shackling oor Latyn


Present participle of shackle.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


Piotr Szelma


Piotr Szelma

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

that wears fetters|shackles
compeditus · conpeditus
adligo · catena · compedio · compes · conpedio · constringo · impedio · pedica · praepedio
compes · conpes
chain|bind|tie|shackle together
adligo · catena · compedio · compes · conpedio · constringo · impedio · pedica · praepedio
adligo · catena · compedio · compes · conpedio · constringo · impedio · pedica · praepedio
adligo · catena · compedio · compes · conpedio · constringo · impedio · pedica · praepedio


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Even if I close them, my husband appears as mine. Shackled, give me wings So that I can go to where my husband sleeps.
At first a more dimensional view of delusions is presented.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two key concepts of “reason” and “freedom”, however, were tacitly interpreted as being in conflict with the shackles of faith and of the Church as well as those of the political structures of the period.
Itaque interfectis Novioduni custodibus quique eo negotiandi causa convenerant pecuniam atque equos inter se partiti sunt; obsides civitatum Bibracte ad magistratum deducendos curaverunt; oppidum, quod a se teneri non posse iudicabant, ne cui esset usui Romanis, incenderunt; frumenti quod subito potuerunt navibus avexerunt, reliquum flumine atque incendio corruperunt. Ipsi ex finitimis regionibus copias cogere, praesidia custodiasque ad ripas Ligeris disponere equitatumque omnibus locis iniciendi timoris causa ostentare coeperunt, si ab re frumentaria Romanos excludere aut adductos inopia in provinciam expellere
Whence it comes to pass that in many countries Catholicism is either openly assailed or else secretly interfered with, full impunity being granted to the most pernicious doctrines, while the public profession of Christian truth is shackled oftentimes with manifold constraints.
Itaque a Cingetorige atque eius propinquis oratione Indutiomari cognita, quam in concilio habuerat, nuntios mittit ad finitimas civitates equitesqueundique evocat: his certum diem conveniendi
The coming of Christ was the saving event which redeemed reason from its weakness, setting it free from the shackles in which it had imprisoned itself.
exim vetus et saepe simulatum proficiscendi in provincias consilium
A great spiritual impulse leads Indian thought to seek an experience which would liberate the spirit from the shackles of time and space and would therefore acquire absolute value.
constat potuisse conciliari animos quantulacumque parci senis liberalitate: nocuit antiquus rigor et nimia severitas, cui iam pares non
5 sinne gevind in 1 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.