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Charlton T. Lewis

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As the third millennium of the redemption draws near, God is preparing a great springtime for Christianity, and we can already see its first signs.
Quid? Ex Caelianis orationibus nempe eae placent, sive universae sive partes earum, in quibus nitorem et altitudinem horum temporum
Many clients buy used cars via brokers without first seeing the car.
Neque hunc meum sermonem sic accipi volo, tamquam eos, quibus natura sua oratorium ingenium denegavit, deterream a carminibus, si modo in hac studiorum parte oblectare otium et nomen inserere possunt famae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first European to see the region in 1524.
Quirinius post dictum repudium ad huc infensus quamvisinfami ac nocenti miserationem addiderat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The king, seeing Corbulo, was the first to dismount, and Corbulo hesitated not a moment, but both on foot joined their right hands.
ceterum ut mare tutius Valenti quam litora aut urbes, ita futuri ambiguus et magis quid vitaret quam cui fideret certus, adversa tempestate Stoechadas Massiliensium insulas adfertur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In the light of the above truth we see clearly, first of all, that capital cannot be separated from labour; in no way can labour be opposed to capital or capital to labour, and still less can the actual people behind these concepts be opposed to each other, as will be explained later.
Nemo est tam fortis quin rei novitate
In 1851 he paid his first visit to London to see the Great Exhibition.
Interim Varus classem quam antea Uticae hiemis gratia subduxerat, cognito legionis + VII et VIIII + ex Sicilia adventu celeriter deducit ibique Gaetulis remigibus epibatisque complet insidiandique gratia ab Utica progressus Hadrumetum cum lv navibus pervenit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Keeping in mind the ultimate aim of Catholic Action, which is the sanctification of souls, according to the Gospel precept: See ye first the Kingdom of God (Luke xii. 31), you will not run the risk of sacrificing principles for immediate and secondary ends, and that supreme end will never be forgotten to which must be subordinated even social and economic works and charitable undertakings.
iam pridem attritis Italiae rebus tantum peditum equitumque, vis damnaque et iniuriae aegre
Like the book for which they were written, the theses were never published in Marx's lifetime, seeing print for the first time in 1888 as an appendix to a pamphlet by his co-thinker Friedrich Engels.
Olli respondit rex Albai Longai...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
First we see those women who had personally encountered Christ and followed him. After his departure, together with the Apostles, they "devoted themselves to prayer" in the Upper Room in Jerusalem until the day of Pentecost.
cunctantem legatum milites perpulerant fortunam proelii
First of all, it is necessary to see whether the work undertaken conforms with the institute's vocation.
Anacreon poeta Tei in Ionia natus
Wherefore, continue as you have begun, to defend with all your might the cause of religion with which the very welfare of your common fatherland is bound up; but see to it, first and above all else, that you carefully preserve and strengthen the greatest concord and unity between yourselves, then between yourselves and Christian people, and all of you with this See of Blessed Peter.
idem Catualdae casus neque aliud
Here we can see more clearly the meaning of Saint John's words: "he first loved us" (1 Jn 4:19).
Caesar id quod erat suspicatus aliquid novi a barbaris initum consilii, cohortes quae in statione erant secum in eam partem proficisci, ex reliquis duas in stationem succedere, reliquas armari et confestim sese subsequi
At any rate, the context of the Book of Genesis enables us to see in the creation of man the first beginning of God's salvific self-giving commensurate with the "image and likeness" of himself which he has granted to man.
igitur longum utriusque silentium, ne inritidissuaderent, an eo descensum credebant, [ut], nisi praeveniretur Agrippina, pereundum Neroni
1. in second instance, cases that have been decided by ordinary tribunals of first instance and are being referred to the Holy See by legitimate appeal;
Inumbrante vespera universum Flaviani exercitus robur
He loves us, he makes us see and experience his love, and since he has “loved us first”, love can also blossom as a response within us.
sed legionem terrestri itinere Fabius Priscus legatus in Nervios Tungrosque duxit, eaeque civitates in deditionem acceptae: classem ultro Canninefates adgressi sunt maiorque pars navium depressa aut
The Pope at the same time erected the first Lithuanian diocese and decreed that it be subject solely to the Holy See.
In latere Chaucorum Chattorumque Cherusci nimiam ac marcentem diu pacem illacessiti nutrierunt; idque jucundius, quam tutius, fuit: quia inter impotentes et validos falso quiescas; ubi manu agitur, modestia ac probitas nomina superioris
In his first Encyclical he warned that human beings frequently seem “to see no other meaning in their natural environment than what serves for immediate use and consumption”.[
Id si fieret, intellegebat magno cum periculo provinciae futurum ut homines bellicosos, populi Romani inimicos, locis patentibus maximeque frumentariis finitimos
Here we see the necessary interplay between love of God and love of neighbour which the First Letter of John speaks of with such insistence.
mota et Dacorum gens numquam fida, tunc sine metu, abducto e Moesia
It was not, of course, the first occasion on which the Apostolic See had come out strongly in defence of the earthly interests of the poor; indeed, Leo himself h ad made other pronouncements which in a sense had prepared the way for his encyclical.
ac iam me deiungere a forensi labore constitui, nec comitatus istos et egressus aut frequentiam salutantium concupisco, non magis quam aera et imagines, quae etiam me nolente in domum meam
The social role of families is called upon to find expression also in the form of political intervention: families should be the first to take steps to see that the laws and institutions of the State not only do not offend but support and positively defend the rights and duties of the family.
Haud multo post praefectum urbis Pedanium Secundum servus ipsius interfecit, seu negata libertate, cui pretium pepigerat, sive amore exoleti incensus et dominum aemulum non
We rejoice deeply that it has been granted to us to celebrate with you this Consistory, the first one since, by mysterious divine disposition, we were raised to Peter's See.
Iam vero longa principiorum praeparatio et narrationis alte repetita series et multarum divisionum ostentatio et mille argumentorum gradus, et quidquid aliud aridissimis Hermagorae et Apollodori libris praecipitur, in honore erat; quod si quis odoratus philosophiam videretur et ex ea locum aliquem orationi suae insereret, in caelum laudibus
During the first stage (1994 to 1996) the Holy See, through a special Committee established for this purpose, will suggest courses of reflection and action at the universal level. A similar commitment to promoting awareness will be carried out in a more detailed way by corresponding Commissions in the local Churches.
eadem in Voculam parabantur, nisi servili habitu per tenebras ignoratus
A certain number of Episcopal Sees were erected during this period, and one of the first fruits of that missionary endeavour was the consecration in Rome, by Pope Leo X in 1518, of Don Henrique, the son of Don Alfonso I, King of the Congo, as Titular Bishop of Utica.
Hunc illi e navi egressum, cum ad eos oratoris modo Caesaris mandata deferret, comprehenderant atque in vincula coniecerant; tum proelio facto remiserunt et in petenda pace eius rei culpam in multitudinem contulerunt et propter imprudentiam ut ignosceretur
How can we fail to see that the mercy which Peter needs is related to the ministry of that mercy which he is the first to experience?
Quis enim invitum servare laboret?
49 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.