shed oor Latyn


/ʃɛd/ werkwoord, naamwoord, adjektief
(weaving) An area between upper and lower warp yarns through which the weft is woven.

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to pour; to make flow




Charlton T. Lewis

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armored movable shed
shed upon
drop|shed blossoms|petals
defloreo · defloresco
be shed
cado · mano
shed snake skin
senecta · senectus
blood shed by murder
shed tears
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shed light upon
shed tears thereat


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You, Treveri, and other enslaved creatures, what reward do you expect for the blood which you have shed so often? What but a hateful service, perpetual tribute, the rod, the axe, and the passions of a ruling race? See how I, the prefect of a single cohort, with the Batavians and the Canninefates, a mere fraction of Gaul, have destroyed their vast but useless camps, or are pressing them with the close blockade of famine and the sword.
vos autem Treviri ceteraeque servientium animae, quod praemium effusi totiens sanguinis expectatis nisi ingratam militiam, immortalia tributa, virgas, securis et dominorum ingenia? en ego praefectus unius cohortis et Canninefates Batavique, exigua Galliarum portio, vana illa castrorum spatia excidimus vel saepta ferro fameque premimus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
It is up to the Christian communities to analyze with objectivity the situation which is proper to their own country, to shed on it the light of the Gospel's unalterable words and to draw principles of reflection, norms of judgment and directives for action from the social teaching of the Church. This social teaching has been worked out in the course of history and notably, in this industrial era, since the historic date of the message of Pope Leo XIII on "the condition of the workers", and it is an honor and joy for us to celebrate today the anniversary of that message.
Etenim ipsae christianae communitates id agere debent, ut propriae regionis statum ex rei ventate perscrutentur, ut eum luce immutabilium Evangelii verborum illustrent, ut principia cogitandi, iudicandi normas, regulas operandi e sociali doctrina Ecclesiae hauriant; doctrinam dicimus eau, quae temporum cursu est confecta, maxime vero hac machinaria aetate, ex illo scilicet die, historia digno, quo Leo XIII «de opificum condition» nuntium edidit, cuius anniversariam memoriam recolere est Nobis hodie et honoris et laetitiae
They also investigate the ways in which theology can shed light on specific questions raised by contemporary culture.
Vias etiam scrutantur quibus lumen theologia afferre potest singulis quaestionibus e nostri temporis cultura
14. Even though the study of the arts and learning sheds so much glory on religion, those who dedicate themselves to these studies should use all their intellectual power and all their efforts to ensure that their knowledge not be selfish and sterile.
Quod si tantum religioni lumen accedit ex doctrinae studiis atque artium, profecto qui totos se in his collocarunt adhibeant opus est non modo cogitandi, verum etiam agendi solertiam, ne ipsorum solivaga cognitio et ieiuna
You often ask me, Justus Fabius, how it is that while the genius and the fame of so many distinguished orators have shed a lustre on the past, our age is so forlorn and so destitute of the glory of eloquence that it scarce retains the very name of orator. That title indeed we apply only to the ancients, and the clever speakers of this day we call pleaders, advocates, counsellors, anything rather than orators.
Saepe ex me requiris, Iuste Fabi, cur, cum priora saecula tot eminentium oratorum ingeniis gloriaque floruerint, nostra potissimum aetas deserta et laude eloquentiae orbata vix nomen ipsum oratoris retineat; neque enim ita appellamus nisi antiquos, horum autem temporum diserti causidici et advocati et patroni et quidvis potius quam oratores vocantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The Jubilee remembrance has presented us with a surprising vista, showing us that our own time is particularly prolific in witnesses, who in different ways were able to live the Gospel in the midst of hostility and persecution, often to the point of the supreme test of shedding their blood.
Recordatio tamen iubilaris scaenam nobis illuminavit obstupefacientem, cum nostrum similiter tempus demonstraret testibus testimoniisque uberrimum, qui uno aliove modo Evangelium vivere in oppugnationis ac vexationis adiunctis potuerant, saepius etiam ut summam darent sanguinis
The Gospel sheds light not only on the mystery of "fairest love", but also on the equally profound mystery of beauty, which, like love, is from God.
Illustrat Evangelium non solum mysterium “pulchrae dilectionis”, sed etiam illud haud minus altum arcanum pulchritudinis quae a Deo provenit ut
In order to shed light on this difficult question, it is necessary to recall the general principles concerning cooperation in evil actions.
Ad hanc moralem quaestionem difficilem collustrandam principia universalia de participatione cum malis actibus sunt
We have excepted from Our daily solicitude no nationand no people, mindful that Our Redeemer shed His precious blood on the Cross and opened the reign of grace and of glory for all.
Nullam profecto nationem, nec ullum populum a nostris quotidianis curis exclusimus: probe scientes, pro omnibus divum Redemptorem in Cruce pretiosum suum Sanguinem effudisse, atque omnibus aperuisse Regnum Gratiae et Gloriae. - Nemo tamen miretur, si Nos speciali dilectione Italicum populum
Nor shed his blood: but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this, being desirous to deliver him out of their hands and to restore him to his father.
Et dixit ad eos: "Non effundatis sanguinem; sed proicite eum in cisternam hanc, quæ est in solitudine, manusque vestras servate innoxias”. Hoc autem dicebat volens eripere eum de manibus eorum et reddere patri suo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quite different from this is the way of love and true mercy, which our common humanity calls for, and upon which faith in Christ the Redeemer, who died and rose again, sheds ever new light.
Omnino autem alia est amoris sinceraeque pietatis via, quam nostra humanitas communis infert quamque in Christo Redemptore fides, qui mortuus est et resurrexit, novis rationibus
Here the Bishop opens his heart to the Lord, allowing it to be filled and shaped by the love poured forth from the Cross by the great Shepherd of the sheep, who shed his blood and gave his life for them.
Hic suum Domino reserat animum, ut totus pervadatur eaque caritate informetur, quae in Cruce a magno ovium Pastore effunditur, qui pro eis suum sanguinem profudit suamque vitam
83. This divine charity is the most precious gift of the Heart of Christ and of His Spirit: It is this which imparted to the Apostles and martyrs that fortitude, by the strength of which they fought their battles like heroes till death in order to preach the truth of the Gospel and bear witness to it by the shedding of their blood; it is this which implanted in the Doctors of the Church their intense zeal for explaining and defending the Catholic faith; this nourished the virtues of the confessors, and roused them to those marvelous works useful for their own salvation and beneficial to the salvation of others both in this life and in the next; this, finally, moved the virgins to a free and joyful withdrawal from the pleasures of the senses and to the complete dedication of themselves to the love of their heavenly Spouse.
Haec divina caritas est Cordis Christi eiusque Spiritus pretiosissimum donum; quae Apostolis et Martyribus fortitudinem illam impertiit, qua roborati ad mortem usque, heroum more obitam, certaverunt, ut Evangelii veritatem praedicarent effusoque sanguine testarentur ; quae Ecclesiae Doctoribus studium incensissimum indidit catholicae fidei illustrandae tutandaeque; quae Confessorum virtutes aluit, eosque ad utilissima mirandaque excitavit opera suae ceterorumque saluti aeternae ac temporariae profutura; quae denique Virginibus suasit ut sponte iucundeque sensuum voluptatibus abstinerent, seseque omnino caelestis Sponsi amori
The primacy of the will sheds light on the fact that God is charity before all else.
Primatus voluntatis in lucem ponit Deum ante omnia esse
Thirty years have passed since the bishops of the Catholic Church, meeting in council in the presence of many brothers from other churches and ecclesial communities, listened to the voice of the Spirit as he shed light on deep truths about the nature of the Church, showing that all believers in Christ were far closer than they could imagine, all journeying towards the one Lord, all sustained and supported by his grace.
Triginta transierunt anni ex quo Ecclesiae catholicae Episcopi, in Concilio coadunati, non paucis aliarum Ecclesiarum Communitatumque ecclesialium adstantibus fratribus, Spiritus vocem exaudierunt qui altas veritates collustrabat de Ecclesiae natura, sic patefaciens in Christo credentes multo inter se esse propinquiores quam suspicari possent, omnes ad Dominum iter facientes unum, omnes eadem eius gratia fulcitos et
Neither age nor sex was exempt from peril. Slaves and the free-born populace alike were suddenly cut off, amid the wailings of wives and children, who were often consumed on the very funeral pile of their friends by whom they had been sitting and shedding tears.
sed domus corporibus exanimis, itinera funeribus complebantur; non sexus, non aetas periculo vacua; servitia perinde et ingenua plebes raptim extingui, inter coniugum et liberorum lamenta, qui dum adsident, dum deflent, saepe eodem rogo cremabantur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tears for Germanicus even strangers will shed; vengeance must come from you, if you loved the man more than his fortune.
flebunt Germanicum etiam ignoti: vindicabitis vos, si me potius quam fortunam meam fovebatis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Paul VI, like Leo XIII before him in Rerum Novarum[35], knew that he was carrying out a duty proper to his office by shedding the light of the Gospel on the social questions of his time[36].
Paulus VI, perinde ac olim Leo XIII in Litteris encyclicis Rerum novarum [35], sibi erat conscius se suas partes tueri, cum Evangelii in quaestiones suae aetatis sociales lumen effunderet [36]
So they are able to shed unsatisfied needs, reducing their obsessiveness and weariness.
Itaque valent imminuere necessitates non expletas et extenuant fatigationem et
All mourned, but good AEneas mourned the most, / and bitter tears for Amycus he shed, / Gyas, Cloanthus, bravest of his host, / Lycus, Orontes bold, all counted with the lost.
Præcipue pius Aeneas nunc acris Oronti, / nunc Amyci casum gemit et crudelia secum / fata Lyci fortemque Gyan fortemque Cloanthum.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
For the whole of mankind was freed from the slavery of sin by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ as their ransom, and there is no one who is excluded from the benefit of this Redemption: hence the Divine Pastor has one part of the human race already happily sheltered within the fold, the others He declares He will lovingly urge to enter therein: "and other sheep I have, that are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice" (John x. 16).
Omnes enim, quotquot sunt, Iesus Christus a peccati servitute, profuso in pretium suo sanguine, liberavit; nec vero est ullus, qui a beneficiis redemptionis huius exceptione excludatur: itaque genus humanum divinus Pastor partim Ecclesiae suae caulis iam feliciter inclusum habet, partim se eodem compulsurum amantissime affirmat: Et alias oves habeo, quae non sunt ex hoc ovili: et illas oportet me adducere, et vocem meam audient [2]. — Equidem, non vos hoc celabimus, venerabiles Fratres: ante omnia, divina certe benignitate excitatum, sensimus in animo incredibilem quemdam studii et amoris impetum ad cunctorum salutem hominum quaerendam; atque illud ipsum fuit Nostrum in Pontificatu suscipiendo votum, quod Iesu, mox crucem subeuntis, fuerat: Pater sancte, serva eos in nomine tuo, quos dedisti mihi [3]
Ever since the start of my ministry as Successor of Peter, I have spoken of the need to rediscover the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ.
Inde a Nostro incohato ministerio veluti Petri Successor necessitatem memoravimus fidei iter denuo detegendi ut in lucem laetitia et renovatum studium Christum conveniendi liquidius usque
The aim is to embrace the human family, shedding light with the conviction that understanding the world's problems and possibilities moves us towards solutions."
Propositum est familiam humanam amplecti, lumen tam adhibens ut difficultates facultatesque mundi nos ad explicationes moveant."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With the intention of shedding light on the conflict which had arisen between capital and labour, Pope Leo XIII affirmed the fundamental rights of workers.
Cum instituisset certamen illustrare, quod factum erat inter caput pecuniae et opus, Leo XIII opificum iura fundamentalia
The specific purpose of the present Encyclical is this: to set forth, with regard to the problems being discussed, the principles of a moral teaching based upon Sacred Scripture and the living Apostolic Tradition,12 and at the same time to shed light on the presuppositions and consequences of the dissent which that teaching has met.
Hoc est proprium argumentum harum Litterarum Encyclicarum, quibus exponere cupimus de agitatis quaestionibus rationes institutionis moralis, Sacris Litteris nisae et viva apostolica Traditione (Cfr. Dei Verbum, 10), in luce ponentes antecedentia et consecutiones contentionum quae eiusmodi institutionem
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