shine oor Latyn


/ʃaɪn/, /ˈʃɑɪn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(intransitive) To emit light.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


to be immediately apparent


[ lūceō ]
to emit light
It was night. But a full moon was shining.
Nox erat. Sed luna plena lucebat.


to distinguish oneself

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Shine (film)

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Soortgelyke frases

shine at intervals
shine a little
shine forth|out
And light shines in the darkness
et lux in tenebris lucet
shining-blue kingfisher
bean|shine forth
shining|bright|clear white
shine out
effulgeo · eluceo · eniteo · reluceo
begin to shine
dilucesco · inlucesco · lucesco · lucisco · nitesco · splendesco


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Such communion is the very mystery of the Church, as the Second Vatican Council recalls in the celebrated words of Saint Cyprian: "The Church shines forth as 'a people made one with the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit'"(52).
Huiusmodi communio ipsum est Ecclesiae mysterium, ut recte Concilium Vaticanum II meminit, celeberrima illa verba adhibens Sancti Cypriani: “Sic apparet universa Ecclesia sicut «de unitate Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti plebs adunata»” (Lumen Gentium, 4)
In undertaking his ministry, the new Pope knows that his task is to bring the light of Christ to shine before the men and women of today: not his own light but that of Christ.
Suum ideo ministerium suscipiens Pontifex novus probe intellegit opus suum esse ut refulgere sinat coram viris ac mulieribus hodiernis Christi lucem: non suam, verum Christi ipsius
The sun is shining in the sky.
Sol in caelo splendit.tatoeba tatoeba
All Bishops, in fact, must promote and defend the unity of faith and the discipline which is common to the whole Church, and foster every activity which is common to the whole Church, especially in efforts to increase faith and to make the light of truth shine on all people.(
Etenim omnes Episcopi fidei unitatem ac cunctae Ecclesiae communem disciplinam promovere ac tueri itemque quamque operam universae Ecclesiae communem provehere debent, quibus opera est potissimum danda ut fides adolescat et cunctis hominibus plenae veritatis lux oriatur.(
Instead of evil being unleashed within man, the light shines victorious: suffering—without ceasing to be suffering—becomes, despite everything, a hymn of praise.
Pravitas in hominem non invehitur, immo vincit lux: dolores – etsi dolores esse non desinunt – fiunt tamen canticum
And is it not the Church's task to reflect the light of Christ in every historical period, to make his face shine also before the generations of the new millennium?
Nonne Ecclesiae est officium Christi in unoquoque historiae aevo lucem referre, efficere ut ipsius vultus etiam coram novi millennii generationibus splendeat?
Thus under the favour of the powerful Virgin, the glorious vanquisher of all heresies, the forces of the wicked were destroyed and dispersed, and faith issued forth unharmed and more shining than before.
Sic, favente Virgine, gloriosa haeresum omnium victrice, vires impiorum labefactatae et perfractae, salva quam plurimis et incolumis
Star of the Sea, shine upon us and guide us on our way!
Maris stella, illumina nos nosque itinerantes
Is the sun shining?
Splendetne sol?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Conscious of this sacred duty of the ministers of Jesus Christ to shine before men as teachers of virtue, first by example and then by word, so that they really become "the salt of the earth,...the light of the world"(4) from the first centuries the Church has shown particular care for the instruction and education of youth destined for the priesthood.
Quam ob rem cum Ecclesia sibi conscia esset ad Christi Iesu administrorum officium pertinere, coram hominibus se magistros virtutis primum exemplis editis tum elicitis verbis praestare, ut re ipsa sal terrae ... et ... lux mundi (Mt 5,13-14) fιerent, iam inde a primis suae vitae saeculis singulariter cavit, ut adulescentes ad sacerdotium nitentes bene instituerentur et
Crowned in glory – as she appears in the last glorious mystery – Mary shines forth as Queen of the Angels and Saints, the anticipation and the supreme realization of the eschatological state of the Church.
Gloria ad extremum coronata — quemadmodum postremo patet in glorioso mysterio — tamquam Angelorum Sanctorumque resplendet Regina veluti anticipatio et consummatio eschatologici Ecclesiae
They also invite other creatures to join us in this praise: “Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars!
Sed alias quoque creaturas ad laudem invitant: “Laudate eum, sol et luna, laudate eum, omnes stellae
The sun is shining.
Sol lucet.tatoeba tatoeba
19. But that most precious gem with which, one hundred years ago, the sacred diadem of the Blessed Virgin was adorned, seems to Us today to shine with brighter light, since by Divine providence it fell to Our lot, toward the close of the Jubilee Year of 1950 - We recall it with gratitude - to define that the Mother of God was assumed body and soul into Heaven; and thus to satisfy the wishes of the faithful, which had been more urgently expressed after the solemn definition of the Immaculate Conception.
Ac videtur nobis praetiosissima huiusmodi gemma, qua centum abhinc annos sacrum Beatae Mariae Virginis diadema distinctum fuit, splendidiore hodie luce refulgere, cum divino Providentiae Dei consilio auspicato Nobis contigerit ut, ad exitum vergente Iubilaeo Maximo, anno MDCCCCL — gratissima Nostrum subit memoria animum — almam Dei Genetricem definiremus animo fuisse et corpore in Caelum assumptam; atque ita christiani populi votis satisfaceremus, quae quidem iam tum peculiari modo nuncupata fuere, cum intaminatus Virginis conceptus sollemniter sancitus
Eph 4:15) and on the Church's life of holiness, in which there shines forth the truth about the good brought to its perfection.
Eph. 4, 15), de vita sanctitatis Ecclesiae, in qua refulget veritas boni usque ad perfectionem
Shining brightly among the little ones to whom the secrets of the kingdom were revealed in a most special way is Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, a professed nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, the 100th anniversary of whose entry into the heavenly homeland occurs this year.
Inter parvulos, quibus praecipue Regni sunt reclusa mysteria, elucet Teresia a Iesu Infante et a Sacro Vultu professa monialis Ordinis Carmelitarum Excalceatarum, cuius centenaria hoc anno in caelestem patriam ingressionis repetitur
Therefore, may the Marian festival of Guayaquil shine forth with a certain new splendour, at which St Augustine, amazed, exclaimed: "For whose mind suffices to think, whose tongue suffices to declare not only that in the beginning was the Word who had no beginning of being born, but also that the Word was made flesh choosing a virgin whom he would make his mother, making the mother whom he would preserve a virgin...
Fulgeat igitur Guayaquilii novo quodam splendore mariale mysterium, ad quod stupens Sanctus Augustinus exclamavit: « Cuius enim mens ad cogitandum, cuius ad enuntiandum lingua sufficiat, non solum quod in principio erat Verbum, non habens ullum nascendi principium; verum etiam quod Verbum caro factum est, eligens virginem quam sibi faceret matrem, faciens matrem quam servaret et virginem
If we then contemplate the Virgin of Nazareth in the halo of her prerogative and of her virtues, we will see her shine before our eyes as the "New Eve,"(39) the exalted daughter of Sion, the summit of the Old Testament and the dawn of the New, in which "the fullness of time"(40) was realized, which was preordained by God for the mission in the world of His only-begotten Son.
Si ergo humilem Nazarethanam Virginem spectamus, hoc genus proprietatum virtutumque luce renidentem, eam conspicimus veluti novam Evam (39), veluti excelsam Filiam Sion, Veteris culmen Novi que Foederis auroram, in qua illa facta est plenitudo temporis (40), a Deo Patre praestituta, ut Unigenitum Filium suum in hunc mundum
Therewith the royal sceptre, which of yore / Ilione, Priam's eldest daughter, bore; / her shining necklace, strung with costly beads, / and diadem, rimmed with gold and studded o'er / with sparkling gems. Thus charged, Achates heeds, / and towards the ships forthwith in eager haste proceeds.
Praeterea sceptrum, Ilione quod gesserat olim, / maxima natarum Priami, colloque monile / baccatum, et duplicem gemmis auroque coronam. / Haec celerans, iter ad naves tendebat Achates.tatoeba tatoeba
The principal mark of honor, of course, is the right to have the Cross carried in front of the kings in public procession as the most shining symbol of the Apostolate; this is in order to show that the Hungarian nation and its kings glory only in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ and that in this sign, they are accustomed always to fight for the Catholic faith and to be victorious."( 2)
Quale est illud in primis sane honorificum, quod ante reges, quando prodeunt in publicum, tamquam splendidissimum Apostolatus insigne, Crux praeferatur, idque ut ostendatur Hungaricam nationem atque eius reges gloriari unice in Cruce
Many stars shine in the sky.
Multae stellae in caelo micant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Thus, in the Holy Spirit-Paraclete, who in the mystery and action of the Church unceasingly continues the historical presence on earth of the Redeemer and his saving work, the glory of Christ shines forth, as the following words of John attest: "He [the Spirit of truth] will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you."
Quam ob rem in Spiritu Sancto Paraclito, qui in mysterio et actione Ecclesiae praesentiam historicam Redemptoris in terra eiusque opus salvificum sine intermissione continuat, effulget gloria Christi, ut subsequentibus verbis sancti loannis declaratur: « Ille (id est Spiritus) me clarificabit, quia de meo accipiet et annuntiabit vobis » (25)
lūceō, lūcēre, lūxīlangbot langbot
Very rapidly did the light of the Gospel shine upon the savage tribes discovered by the Ligurian.
Certo repertis ab homine Ligure gentibus, etiam tum agrestibus, evangelium maturrime
44) Thus, at the present time, when the interests of God are being more and more neglected in the various fields of human activity, the priest must shine forth in the world as another Christ and a "man of God."( 45)
Quo enim magis nostrae aetatis homines omnia ad Deum pertinere oblivisci videntur, eo magis ut alter Christus et homo Dei (1 Tim 6,11) debet in mundo enitere
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