ille deiectis circum stipatoribus vinctoque iam filio et effusis undique Romanis ruendo in tela captivitatem haud inulta morte effugit; isque finis armis impositus.vatican.va vatican.va
And so this council can be summed up in its ultimate religious meaning, which is none other than a pressing and friendly invitation to mankind of today to rediscover in fraternal love the God "to turn away from whom is to fall, to turn to whom is to rise again, to remain in whom is to be secure...to return to whom is to be born again, in whom to dwell is to live" (St.
sed cecidisse in inritum labores si praemia periculorum soli adsequantur qui periculis non adfuerint.vatican.va vatican.va
What good then will our mountain-passes do us? What will be the use of having protracted the war into another summer? Where are we to find in the meanwhile money and supplies? Why not rather avail ourselves of the fact that the legions of Pannonia, which were cheated rather than vanquished, are hastening to rise again for vengeance, and that the armies of Moesia have brought us their unimpaired strength? If you reckon the number of soldiers, rather than that of legions, we have greater strength, and no vices, for our very humiliation has been most helpful to our discipline.
consistunt per cohortis et manipulos; neque enim poterat patescere acies effuso hoste et impedientibus tentoriis sarcinisque, cum intra vallum pugnaretur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Yet all is not lost. Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start, despite their mental and social conditioning.
Inter magnorum virorum discrimina, pudendum dictu, Mariccus quidam, e plebe Boiorum, inserere sese fortunae et provocare arma Romana simulatione numinum ausus est.vatican.va vatican.va
And when they wished to retire they were again attacked by the enemy from the rising ground.
Interim ad Labienum per Remos incredibili celeritate de victoria Caesaris fama perfertur, ut, cum ab hibernis Ciceronis milia passuum abesset circiter LX, eoque post horam nonam diei Caesar pervenisset, ante mediam noctem ad portas castrorum clamor oreretur, quo clamore significatio victoriae gratulatioque ab Remis Labieno fieret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The blaze in its fury ran first through the level portions of the city, then rising to the hills, while it again devastated every place below them, it outstripped all preventive measures; so rapid was the mischief and so completely at its mercy the city, with those narrow winding passages and irregular streets, which characterised old Rome.
Intersunt parentes et propinqui, ac munera probant: munera non ad delicias muliebres quaesita, nec quibus nova nupta comatur: sed boves et frenatum equum et scutum cum framea gladioque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rising from the waters of the Baptismal font, every Christian hears again the voice that was once heard on the banks of the Jordan River: "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased" (Lk 3:22). From this comes the understanding that one has been brought into association with the beloved Son, becoming a child of adoption (cf.
atque interim Libonem ornat praetura, convictibus adhibet, non vultu alienatus, non verbis commotior (adeo iram condiderat); cunctaque eius dicta factaque, cum prohibere posset, scire malebat, donec Iunius quidam, temptatus ut infernas umbras carminibus eliceret, ad Fulcinium Trionem indicium detulit.vatican.va vatican.va
Jesus proclaims the truth about marriage again when, speaking to the Pharisees, he explains how the love which comes from God, a tender and spousal love, gives rise to profound and radical demands.
insignia tamen triumphi indulsit Caesar, quamvis bellum negavisset.vatican.va vatican.va
16 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.