rounded form oor Latyn

rounded form

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma

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form groups|circles round oneself
roundness of form
rotunditas · rutunditas
form a ring round


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When both sides were come to have sufficient confidence in their own strength, Caesar sailed round Pharos, and formed in line of battle opposite to the enemy.
plebem quoque et vim equitum, qua sola valent, offerebant: remissumid munus, ne inter discordias externa molirentur aut maiore ex diverso mercede ius fasque exuerent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
During the war with Otho the legions of Germany had formed their camp round the walls of the city, round this camp had drawn an entrenchment, and had again strengthened these defences.
ne fratribus quidem mansuram concordiam, ni parens exemplum praebuisset.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He disposed his soldiers on the works which he had begun, not at certain intervals, as was his practice before, but in one continued range of sentinels and stations, so that they touched each other, and formed a circle round the whole fortification; he ordered the tribunes and general officers to ride round; and exhorted them not only to be on their guard against sallies from the town, but also to watch that no single person should get out privately.
igitur matre libertine ortus, quae corpus decorum inter servos libertosque principum vulgaverat, ex C. Caesare se genitum ferebat, quoniam forte quadam habitu procerus et torvo vultu erat, sive C. Caesar, scortorum quoque cupiens, etiam matri eius inlusit. * * *latin-ancient latin-ancient
When trustworthy messengers brought into the theatre the news that Otho was dead, and that all the troops in the capital had taken the oath to Vitellius under the direction of Flavius Sabinus, prefect of the city, the spectators greeted the name of Vitellius with applause. The people carried round the temples images of Galba, ornamented with laurel leaves and flowers, and piled chaplets in the form of a sepulchral mound near the lake of Curtius, on the very spot which had been stained with the blood of the dying man.
Celeriore fluminis Nili navigatione rex est usus,in quo magnam et paratam classem habebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
But when he heard that officers of the commissariat had been again sent to Novesium, and that the infantry detached as an escort were advancing just as if it were a time of profound peace, with but few soldiers round the standards, the arms stowed away in the wagons, and all wandering about at their pleasure, he attacked them in regular form, having first sent on troops to occupy the bridges and the defiles in the road.
Ita quanto longius ab oppido discedebatur, tanto tardiores ad insequendum erant Numidae.latin-ancient latin-ancient
5 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.