shaded oor Latyn


adjektief, werkwoord
Being in the shade, not in direct light.

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Libanus is the principal mountain, and has, strange to say, amidst these burning heats, a summit shaded with trees and never deserted by its snows.
Praecipuum montium Libanum erigit, mirum dictu, tantos inter ardores opacum fidumque nivibus; idem amnem Iordanen alit funditque.
Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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Does there not rise up a new and more or less conscious plea to the life-giving Spirit from the dark shades of materialistic civilization, and especially from those increasing signs of death in the sociological and historical picture in which that civilization has been constructed?
Alterum ad Gaium Fabium legatum mittit, ut in Atrebatium fines legionem adducat, qua sibi iter faciendum
Indeed he would have altogether thrown into the shade the activity and renown of any other successor; but Julius Frontinus was equal to the burden, a great man as far as greatness was then possible, who subdued by his arms the powerful and warlike tribe of the Silures, surmounting the difficulties of the country as well as the valour of the enemy.
Dum haec per provincias a Vespasiano ducibusque partium geruntur, Vitellius contemptior in dies segniorque, ad omnis municipiorum villarumque amoenitates resistens, gravi urbem agmine petebat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At right is displayed a representation of the color metallic gold (the color traditionally known as gold) which is a simulation of the color of the actual metallic element gold itself—gold shade.
Quas interposita tanta locorum iniquitate consuetudine magis pervulgata militari credebat instrui Caesar vel ad opus suum tardandum, quo plures in armis tenerentur, vel ad ostentationem regiae fiduciae, ne munitione magis quam manu defendere locum Pharnaces videretur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
shade, ghost
Plautus ad praesens silentio transmissus est.langbot langbot
John Shade
statimque accitis Frisiis (transrhenana gens est) duarum cohortium hiberna proximo +occupata+ Oceano inrumpit.langbot langbot
In Pompey's camp you might see arbors in which tables were laid, a large quantity of plate set out, the floors of the tents covered with fresh sods, the tents of Lucius Lentulus and others shaded with ivy, and many other things which were proofs of excessive luxury, and a confidence of victory, so that it might readily be inferred that they had no apprehensions of the issue of the day, as they indulged themselves in unnecessary pleasures, and yet upbraided with luxury Caesar's army, distressed and suffering troops, who had always been in want of common necessaries.
vos quoque, quorum alia nunc ora, alia pectora contueor, si legatos senatui, obsequium imperatori, si mihi coniugem et filium redditis, discedite a contactu ac dividite turbidos: id stabile ad paenitentiam, id fidei vinculum erit.'latin-ancient latin-ancient
So to his shade, with funeral rites, we rear / a mound, and altars to the dead prepare, / wreathed with dark cypress. Round them, as of yore, / pace Troy's sad matrons, with their streaming hair. / Warm milk from bowls, and holy blood we pour, / and thrice with loud farewell the peaceful shade deplore.
continuus dehinc cohortium clamor nomina reorum et poenas flagitantium; admotusque Silius tribunali non defensionem, non moras temptavit, precatus ut mors acceleraretur.tatoeba tatoeba
A grove stood in the city, rich in shade, / where storm-tost Tyrians, past the perilous brine, / dug from the ground, by royal Juno's aid, / a war-steed's head, to far-off days a sign / that wealth and prowess should adorn the line.
Hic etsi virtute nostri antecedebant, adversarii loco superiore se defendebant acerrime, et vehemens fiebat ab utrisque clamor telorumque missu concursus, sic ut nostri prope diffiderent victoriae.tatoeba tatoeba
Italy a shade worse.
ad septuaginta milia civium et sociorum iis, quae memoravi, locis cecidisse constitit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Within a grove Andromache that day, / where Simois in fancy flowed again, / her offerings chanced at Hector's grave to pay, / a turf-built cenotaph, with altars twain, / source of her tears and sacred to the slain – / and called his shade.
Quod oppidum magna munitione continebatur, sic ut ipse locus non solum opere, sed etiam natura adiutus ad oppugnandum hostem impediret.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
A cypress tree of remarkable height on his estate had suddenly fallen, and rising again the following day on the very same spot, had flourished with majestic beauty and even broader shade.
hunc sui finem multos ante annos crediderat Agrippina contempseratque.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thither I drew, and strove with eager hold / a green-leaved sapling from the soil to tear, / to shade with boughs the altars, when behold / a portent, weird to see and wondrous to unfold!
commotus est Tiberius, et quamquam mitibus verbis Pisonem permulsisset, propinquos quoque eius impulit ut abeuntem auctoritate vel precibus tenerent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Barren trees are the fir, elder, birch, cypress, beech, ivy, sallow, linden and so on, but most of them afford shade.
labores itinerum, inopia commeatuum, duritia imperii atrocius accipiebantur, cum Campaniae lacus et Achaiae urbes classibus adire soliti Pyrenaeum et Alpes et immensa viarum spatia aegre sub armis eniterentur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
For myself, what other recompense had I for your munificence, than a culture nursed, so to speak, in the shade of retirement, and to which a glory attaches itself, because I thus seem to have helped on the early training of your youth, an ample reward for the service.
Minucius inter saxa quaeiacebant in itinere fugiens opprimitur et relato domum Cassio ad eum deducitur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Go then", cries Pyrrhus, "with thy tale of woe / to dead Pelides, and thy plaints outpour. / To him, my father, in the shades below, / these deeds of his degenerate son deplore."
Eo cum venisset, maiores iam undique in eum locum copiae Britannorum convenerant summa imperi bellique administrandi communi consilio permissa Cassivellauno, cuius fines a maritimis civitatibus fiumen dividit, quod appellatur Tamesis, a mari circiter milia passuum LXXX.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Once more, within a cavern screened from view, / where circling trees a rustling shade supply, / the boards are spread, the altars blaze anew.
accessit dirum omen, profugus altaribus taurus disiecto sacrificii apparatu, longe, nec ut feriri hostias mos est, confossus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As adults they are brown and the females of the species contain blue coloured regions on the surface of their wings that change shades depending on the angle from which the surface is being viewed.
additur pontificatus et quo primum die forum ingressus est congiarium plebi admodum laetae quod Germanici stirpem iam puberem aspiciebat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By this movement they were hemmed in on all sides, and the whole force would have perished, had not the shades of night checked the advance of the victorious army, and covered the retreat of the vanquished.
cuncta tamen id imperatorem in mollius relata; detentusque rebus gerundis Suetonius, quod paucas naves in litore remigiumque in iis amiserat, tamquam durante bello tradere exercitu Pertronio Turpiliano, qui iam consulatu abierat, iubetur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thus we, elate, but not with Heaven our friend, / march on and mingle with the Greeks in fight, / and many a Danaan to the shades we send. / And many a battle in the blinding night / we join with those that meet us.
Tiberius cultu habituque eius lenibus verbis perstricto, acerrime increpuit quod contra instituta Augusti non sponte principis Alexandriam introisset.tatoeba tatoeba
Libanus is the principal mountain, and has, strange to say, amidst these burning heats, a summit shaded with trees and never deserted by its snows.
Nerone quartum Cornelio Cosso consulibus quinquennale ludicrum Romae institutum est ad morum Graeci certaminis, varia fama, ut cunta ferme nova.latin-ancient latin-ancient
She o'er Ascanius rains a soft repose, / and gently bears him to Idalia's height, / where breathing marjoram around him throws / sweet shade, and odorous flowers his slumbering limbs compose.
Libo interim veste mutata cum primoribus feminis circumire domos, orare adfinis, vocem adversum pericula poscere, abouentibus cunctis, cum diversa praetenderent, eadem formidine.tatoeba tatoeba
We sat in the shade.
Neque tamen ulli civitati Germanorum persuaderi potuit, ut Rhenum transiret, cum se bis expertos dicerent, Ariovisti bello et Tencterorum transitu: non esse amplius fortunam temptaturos. Hac spe lapsus Indutiomarus nihilo minus copias cogere, exercere, a finitimis equos parare, exules damnatosque tota Gallia magnis praemiis ad se allicere coepit.tatoeba tatoeba
A grove stood in the city, rich in shade, / where storm-tost Tyrians, past the perilous brine, / dug from the ground, by royal Juno's aid, / a war-steed's head, to far-off days a sign / that wealth and prowess should adorn the line.
igitur duas auxiliaris cohortis avaritia praefectorum incautius populantis intercepere; spoliaque et captivos largiendo ceteras quoque nationes ad defectionem trahebant, cum taedio curarum fessus Ostorius concessit vita, laetis hostibus, tamquam ducem haud spernendum etsi non proelium, at certe bellum absumpsisset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Thrice round the neck with longing I essayed / to clasp the phantom in a wild delight; / thrice, vainly clasped, the visionary shade / mocked me embracing, and was lost to sight, / swift as a winged wind or slumber of the night.
Post quos Sex. Marius Hispaniarum ditissimus defertur incestasse filiam et saxo Tarpeio deicitur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Shall any sons of Italy, the true youth of Rome, cry out for the massacre of an order, by whose splendid distinctions we throw into the shade the mean and obscure faction of Vitellius? Vitellius is the master of a few tribes, and has some semblance of an army. We have the Senate.
Ita non ingenio, sed memoria et recordationeopus est, ut quae a praestantissimis viris et excogitata subtiliter et dicta graviter accepi, cum singuli diversas [vel easdem] sed probabilis causas adferrent, dum formam sui quisque et animi et ingenii redderent, isdem nunc numeris isdemque rationibus persequar, servato ordine disputationis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
36 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.